图片源自:Pexels避免陈词滥调根据《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》,“cliche”的意思是“a phrase or an idea that has been used so often that it no longer has much meaning and is not interesting”,即,“陈词滥调;陈腐的套话”。很多时候,这样的“套句”对文章是没有实际意义。雅思写作中常见的“cliche”包括:● As we all know that…● Every coin has two sides.● It cannot be denied that …● This is a highly controversial issue about…● First and foremost, …● Without doubt …● There is a heated debate about …● There are pros and cons …避免缩略词英语的正式文体规定不能使用缩略词,一定要将其完整形态写出来,比如:● shouldn’t → should not● can’t → cannot[中间没有空格]● don’t → do not● haven’t → have not● ’ll → will避免性别词汇这点很容易被大家忽略,以下是一些常见的错误表达及对应的正确表达方法:? When a person listens to soft music, he or she will feel relaxed. ? When people listen to soft music, they will feel relaxed. ? If men do not start to protect the environment, their lives will be detrimentally impacted. ? If people do not start to protect the environment, their lives will be detrimentally impacted. 注意:小作文中男女对比的情况下可以使用man/men或woman/women。
图片源自:Pexels避免化雅思写作中的词包括:● every● never● must● perfect● best● worst● most以上这些词语尽量不要在写作中使用。避免使用“YOU”雅思写作中,可以使用人称代词,如:“I”,“my”,“me”,“mine”,“they”,“them”,“it”,“its”,“their”,“theirs”;? *好不使用“we”,“us”,“our”,“ours”;? 不能使用“you”,“your”,“yours”。eg.? If governments build railway and subway lines, you will not use your private cars. ? If governments build railway and subway lines, people will not use their private cars. 避免强化词强化词会使你的观点显得太,不具有信服力。话不多说,直接来看例句↓↓? The new neck brace prototype was very promising because of its superb comfort and lean production cost. ? The new neck brace prototype was promising because of its comfort and lean production cost.避免口语和俚语表达以下这些口语化表达,不适合于写作这种书面正式文体,所以要避免:● Last but not the least …● In a nutshell …● At the end of the day …● cost an arm and a leg ..● kids● reckon ● a bit● a lot of/lots of/a couple of● till避免使用连词断句像and, but, or 或者 so这种简单的连词,放句子开头显得较口语化,不太正式。来看看2个例句:? Some people believe that living in big cities is harmful to people’s health. But in my opinion, it is not true. ? Some people believe that living in big cities is harmful to people’s health. In my opinion,however, it is not true.? Learning history is beneficial to high school students. So, I think that history should be a compulsory subject in high school. ? Learning history is beneficial to high school students. Therefore, I think that history should be a compulsory subject in high school.避免数字单词混用在雅思小作文中,十以下的数字(非图中数据)需要写单词,如:? The bar chart illustrates changes in the percentage of university students in 3 countries in Europe. ? The bar chart illustrates changes in the percentage of university students in three countries in Europe.避免粘粘句在雅思写作举例时,很多人都习惯在句子结尾加上“...等等”,以代表丰富性,但其实这种表达是多余的。eg.? Public transport includes vehicles for public use on the roads, airways,waterways, etc.? Public transport includes vehicles for public use, such as, trains and aeroplanes.? Nurses must take into consideration patients’ dietary needs resulting from allergies, medication, medical conditions and so on.? Nurses must take into consideration patients’ dietary needs resulting from allergies, medication and medical conditions.以上的10个Donts建议大家收藏一下,在平时练习时,写完作文可以拿出来对照一下自己有没有犯以上提到的那些问题。当然*好是能够熟记于心,等到正式考试时就能避免出现这些不必要的扣分点。