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新年特别刊2024-2025学年 Vol.4Campus ...

新年特别刊2024-2025学年 Vol.4Campus News资讯NEWS时光荏苒,转眼2024已迎来尾声。回顾2024,我们有收获、有感动。在过去的一年里,我们拼搏奋进,不仅在学术领域收获了*、奖项的认可;有更多的同学充分发挥热爱,在不同的领域闪闪发光。在过去的一年里,我们携手前行,通过丰富多彩的校内外活动,在师生间搭建起了心与心的桥梁,构建了和谐、平等的国际部社区,让花成花、让树成树,让每一名同学遵循独特的个性发展。值此辞旧迎新的时节,让我们以月度关键词的形式展开回忆,再次回顾这不平凡的一年。上下滑动图片▽获取实外国际部24-25申请季回顾▽

1月辞旧迎新 / Welcome the New Year承前启后,继往开来。1月,我们辞旧迎新,以一场精彩的迎新年活动,为新一年的开启积攒力量。同学们调整精神面貌,以*好的姿态迎来了这个充满希望的年份。In January, we said goodbye to the old year and rang in the new year, gathering strength for the new year with a wonderful New Year event. Students adjusted their mental outlook and embraced this hopeful year with their best attitudes.>>Swipe left for English

2月新年新气象 / New Semester2月,新学期开启。在浓重年味的余韵里,我们以一场“向快乐出发”为名的开学典礼,开启了新年第一学期的征程。同学们整理心情,带着寒假中的收获与感悟,以完美的状态回归了校园生活。February, in the atmosphere of the Lunar New Year, we kicked off the journey of the first semester this year with a school opening ceremony named Run for Happiness. With the insights gained during the winter vacation, students embarked on a new learning period.>>Swipe left for English

3月活力春日 / School Life3月,春暖花开。在一片生机勃勃中,校园活动全面开展,同学们前往成都市植物园,用一场漫游收获满满的能量;公益小组的同学们前往彭州,用实际行动关注留守儿童的学习生活。在这个月,我们也收到了同学们在学术方面的:A-Level大考经济科目A率、雅思首考8.5......March, students visited the Chengdu Botanical Garden, gained energy through a leisure walk. Members of the school public welfare group went to Pengzhou to care for the left-behind children. This month, we also received good news from students in academics area: In the A-Level economic exam, 100% of the students who took the exam receive an A grade.Theresa scored 8.5 in her first IELTS exam......>>Swipe left for English


4月备战大考 / Prepare for the Exams4月,蓄势待发。为了迎接即将到来的A-Level夏季大考,实外国际部全体师生铆足劲、向前进,充分发挥德育板块家校协同优势,在大考前为同学们建立信心;教学、升学团队也积极开展个性化辅导,帮助同学们调整应试心态。In April, to prepare for the upcoming A-Level exams, all teachers and students in the CEFLS International Department were fully motivated to fight for a high score. All teachers were committed to providing assistance to students based on their different needs.>>Swipe left for English



5月申请季 / Application Season5月,收获季。经过漫长的申请季,实外国际部2024届毕业生不仅突破性地收获了剑桥大学面试邀请,同时也保持了一如既往的申请势头、发挥多国连申的优势,人均收获4份录取,收获多个世界排名靠前院校优势录取。In May, the application season began with an interview invitation from the Cambridge University.From the data perspective, the graduating class of 2024 received an average of 4 admission offers per person and performed exceptionally well during the application season.>>Swipe left for English



6月毕业季 / Graduation Season锦瑟年华,乘风而上。又一年盛夏,毕业季悄然临近。伴着阵阵蝉鸣,毕业生们挥别青春年少的稚嫩,与相伴1000多个日夜的师长、朋友告别。在考试季的紧张余韵中,同学们完成了爱丁堡公爵国际奖银奖的徒步挑战,在海拔3400m+的康定格西草原,经历了3天2夜的户外徒步之旅。In June, the class of 2024 said goodbye to their teachers and classmates, and moved forward towards their bright future. Before the final exams, students from the CEFLS International Department completed an outdoor hiking challenge, crossing the Gexi Grassland in Kangding, which is at an elevation above 3400 meters, in two days and three nights.>>Swipe left for English

7月多彩假期 / Summer Vacation7月,暑假时光正式开启。带着老师们精心布置的假期任务,同学们利用两个月的假期充分进行自我探索。同学们用脚步丈量世界,充分探索世界;以热爱指引行动,向内探索自身,度过了收获满满的假期时光。In July, summer vacation began.Students explored the world through travel and participated in many activities that they were interested in, spending a fruitful holiday time.>>Swipe left for English

8月学术成果 / Academic Achievements8月,学术成果展现。随着大考*陆续出炉,同学们在A-Level大考中延续了超高得A率,并且在数学、高数、经济等科目上,获得远超全球平均的得A率。在IGCSE大考中,多名同学获得多门科目满分,以80%的整体优秀率,同学们都获得了自己满意的*。利用假期参加语言考试的同学,也顺利朝着自己的目标分数前进......In August, students achieved excellent academic results. In the A-Level exam, students" A rates in mathematics, advanced mathematics, and economics far exceed the global average. In the IGCSE exam, multiple students achieved full marks in multiple subjects and all students obtained satisfactory results. Students who took the IELTS exam during summer vacation also achieved ideal results.>>Swipe left for English


9月新学期开学 / Welcome the New Semester9月,在老师们准备的创意课堂中,同学们的校园生活步入正轨。选修课上新,从腰旗橄榄球、舞蹈等创意运动课程,到手工、音乐等人文艺术课程,再到高数、计算机等兴趣课程,同学们在日常课程之外,拥有了拓展兴趣、培养技能的机会。初建成的实外国际部腰旗橄榄球小队,参加了市级赛事,拿下了全……的好*;学生会招新工作全面开启,学生工作迎来了全新的阶段。In September, the CEFLS International Department introduced new elective courses, including flag football, dance, handicrafts, music, computer science and other new courses.All student activities in the school had been carried out smoothly, and the campus life of students was rich and colorful.>>Swipe left for English

10月申请季开启 / Begining of 25fall10月,申请季正式开启。随着第*封来自华威大学的录取通知书的到来,实外国际部2025届申请季正式开启。3金1银1铜,在英国高级数学竞赛(UKMT-SMC)中,同学们拿下了亮眼的*。从校园环创大赛到微光公益活动,同学们的校园生活精彩纷呈。With the arrival of the first offer from the University of Warwick, the 2025 application season began.In the UK Advanced Mathematics Competition (UKMT-SMC), students achieved excellent results with 3 gold medals, 2 silver medals, and 1 bronze medal.From campus environmental innovation competitions to public welfare activities, students" campus life in October were full of excitement.>>Swipe left for English


11月剑桥大学面邀 / Interview Invitation11月,喜讯不断。实外国际部Jason同学收获了来自剑桥大学数学专业的面试邀请,实国学子连续两年收获这所世界院校的青睐。人均3枚录取offer,世界百强学校录取*,全英专业录取*......2024-2025录取季获得闪耀开局。ASDAN模拟商赛团队银奖,全组晋级全国赛;IGCSE大考生物、......学术喜讯纷至沓来。In November, Jason form the CEFLS International Department received an interview invitation for the prestigious Mathematics program at the University of Cambridge.In this month, the CEFLS International Department has achieved:·An average of 3 offers per student·A 100% admission rate to top 100 universities worldwide·A 100% admission rate to top 20 programs in the UKIn the ASDAN Business Simulation Competition, teams form the CEFLS International Department showcased outstanding business skills and teamwork, earning awards such as the Top Trading Teams, Operational excellence Award, and Prototype Award.>>Swipe left for English

12月圆满尾声 / Happy Ending12月,高光开局。在2024“回响中国”腾讯新闻教育频道国际化学校发展论坛上,实外国际部负责人李天宇博士荣获“2024年度国际化教育榜样人物”荣誉。实外国际部腰旗橄榄球小队,在四川省青少年腰旗橄榄球公开赛中,成功拿下U18组别亚军,晋升全……。摘星揽月,实外国际部在2024年培生爱德思中国合作学校年会上,凭借扎实的办学实力与突出的学术成果,斩获摘星揽月奖......在源源不断的中,2024年迎来圆满的尾声。In December, at the 2024 "Echoing China" Tencent News Education Channel International School Development Forum, Dr. Li Tianyu, the head of CEFLS International Department, was honored as the "2024 International Education Role Model".The flag football team of the CEFLS International Department successfully won the silver medal in the 2024 Sichuan Youth Flag Football Open.At the 2024 Pearson Edexcel China Annual Conference, the CEFLS International Department won the Outstanding Pearson School Award 2024 with its solid educational strength and outstanding academic achievements.>>Swipe left for English


陈老师 @实验外国语


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