


这是不是你备考口语的日常:Part 3很词穷?雅思口语Pa...

这是不是你备考口语的日常:Part 3很词穷?雅思口语Part3准不准备好像都差不多?今天小曼老师来教教你如何备考Part3,快来学习吧 备考的同学们都知道,雅思口语考试分三部分:第一部分是简单的日常交流第二部分是考生的个人独白第三部分是对第二部分话题的深入讨论难度依次递增。从备考角度来看,如果想口语冲6.5分及以上,那么*好备考重点放在Part 3上(当然前提是你 Part 1 &2 基本准备得差不多了)。大部分同学觉得P3这个部分很难,难在问题会比Part 1 抽象很多。考官会根据你的回答随机发问,即使是同一个考官,同一个话题,面对不同考生,可能问题都不同,造成无话可说或者观点含糊不清的窘境,因此很多人都栽在Part 3,考了好多次都很难有所突破。下面就给大家分享一些如何准备Part 3的口语内容~01积累话题观点素材因此如果你在P3经常觉得无话可说,那你一定要提前去积累部分话题的素材。比如很多烤鸭常常被问到某些东西有哪些优缺点,比如电子书和纸质书各自的优点等等。这里来举个例子:比如电子书的优点好处1:更快获取信息It is more convenient for people to access information(获取信息)from anywhere andat any time. For example, people can easily read e-books or articles on their smartphones or tablets while commuting (通勤) , waiting in line, or traveling, without needing to carry heavy physical books or newspapers with them.好处2:环保A further advantage of using electronic devices to access information is that it reduces the environmental impact of paper production and disposal(废纸处理). Producing paper requires the harvesting of trees, which can contribute to deforestation(森林砍伐)and habitat destruction.纸质书的优点原因1:切实性和感官体验Unlike digital books, printed books are tangible(可触摸的),physical objects that can be held, smelled, and touched. Many people enjoy the sensory experience (感官体验)of holding a book in their hands and flipping through its pages (翻页) ,which can enhance their reading experience.原因2:历史和文化意义Printed books have played a significant role in human history and culture for centuries, and many people value their physical presence and historical significance. Printed books often hold sentimental or emotional value, as they can be passed down through generations and serve as tangible links to the past.02分类思考-拓展思路很多在Part3中的问题类型,即便是在生活中用中文询问,大多数人可能都需要稍微思考一下才会回答。那如果开启英文作答就会显得更加局促,又因为有时间限制,所以回答起来就会非常直白,没有任何逻辑和思维技巧,特别像流水账。所以,在回答Part3时,可以用一些技巧,提高回答的逻辑结构,延长回答的时长。就例如像观点类问题(Do you think ...?),可以就不同人群/年龄/城市等分类来分别回答。用一个例子来展示一下:Do you think it is good to make friends online?大多数人都曾经在网络上交过朋友,但是回答的时候就忽然没有思路,其实这个题隐含的对象,就是for people, 就是对于所有人而言的。所以,我们就可以把这里针对的对象分成:对年轻人怎么交朋友/对老年人怎么交朋友打开思路,也就有很多话来表达:Maybe young people prefer to make friends online because they can make some interesting friends, but as for old people, they are not into online dating, because they are not good at using mobile phones or social apps.针对part1 和part3的很多问题,都可以用这种拆解的思路来回答。其实不管哪个Part,雅思口语必须有原始素材积累,固定的输入素材+多输出练习表达,才能提高自己的表达能力。

S老师 @曼哈顿英语


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