BILINGUAL NEWS近日,《南华早报》的文章生动地描述了繁华的上海街道挤满了梳着标志性韩式发型、讲韩语的游客的场景:Shanghai appears to have become the new darling for Koreans on a weekend getaway to escape work stress and political turmoil at home, as they swarm the city’s glitzy streets and back alleys.Koreans, speaking their language and donning haircuts and outfits synonymous with Korean fashion, can be seen snapping photos at Instagram-worthy attractions such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, in the Lujiazui financial district and at the Huangpu River promenade.《上海日报》也官方玩起了“沪爷”的梗,说上海街头最近两样东西*拉风,一样是市民们的豪车,一样是发型特征明显的韩国“欧巴”。
图源网络曾经对中国免签政策不以为意的韩国网友,如今坐在羊肉串店里顶着冰凉贴疯狂撸串的韩国游客们纷纷改口:“真香!”爆满的上海生煎馆、海底捞、羊肉串餐厅,只是韩国年轻人疯狂打卡中国的冰山一角。武康路直接成了“韩语听力考场”,每隔几步就能听到韩国游客的欢声笑语。Haidilao, this Chinese hotpot chain is trending on Korean social media. Other restaurants selling local delicacies such as xiaolongbao, or soup dumplings, are also must-tries for Korean travelers.外滩、豫园、新天地更是自带流量密码,甚至普通路牌、霓虹灯都能被拍成Ins风大片。网友直呼:上海终于遇到了懂它的人!数据显示,中国对韩国开放免签后仁川机场爆满,韩国飞中国的航班订单量同比暴涨180%,环比增长超40%。Data from shows that Shanghai has topped the list of the most popular Chinese cities for South Korean tourists. Bookings for trips to Shanghai from South Korea have surged by over 180 percent year-over-year and more than 40 percent compared to a month earlier.上海为何能爆火?为什么上海能超越其他旅游热门城市,背后其实大有门道。首先就是距离近、航班多、机票便宜,从仁川机场坐飞机,1小时55分钟就能到上海,比很多年轻人通勤时间都短。不仅飞行时间短,航线还又多又便宜。Many may have initially assumed that the influx of Korean tourists to Shanghai was driven by sheer convenience. Budget flights from Jeju Island to Shanghai Pudong, costing as little as 300-plus yuan and taking only 90 minutes, make the journey incredibly accessible.
上海每周往返于首尔的航班超过200班,这还不包括釜山、济州岛等地往返上海的航班。According to Skyscanner's data in December, there are more than 200 weekly round-trip flights between Shanghai and Seoul, excluding flights to and from Shanghai from Busan, Jeju Island, and other cities.较短的通勤时间,充足的往返机票,便宜的机票价格,让第一批来中国旅游的韩国年轻人,都把上海当成了新手村。他们没想到的是,新手村就让人如此上头,上海几乎可以满足他们对旅游所有的想象。好吃的、好玩的、网红的、出片的......应有尽有。上海繁华现代的摩天大楼和十里洋场的古朴建筑的强烈反差,这对于“颜值为王”的韩国人来说,就是天然的“网红写真摄影棚”。在他们的社交平台上,与东方明珠的合照基本是人手一张。Koreans, who speak their language and wear haircuts and outfits synonymous with Korean fashion, can be seen snapping photos at Instagram-worthy attractions such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, in the Lujiazui financial district and Huangpu River promenade.
图源网络很多人没想到,仅仅是中国的水果就能给韩国游客们一些小小的震撼了。上海的海底捞凭着极为丰富的小料台和免费水果,成为韩国人的打卡圣地。Haidilao, known for a wide array of free snacks and attentive services, is another sensational hit.在美食、美景的杀招下,大兜小兜的上海特产和迪士尼伴手礼在韩国年轻人的vlog中出镜率相当高。和其他外国游客一样,一些韩国博主,把这些超预期的体验,拍下来发到外网上,取一个“震惊体”的标题,轻松收获几百万播放。Koreans, who speak their language and wear haircuts and outfits synonymous with Korean fashion, can be seen snapping photos at Instagram-worthy attractions such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, in the Lujiazui financial district and Huangpu River promenade.旅游爆火的背后2024年11月8日,中国正式扩大免签国家范围,韩国成为其中之一。这一政策点燃了韩国网友的旅游热情。对许多韩国人来说,曾经因繁琐签证流程望而却步的中国,如今成了周末说走就走的旅行。Koreans, who speak their language and wear haircuts and outfits synonymous with Korean fashion, can be seen snapping photos at Instagram-worthy attractions such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, in the Lujiazui financial district and Huangpu River promenade.为了迎接外国游客,我们也一直在用心提升外国游客的旅游体验。过去外国人用不了的扫码支付,现在解决了;
图源网络Koreans, who speak their language and wear haircuts and outfits synonymous with Korean fashion, can be seen snapping photos at Instagram-worthy attractions such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, in the Lujiazui financial district and Huangpu River promenade.过去外国人会被一些酒店以“不具备涉外资格”为由拒之门外,现在这一问题也得到了解决。In the past, foreigners would be turned away by some hotels on the grounds that they "did not have foreign-related qualifications", but this problem has now been solved.很多旅游服务行业,也都围绕外国游客需求升级。上海有了越来越多扫码点单后便可以查看翻译后的韩语菜单的餐厅。
图源网络韩国网红更是火力全开,各种“真香视频”席卷社交平台:“花5万韩元住五星酒店,还能吃海鲜大餐!”“去中国迪士尼的路上偶遇网红咖啡店,谁懂!”视频流量爆表,直接带火“周末中国游”的热潮。免签不只是政策,更是一场年轻人文化的双向奔赴。真实的快乐,是撕开偏见*锋利的刀。在旅游、体验和热情的交融中,双方都找到了彼此间更多的美好与可能。来源:中国日报双语新闻 金错刀 South China Morning Post SHINE等—— END ——【声明】内容整理自网络,版权归原作者或平台所有,由星度小编进行综合整理,如有侵权请联系删除。欢迎大家关注我们的新媒体平台: 微信公众号:星度国际翻译微信公众号:星度外语微信公众号:星度环球文化小红书:星度环球留学小红书:星度环球语言微博:星度环球文化微博:星度国际翻译知乎:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度环球文化