





2025年1月20日上午9:00,美高双语学校召开了德育工作总结大会。2025 年 1 月 20 日上午 9:00,LWS 召开德育工作总结大会。01回顾历程,感恩付出

      本次会议由德育校长罗敦砚主持,他回顾2024-2025学年第一学期的德育工作:学校德育工作推行“三全六制”,全员德育、全程德育、全面德育,岗位责任制、全员导师制、首见负责制、行政导护制、学生自主管理制、家校联系制。      面对复杂的形势、个性各异的学生以及需求多元的家长,全体老师齐心协力,确保了学校工作的有序开展与校园的平安和谐,取得了令人瞩目的*。     罗校长感慨道:“这一路走来,很不简单,很不容易,感谢大家的努力付出与精诚合作 。”同时展望了新学期的德育工作。The conference was presided over by Vice Principal Luo Dunyan, who reviewed the moral education work of the first semester of the 2024-2025 academic year. The school"s moral education work has implemented the "Three-Alls and Six-Systems" approach: all-staff education, whole-process education, and comprehensive education, along with the post responsibility system, all-staff mentorship system, first-encounter responsibility system, administrative guidance system, student self-management system, and home-school communication system.Faced with complex situations, students with diverse personalities, and parents with varied needs, all teachers have worked together to ensure the smooth operation of school work and the safety and harmony of the campus.Principal Luo remarked with emotion, "It has not been an easy journey. It has been very challenging. Thank you all for your hard work and close cooperation!" He also looked forward to the moral education work in the new semester.


     会议中,班主任代表们的发言成为了一大亮点。     小学部老师代表 ——4D 班的周素梅老师,分享了她将原本薄弱的班级成功蜕变的历程。通过不懈努力,该班级在优秀班级评比中,从仅有 1 次获评,一路攀升至 8 次,*斐然。During the conference, the speeches from the class teacher representatives became one of the highlights.The representative of the primary school teachers —— Ms. Zhou Su Mei from Class 4D, shared her journey of successfully transforming her originally underperforming class. Through relentless effort, the class saw a remarkable improvement in the excellence evaluation, rising from only 1 award to 8, achieving outstanding results.

     初中部教师代表 ——8A 班的马林慧老师,则针对高年级学生的复杂性,分享了如何巧妙管理班级,营造积极向上的班级氛围。她们的经验分享,为全体老师提供了宝贵的借鉴,让大家深刻认识到班级管理的无限可能。Therepresentativeof the middle school teachers —— Ms. Ma Linhui from Class 8A,addressedthe complexity ofseniorstudents and shared how to skillfully manage the class and create a positive and uplifting classatmosphere. Their experience provided valuable insights for all teachers, making everyone deeply realize theinfinitepossibilities of class management.

      随后,班主任主管胥丽珍老师从专业角度出发,为班主任的家校联系尤其是班级群的家校沟通工作提供了切实可行的指导与建议。      她认为,与家长建立良好的沟系是班级管理的重要基石,在与家长沟通时,要保持真诚、耐心与专业,及时反馈学生在校的情况,无论是学习上的进步、生活中的点滴,还是面临的挑战,都应及时和家长沟通。要善于倾听家长的声音,了解学生在家的表现与家庭环境,共同商讨适合学生的教育策略。Subsequently, Ms. Xu Lizhen, the head teacher supervisor, provided practical guidance and suggestions for class teachers on home-school communication, especially in class groups, from a professional perspective.She believes that establishing good communication with parents is a crucial foundation for class management. When communicating with parents, it is important to maintain sincerity, patience, and professionalism, and to promptly update them on students" performance at school. This includes academic progress, daily life, and any challenges faced. Teachers should also be good listeners, understand students" home performance and family environment, and jointly discuss educational strategies suitable for the students.


     校长汤菊在讲话中,对全体老师的工作给予了高度肯定与诚挚鼓励。她着重强调,老师是学校的中坚力量,是学生成长道路上*为关键的引路人。在这充满挑战与机遇的教育征程中,每一位老师都肩负着塑造灵魂、培育未来的神圣使命。     汤校长殷切期望老师们进一步明确自身职责,不断提升各方面能力。     在专业素养上,要持续学习教育教学理论,紧跟教育前沿动态,不断更新知识体系,为学生提供更丰富、更优质的教育内容。     在面对工作任务和复杂的问题时,要坚定信念,勇往直前,用自己的实际行动诠释教育的真谛。Principal Tang Ju highlyaffirmedand sincerelyencouragedthe work of all teachers in her speech. Sheemphasizedthat teachers are the backbone of the school and the mostcrucialguides on students" growth journey. In this educational journey filled withchallengesand opportunities, every teacher bears the sacredmissionof shaping souls andcultivatingthe future.Principal Tang earnestly expects teachers to further clarify their responsibilities and continuously enhance their capabilities in all aspects.In terms of professional quality, teachers should keep learning educational theories and stay updated with the latest trends in education, constantly refreshing their knowledge systems to provide students with richer and higher-quality educational content.When facing work tasks and complex issues, teachers should hold firm beliefs, forge ahead, and interpret the essence of education through their actions.


大会还对近期工作做出了明确部署。全体老师需在寒假期间与每位家长进行沟通联系,关注学生寒假动态,并给予针对性的指导建议。       同时,要关心学生完成寒假任务。此外,老师们在寒假期间也要不忘自我提升,利用假期进行知识储备,为新学期的到来做好充分准备 。The conference also made clear arrangements for the upcoming work. All teachers arerequiredto communicate with each parent during the winter vacation, pay attention to students" winter vacation dynamics, and provide targeted guidance and suggestions.At the same time, teachers should also care about students" completion of winter vacationtasks. Additionally, teachers should not forget to improve themselves during the winter vacation, use the holiday toenrichtheir knowledge, and make full preparations for the new semester.


       学校领导对本学期的优秀班级以及老师颁发奖状。对于开学初的工作,学校也做了精心安排。      会议最后,以 “思稳、思危、思变” 为全体老师指明了未来的工作方向。这不仅是对过去工作的总结,更是对未来工作的展望。美高双语学校的全体老师将继续凝心聚力,以爱为舟,以智为桨,在教育的海洋中乘风破浪,为学生的成长成才不懈努力,共同书写美高教育的新篇章!The school leadership presented certificates to the outstanding classes and teachers of this semester. For the initial work of the new semester, the school has also made meticulous arrangements.At the end of the conference, the three words "Think Stability, Think Danger, Think Change" were used to point out the future work direction for all teachers. This is not only a summary of the past work but also a vision for the future. The teachers of LWS Bilingual School will continue to unite and focus, using love as the boat and wisdom as the paddle, to ride the waves in the ocean of education, tirelessly striving for the growth and success of students, and jointly writing a new chapter in LWS education!

朱老师 @上海美高双语学校


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