



《哪吒2》中无量仙翁有一句恨铁不成钢的台词:你们要是有妖族一半的努力就好了。万万没想到这事儿居然照进现实!捷克布里迪地区有一个自然保护区,生活着很多动物。因为流经当地的克拉巴瓦河的一条支流消耗了宝贵的湿地水资源,所以从2018年开始,捷克政府就计划在保护区修筑水坝、截留水源以保育湿地。The Brdy Protected Landscape Area (PLA) Administration of the Czech Republic had secured hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of funding to address a bypass gully in the Klabava River, which was draining water out of valuable wetland areas.但是,繁琐的手续和各单位漫长的协商导致这个项目7年都无法动工。连河狸都看不下去这个效率了!于是在大概1月份时,一个大约8只成员的海狸家庭突然赶来,拯救了它。The revitalisation plan had become bogged down in administrative red tape as officials tried to obtain building permits from local authorities in charge of the land.Just as the project appeared dead in the water, a family of about eight European beavers swooped in to save it last month.布里迪自然保护区负责人Bohumil Fi?er透露,就在各单位还在协商解决土地所有权问题的时候,河狸在挖机动土之前就免费修建了一个水坝,他们用牙齿啃断树木,再混合树枝、泥巴等材料,“几乎在一夜之间”创造了理想的环境。不过目前还不清楚这些水坝具体是什么时候建成的,也不清楚建造它们花了多长时间。有专家表示,他并不怀疑河狸出色的建筑天赋,但是它们建造一座真正的水坝可能需要几周的时间。"Nature took its course," Bohumil Fi?er, the head of the Brdy Protected Landscape Area, where the revitalization project was planned, said in the statement. The beavers began working before the excavators could even break ground and had created the ideal environmental conditions "practically overnight".The rodents construct river barriers with trees and branches which they have cut apart with their front teeth, as well with mud, stones and grass. It was not immediately clear specifically when the dams were built and how long it took to build them.

河狸资料图片。图源:Getty Images/Cavan Images RF负责人Fi?er还表示,这将节省3000万捷克克朗(约合人民币910万元),河狸们打造了一个既有池塘还有水道的湿地,而且大约是计划面积的两倍。Fi?er said the estimated savings to the Czech purse reached 30 million Czech koruna. "They built a wetland with pools and canals. The area is roughly twice larger than planned."

河狸建造的大坝对河流生态至关重要,资料图片。图源:捷克自然与景观保护更值得一提的是,河狸们堤坝的选址与专家为保护区规划的地点一致!捷克自然与景观保护局的一位官员表示:“比我们在纸上设计得还好。”Jaroslav Obermajer, branch head of the Czech Nature and Landscape Protection Agency, said of the beaver"s opportune timing: "Beavers always know best. The places where they build dams are always chosen just right – better than when we design it on paper."官方:这合理吗?河狸:河狸!网友:请给河狸结一下工程款。素材来源:中国新闻网 中国青年网 中华网 Metro 卫报 纽约时报 中国日报双语新闻



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