春风化雨育桃李,百万年薪酬英豪 LWS诚聘奥赛智者
LIVING WORD SHANGHAI在追求卓越的东方明珠之下,上海闵行区民办美高双语学校如一颗璀璨的教育明珠,熠熠生辉。这里,中西文化交融,智慧之光璀璨。今,我校秉承“品德,勤奋,创新”为校训”的古训,特设百万年薪(120万人民币以上),广纳贤才,诚邀数学、物理、化学、生物、信息科技五大的奥赛智者加盟,共筑教育梦想,引领学子遨游知识海洋,摘取学术桂冠。数学之舟,破浪前行“数里乾坤大,形中日月长。”数学,是逻辑与美的结晶。我们渴望遇见那位能以数字为舟,以几何为帆,引领学子在数学的浩瀚宇宙中探索未知的智者。物理之翼,翱翔天际“物理窥天地,新知探微茫。”物理,是自然规律的钥匙。我们寻觅那位能以物理为翼,启迪学生洞察万物运行之奥秘的导师。化学之瓶,酿造奇迹“化学变化妙,万物生光辉。”化学,是元素与反应的交响曲。我们期待那位能以试管为笔,以溶液为墨,书写化学奇迹的引路人。生物之林,探寻生命“生物探微渺,生命显神奇。”生物,是生命奥秘的宝库。我们渴求那位能以显微镜为眼,以生命为书,引导学生探索生命奥秘的智者。信息之光,照亮未来“信息织网络,智慧照未来。”信息科技,是连接世界的桥梁。我们寻找那位能以代码为弦,以数据为谱,奏响未来乐章的领航者。我们承诺:待遇优渥:年薪百万以上,更有绩效激励,让您的才华与付出得到应有的回报。平台广阔:国际化视野,教育资源,助您职业发展更上一层楼。环境宜人:和谐团队,优美校园,为您创造*佳的工作与生活环境。应聘之道:请将您的简历、过往成就及教学理念,如诗般镌刻于邮件之中,发送至[招聘邮箱]。让我们在文字的韵律中,感受您的智慧与热情。邮件标题,不妨以“某某·智者之风,共铸辉煌-姓名”为题,让我们一眼便识得您的风采。我们更欢迎北京大学、清华大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学等优秀毕业生及应往届的奥赛选手能够踊跃报名。上海闵行区民办美高双语学校总校长蔡万刚博士,期待与您携手,共绘教育蓝图,让智慧之光,照亮每一个孩子的未来。在这里,您将不仅是知识的传递者,更是梦想的点燃者,让我们共同书写教育的华章,成就一段段不朽的传奇,更成为家长和学生们心目中的老师。—— 上海美高双语学校2025年2月18日LIVING WORD SHANGHAIUnder the pursuit of excellence represented by the Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai Minhang Meiguo Bilingual School, a private institution, shines brightly like a resplendent educational pearl. Here, Chinese and Western cultures blend harmoniously, and the light of wisdom glows brightly. At present, adhering to the ancient motto of "Integrity, Diligence, Innovation," our school is offering an annual salary of over one million yuan (more than 1.2 million RMB) to attract outstanding talents. We sincerely invite the masters of the five major Olympiad subjects—namely mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and information technology—to join us. Together, we will build our educational dreams, guide students to explore the ocean of knowledge, and help them win academic laurels.The Ship of Mathematics, Sailing Forward"Numbers embrace the vast universe, and shapes hold the passage of time." Mathematics is the crystallization of logic and beauty. We are eager to meet the wise person who can use numbers as a ship and geometry as a sail to lead students to explore the unknown in the vast universe of mathematics.The Wings of Physics, Soaring in the Sky"Physics reveals the mysteries of the universe, and new knowledge explores the subtleties." Physics is the key to the laws of nature. We are seeking the mentor who can use physics as wings to enlighten students to perceive the mysteries of how everything operates.The Flask of Chemistry, Brewing MiraclesThe Forest of Biology, Exploring Life"Biology delves into the minute, and life reveals its wonders." Biology is a treasure trove of the mysteries of life. We are eager for the wise person who can use a microscope as eyes and life as a book to guide students to explore the mysteries of life.The Light of Information, Illuminating the Future"Information weaves the network, and wisdom lights up the future." Information technology is the bridge connecting the world. We are searching for the navigator who can use code as strings and data as scores to play the melody of the future.We Promise:Attractive Remuneration: An annual salary of over one million yuan, along with performance incentives, ensuring that your talent and efforts are duly rewarded.Vast Platform: With an international perspective and first-class educational resources, we will help you take your career development to the next level.Pleasant Environment: A harmonious team and a beautiful campus will create the best working and living environment for you.How to Apply:Please carve your resume, past achievements, and teaching philosophy into an email as if writing a poem, and send it to [Recruitment Email]. Let us feel your wisdom and enthusiasm in the rhythm of the words. You may title the email as "Wisdom in [Subject Name] · Creating Brilliance Together - Your Name," so that we can recognize your elegance at a glance. We especially welcome outstanding graduates from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and past and present Olympiad contestants to apply actively.Dr. Cai Wangang, the principal of LWS, looks forward to joining hands with you to draw an educational blueprint. Let the light of wisdom illuminate the future of every child. Here, you will not only be a disseminator of knowledge but also an igniter of dreams. Let"s jointly write a glorious chapter in education, create immortal legends, and become the renowned teachers in the eyes of parents and students.—— LWSFebruary 18, 2025
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