
大年初七 | 托福学术讨论真题:商业类话题范文解析



点击上方公号卡片,获取更多留学考试资讯托福学术讨论考试如果遇到商业类话题,应该怎么写呢?一起来看看吧!作文题目Your professor is teaching a class on business. Write a post responding to the professor"s question.Doctor-DiazThis week, we are going to discuss companies" policies tor promotion. Companies tend to value different things and set different criteria for determining who deserves a promotion. Criteria for promotion may include employees performance and achievements in their current roles, seniority within the company, years of experience in the field, or even leadership potential. in today"s post, l would like you to discuss which criteria for promotion you see as the most important and explain why.Andrew I believe seniority should be the most important criterion for promotion. Rewarding employees who have been with the company for a long time shows that the company values loyalty and dedication. Long-term employees often have a deep understanding of the company"s culture and processes, which can be invaluable.ClaireI think job performance should be the top criterion for promotions. Rewarding employees for their skills and achievements pushes them to excel in their roles. When people see that their hard work and dedication are recognized, they"re motivated to take the next step in their careers.范文解析In my opinion, performance and achievements in an employee’s current role should be the most important criteria for promotion. Firstly, strong performance demonstrates an employee"s ability to deliver results consistently, which is crucial when taking on more responsibilities in a higher role. Employees who excel in their current tasks are more likely to succeed at a higher level. Secondly, achievements show an individual’s contribution to the company’s success. Employees who consistently meet goals and go beyond expectations prove they have the initiative and drive needed for leadership roles. Focusing on performance ensures promotions are based on merit, rewarding those who contribute the most to the organization’s growth. While seniority, experience, and leadership potential are important, they don’t guarantee success in a new role. Experience may not always translate into strong performance, and leadership potential should be supported by actual results. In conclusion, prioritizing performance and achievements ensures that promotions reward the most capable employees.扫码免费领取2月雅思考试预测题


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