律回春渐,新元肇启。过去的一年,对于泛洋文华学校意义非凡,学校秉持着 “教育重塑命运” 的核心理念,为学生们搭建通往世界的桥梁,精心打造多路径的学校升学渠道,提供卓越的学术课程体验。让我们一同回首,这一年来TCA值得被铭记的高光时刻。As spring returns, a new year begins. The past year has been a significant one for the TRANSCULTURE ACADEMY, which has built bridges to the future with its core philosophy of ‘Education Reinvents Destiny’, creating multiple pathways to prestigious schools and providing an outstanding academic experience. Now, let"s take a look back at every moment of this year that deserves to be remembered.2024高光时刻
TCA论坛 引领未来教育
2024年3月,我校举办《以终为始的未来教育》——国际教育论坛。牛津AQA考试局东亚区学术负责人、朗思考试大中华区负责人、新加坡国立大学系统科学院招生官、新加坡资深教育专家等国际教育专家汇聚于此,分别从各自领域多角度深入探讨“以终为始”的理念对国际教育的革新与思考,为学生国际教育规划及未来职业发展提供清晰可见的目标。In March 2024, our school organised the ‘Future Education with the End in Mind’ - International Education Forum. Authoritative experts in international education, such as the Academic Leader of Oxford AQA Examinations East Asia, the Leader of LanguageCert Greater China, the Admissions Officer of National University of Singapore (NUS-ISS), and senior education experts in Singapore, gathered here to discuss the innovation and thinking of the concept of ‘Begin with the End in Mind’ on international education, which will help students to plan their international education and future career development. The concept of ‘Beginning with the End in Mind’ has revolutionised international education and provided students with clear goals for their international education planning and future career development.
强势携手 海外学校升学新通道
2024年6月,我校与NCUK英国北方大学联盟举行合作授牌仪式。自此,泛洋文华学校正式成为NCUK在天津地区海外教学中心,这不仅标志着双方建立起紧密合作关系,更为中国学生打开了一扇通往曼彻斯特大学、利兹大学等世界学校的新通道。英国驻华大使馆北方地区合作处主管、英国商会商务促进经理等中英政要、教育界人士共同见证这一重要时刻。In June 2024, a co-operation awarding ceremony was held between our school and NCUK, the Northern Consortium of Universities in the United Kingdom (NCUK). Since then, Pan-Ocean Mandarin School has officially become the first overseas teaching centre of NCUK in Tianjin, which not only marks the establishment of a close partnership between the two sides, but also opens a new channel for Chinese students to enter the world"s most prestigious universities such as the University of Manchester and the University of Leeds.The Head of the Northern Regional Co-operation Office of the British Embassy in Beijing, the Business Promotion Manager of the British Chamber of Commerce and other Chinese and British dignitaries and educators witnessed this important moment.
新加坡顶级私立大学新加坡管理学院SIM六十华诞之际,新加坡驻华大使和新加坡管理学院全球教育校长与各界嘉宾共襄盛举。泛洋文华学校凭借为中国学生提供高质量国际教育所做的努力以及对学生服务所做出的突出贡献。被授予2024年度SIM*佳宣传与学生服务合作伙伴殊荣。On the occasion of the 60th birthday of Singapore"s top private university, Singapore Institute of Management(SIM), the Ambassador of Singapore to China and the President of Global Education of Singapore Institute of Management joined guests from all walks of life to celebrate the occasion. Pan Ocean Mandarin School was honoured with the SIM Best Advocacy and Student Services Partner of the Year 2024 for its efforts in providing quality international education to students in China and for its outstanding contribution to student services. It was awarded SIM"s Best Advocacy and Student Services Partner of the Year 2024.
IMAP全球音乐预科 开启新纪元
IMAP全球音乐预科正式启动,为有艺术才华的学生提供系统完整的专业及语言课程,衔接世界殿堂级高标准的大师课和一站式世界艺术高校升学服务。泛洋文华学校相继与丹麦皇家音乐学院、英国利兹音乐学院等世界艺术院校开展形式各样的演奏会、甄选考试、大师课,帮助中国年轻音乐家了解海外前沿音乐领域,高效衔接海外卓越艺术资源,全面打通世界音乐学府升学通道。IMAP(INTERNATIONAL MUSIC AND ACADEMICS PROGRAM)has been officially launched to provide students with artistic talents with a systematic and complete professional and language programme, articulation to the world"s hallowed and high-standard masterclasses and one-stop services for further study in the world"s leading art colleges and universities.TRANSCULTURE ACADEMY has been conducting recitals, auditions and masterclasses with the Royal Danish Academy of Music, Leeds College of Music and other world-class art schools, helping young Chinese musicians to understand the cutting-edge of overseas music, efficiently connect with outstanding overseas art resources, and comprehensively open up the pathway for further study in the world"s first-class art colleges and universities.???回首这一年,我们见证了学校的蓬勃发展,多路径的学校升学渠道正逐步拓宽,卓越的学术课程体验已深深烙印在每一位学生的成长旅程中。这些重大事件,不仅是学校发展的有力见证,更是我们继续前行的坚实基石。相信在我们共同的努力下,学校必将创造更多辉煌,续写国际教育的壮丽篇章!As we look back on this year, we have witnessed the school"s dynamic development, with multiple pathways to prestigious schools being gradually broadened, and the excellent academic programme experience being deeply imprinted on every student"s growth journey. These significant events are not only a powerful witness to the school"s development, but also a solid foundation for us to continue our journey. We believe that with our joint efforts, the school will create more brilliance and continue to write a magnificent chapter in education!