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11月月报2024-2025学年 Vol.3Campus ...

11月月报2024-2025学年 Vol.3Campus News资讯NEWS“王曼华爱”学校offer纷至沓来!阿斯丹模拟商赛小队晋级全国赛!学术成果闪光,Theresa拿下IG全球第*!01录取动态 / Admission Updates在月初Jason同学斩获剑桥大学数学专业面试邀请以来,实外国际部本月新增23封录取,其中曼彻斯特大学1封、伦敦国王学院1封、华威大学2封、布里斯托大学3封、伯明翰大学6封、南安普顿大学6封、谢菲尔德大学2封、兰卡斯特大学2封。截至目前,实外国际部2025届毕业生:人均手握3封offer世界百强学校录取*全英专业录取*更多录取正在路上!At the beginning of the month, Jason Li received an interview invitation for the prestigious Mathematics program at the University of Cambridge.CEFLS International Department has added 23 new admissions this month, including one from the Manchester University, one from King"s College London, two from the University of Warwick , three from the University of Bristol, six from the University of Birmingham, six from the University of Southampton, two from the University of Sheffield and two from Lancaster University.As of now, the Class of 2025 has achieved:·An average of 3 offers per student·A 100% admission rate to top 100 universities worldwide·A 100% admission rate to top 20 programs in the UK>>Swipe left for English

点击查看最新录取动态02竞赛喜报 / Competition Succes11月16日-17日,实外国际部两只小队参加了阿斯丹模拟商赛。经过两天激烈紧张的对决,通过拍卖大会、运营决策、商业路演等环节,实外国际部的同学们以出色的商业技能与团队精神,斩获顶级交易团队奖、最佳运营奖、最佳海报奖等多个奖项,其中6名同学获得青年企业家证书、1个小队获得团队银奖,直接晋级全国总决赛,将于1月前往佛山参与全国奖项的竞逐。From November 16 to 17, two teams from the CEFLS International Department  participated in the ASDAN Business Simulation Competition.After two days of intense competition featuring auctions, operational strategies, and business presentations, our students showcased outstanding business skills and teamwork, earning awards such as the Top Trading Teams, Operational excellence Award, and Prototype Award.  Among them, six students were awarded the Young Entrepreneur Certificate, and one team won the Silver Award, securing a spot in the national finals to be held in Foshan this January.>>Swipe left for English

点击查看竞赛回顾03学术成果 / Academic Achievements近期,实外国际部收到了来自英国考试局的:G11的Theresa同学在今年5月的IGCSE全球统考中,生物、化学两个科目获得了全国*高分,荣获培生爱德思卓越学子奖、牛津AQA学生成就奖!在Theresa这份优秀的背后,是实外国际部专业过硬、经验丰富的教师团队为她保驾护航。实外国际部的教师团队人均都有着5-10年的国际课程教学经验,深谙IGCSE、A-Level课程及考试特点,每年都会根据最新考纲调整教学大纲,帮助学生扎实课程基础、提高应试能力。Recently, the CEFLS International Department received exciting news from UK examination boards: Theresa, a Grade 11 student, achieved the highest national scores in Biology and Chemistry in the May IGCSE global exams. She was honored with the Pearson Edexcel Outstanding Learner Award and the Oxford AQA Student Achievement Award!Theresa’s exceptional results are backed by the expertise and dedication of the CEFLS International Department’s teaching team. With 5-10 years of experience on average, our teachers specialize in IGCSE and A-Level curricula and exams. They adjust the teaching syllabus annually based on the latest guidelines, ensuring students build strong academic foundations and excel in assessments.>>Swipe left for English

点击图片查看IG大考喜报04校园生活 / Campus Life

户外拓展为丰富同学们的校园生活、开阔眼界,11月的实外国际部举行了精彩纷呈的校内外活动。为在半期考试后帮助同学们放松身心,11月15日,实外国际部全体同学前往温江留灯营地,开展了秋季户外拓展活动。组队气排球、女王躲避球、盲人剑客,通过一项项活动,同学们在秋末初冬的季节亲近自然、凝聚团队精神、释放青春活力,为下半学期的学习和考试积蓄动力。To enrich students’ lives and broaden their horizons, the CEFLS International Department  hosted a variety of exciting activities in November.On November 15, to help students relax after midterm exams, all students participated in an autumn outdoor activity at Liudeng Camp in Wenjiang. Activities like team volleyball, dodgeball, and blindfold swordplay allowed students to bond with nature, strengthen teamwork, and unleash youthful energy amid the late autumn and early winter scenery, energizing them for the rest of the semester.>>Swipe left for English

升学活动在升学方面,本月,布里斯托大学、香港大学招生相关负责人陆续拜访了实外国际部。布里斯托大学招生官为实外国际部正处于升学阶段的同学们进行了升学分享,介绍了这所QS世界排名第名、英国排名第名的世界著名大学。香港大学招生办主任与实外国际部校区负责人、升学相关负责人进行了会谈,就香港大学的招生政策、招生要求等内容交换了信息,并约定了来校访谈日期。In admissions, representatives from the University of Bristol and the University of Hong Kong visited the CEFLS International Department this month. The University of Bristol’s admissions officer delivered a session for students in the application process, introducing this world-renowned university. Meanwhile, the University of Hong Kong’s admissions director met with campus leaders and admissions counselors to discuss HKU’s admissions policies and requirements, also scheduling an on-campus visit for further interactions>>Swipe left for EnglishEND





陈老师 @实验外国语


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