
“sit down with you”不是“和你坐一起”,理解错了会很尴尬!


如果外国人突然跟你说“sit down with you”...

如果外国人突然跟你说“sit down with you”,你的第*反应是什么?他要和你坐一起?“sit down”的意思是“坐下”,但是如果后面加上“with sb”,整个的意思就变成了“和某人讨论”。所以,“sit down with you”真正的意思是“和你一起讨论”,这种交流一般比较严肃。这可能是职场上面经常会遇到的表达,如果理解错了意思,就有点尴尬了。sit down with 和某人讨论To get that direction, you need to sit down with your executives to determine the kind of information they want. 为了获得该方向,您需要与主管一起讨论确定他们需要的信息类型。The first step, we are told, was to sit down with representatives from the insurance and pharmaceutical industries to work out a deal. 第一步,我们必须与来自保险和医药行业的代表一起协商,达成一个方案。Have a sit-down with her and tell her what the problem is.和她坐下来认真地谈一次,告诉她问题在哪里。

图片源自:Pexels还有一个类似的表达“sit down and do sth”,中文意思是“坐下来讨论”。I think we should sit down and talk about this.我认为我们应该坐下来讨论一下这件事。很多人在说“请坐”的时候,“Please sit down”张口就来,但其实“Please sit down”既不礼貌也不常用。“please”虽然有“请”的意思,但是如果放在句首,一般会带有命令的语气,放在句中、句末、礼貌程度是逐渐加强的。那我们经常说的“请坐”,在英语中到底怎样说才地道呢?Take a seat.Have a seat.当然,如果非要加“please”也是可以的,但记住一定要加在句末。“请坐”还有一种说法叫“Please be seated”,但要注意的是这个表达一般用在某个活动、集会上,比如主持人、校长发言完毕后会请大家坐下。平时的话,大家尽量还是不要用。

图片源自:Pexels“sit”*常见的意思就是“(使)坐,(使)坐下,(使)就座”。但是除此之外,它还有以下几种意思,可以了解一下。① to be a model for a painter, photographer, etc.(为画家、摄影师等)做模特Monet"s wife sat for him many times.莫奈的妻子多次给他做模特。② to stay in one place for a long time and not be used保持不动;闲置不用The encyclopedia sits on my shelf at home, gathering dust.那本百科全书搁在我家的书架上,落满了灰尘。③ to be in a particular position坐落在,位于The town sits at/in the bottom of a valley.村庄位于谷底。④ (of clothes) to fit someone in a particular way(衣服)合身That coat sits very well on you.你穿那件外套很合身。⑤ to hold an official meeting of a committee, court, etc.(议会、法庭等)开会,开庭The court will sit tomorrow morning.法庭将于明天上午开庭。⑥ to take an exam参加考试After I"ve sat my exams, I"m going on holiday.考试结束后,我将去度假。I sat for my exams today.我今天参加考试了。⑦ to be a member of an official group成为(官方组织的)成员;(在…中)任职I"m going to be sitting on the committee for one more year.我将再任一年的委员会委员“sit”这个词虽然简单,但是它衍生出的俚语和短语表达却有很多。be sitting pretty 因为有钱而处境好,生活优裕They bought their house while prices were low, so now they"re sitting pretty.他们在房价很低时买下了自己的房子,所以他们现在生活得很舒适。sit on one"s hands 不鼓掌,(对演出、报告、发言等)反应冷淡或产生反感They sat on their hands from the beginning till the end of this show.他们对这场演出从头至尾反应冷淡。sit on one"s ass/arse 无所事事,袖手旁观(尤指不履行职责)The congressman sat on his ass while the neighborhood hospital deteriorated. 当近在身边的医院情况恶化时,那位众议员却坐视不问。She just sits on her arse all day, while I do all the work.她整天无所事事,而我却要做所有的工作。

图片源自:Pexelssit right/well (with sb) (某人)可接受;受(某人)欢迎Their decision/answer didn"t sit well with the Board of Directors.他们的决定/答案没有得到董事会的认可。sit at someone"s feet 崇拜(某人)I"ve been sitting at the professor"s feet ever since I heard his astounding lecture on quantum mechanics.自从我听了那位教授关于量子力学的令人惊叹的讲座后,就一直很崇拜他。sit in for sb 代替(某人)履行职责;代(某人)出席会议Mr Baker is ill today, so Miss Dixon is sitting in for him (as your teacher).贝克先生今天病了,因此由狄克逊小姐替他(上课)。




钟老师 @长沙海博教育


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