在泛洋文华学校(TCA),我们不仅庆祝传统节日,更以开放的胸怀拥抱世界。元宵节的灯笼点亮了夜空,也映照着学生探索世界的热情;汤圆传递着家的温暖,也代表着全球共融的美好愿景。At TRANSCULTURE ACADEMY, we not only celebrate traditions, but also embrace the world with an open mind. Lanterns at the Lantern Festival light up the night sky and reflect the enthusiasm of students to explore the world; soup dumplings convey the warmth of home and represent the beautiful vision of global integration.
让我们一起跟随TCA老师走进不一样的元宵节,感受传统与现代的交融,见证文化之光照亮未来的无限可能。Let"s follow TCA teachers into a different Lantern Festival, feel the blend of tradition and modernity, and witness the infinite possibilities of cultural light illuminating the future.
BrentTCA学术英语教师元宵节:点亮跨文化对话的契机每个节日都是一次跨文化的对话,每一次对话都是一次全新的成长。在TCA,我们不仅教授学生语言能力,更致力培养学生跨文化理解力。我们鼓励学生用英语讲述自己的文化故事,同时倾听他人的声音。Every festival is a cross-cultural dialogue, and every dialogue is a new growth. At TCA, we not only teach our students language skills, but we also strive to develop cross-cultural understanding. We encourage students to tell their own cultural stories in English while listening to the voices of others.
GlebTCA数学/经济学教师汤圆中的数学之美:从传统到创新教育不仅是知识的传递,更是思维的启迪。就像汤圆的制作需要精确的比例与技巧,学生的成长也需要逻辑与创新的结合。我们鼓励学生在传统中寻找灵感,用数学思维解决现实问题。在TCA学习不仅是计算与公式,更是探索与创造的过程。Education is not only the transmission of knowledge, but also the enlightenment of thinking. Just as the making of soup dumplings requires precise proportions and skills, so does the growth of students require a combination of logic and creativity. We encourage students to find inspiration in tradition and use mathematical thinking to solve real-world problems. Learning at TCA is not only about calculations and formulas, but also about exploration and creativity.
OgnjenTCA生物教师灯笼的光影:照亮全球公民的责任我们注重培养学生的全球视野与社会责任感。就像灯笼的光影交织,科学与人文在这里融合,传统与现代在这里对话。我们鼓励学生关注全球议题,思考如何用自己的知识与行动让世界变得更美好。在这里,每一个学生都是未来的全球公民,他们的光芒将照亮更多人的未来。We focus on cultivating students" global vision and sense of social responsibility. Like the interweaving of light and shadow of a lantern, science and humanities merge here, and tradition and modernity are in dialogue. We encourage students to pay attention to global issues and think about how to make the world a better place with their knowledge and actions. Here, every student is a future global citizen, and their light will illuminate the future of more people.
JabuTCA物理/化学教师元宵节的烟火:化学与环保的平衡元宵节的烟火,是化学反应的绚丽展现,也是我们对环保的思考。我们与学生分享烟火的,同时探讨如何减少其对环境的影响。我们鼓励学生用化学的眼光看待世界,用可持续的思维解决未来挑战。在这里,科学不仅是实验,更是对世界的关怀。The fireworks at the Lantern Festival are a gorgeous display of chemical reactions and our thoughts on environmental protection. We encourage students to take the initiative to study the chemical composition of fireworks while exploring ways to minimise their impact on the environment. We encourage students to see the world through the eyes of chemistry and to think sustainably to solve future challenges. Here, science is not just about experiments, it is about caring for the world.更多元宵节精彩视频请关注TCA官方视频号
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