图片源自:猫眼对于我们雅思考生来说,这不仅仅是中国电影的高光,也是雅思口语备考的素材,那么如何应用到雅思口语考试?一起来看看吧~1相关句子?"The 2019 animated film "Ne Zha" is dremarkable example of how Chineseanimation can blend traditional mythologywith modern storytelling techniques."2019年动画电影《哪吒之魔童降世》是中国动漫如何将传统神话与现代叙事技巧相融合的杰出范例。?"In Chinese animation, Nezha"s character isoften depicted with great visual creativity,featuring his iconic Wind - Fire Wheels andRed Armillary Sash."在中国动漫中,哪吒的角色常常以极具视觉创意的方式呈现,标志性的风火轮和混天绫是他的特色。?"The success of Nezha -themedanimations not only showcases the charmof Chinese mythology but also promotes thedevelopment of the Chinese animationindustry."以哪吒为主题的动漫的成功,不仅展示了中国神话的魅力,还推动了中国动漫产业的发展。?"Chinese animation has made significantprogress in recent years, as seen in the high-quality production of Nezha -relatedworks with stunning visual effects andengaging narratives."近年来中国动漫取得了显著进步,从哪吒相关作品高质量的制作中可见一斑,这些作品有着令人惊叹的视觉效果和引人入胜的叙事。?"The character of Nezha in Chineseanimation has become a symbol thatrepresents both the rich cultural heritage ofChina and the innovative spirit of modern -day animators."中国动漫中的哪吒形象已成为一个象征,既代表了中国丰富的文化遗产又体现了当代动画师的创新精神。
图片源自:网络2相关台词?” Prejudice in people"s hearts is like a mountain,no matter how hard you try, you can"t move it.人心中的成见是一座大山,任你怎么努力都休想搬动。 ?My fate is mine to control, not heaven"s."我命由我不由天" ?Born as a demon, so what ?"生而为魔,那又如何" ?Who I am is up to me to decide!“我是谁,我自己说了算!” ?Maybe the fate treats you unfairly. But never mind, just fight it to the end."若命运不公,就和它斗到底。" ?I will make everyone look at me with new eyes. Just wait and see!“我会让所有人刮目相看,走着瞧!” ?Refusing to accept fate is Nezha"s destiny!“不认命,就是哪吒的命!” ?Thunder is rolling, and I’m so scared! It strikes me until my body falls apart. But when I break through, I laugh out loud. I will change my fate and blow my trumpet: di-da-di-da!“天雷滚滚我好怕怕,劈的我浑身掉渣渣。突破天劫我笑哈哈,逆天改命我吹喇叭,嘀嗒嘀嗒滴滴嗒。”
图片源自:网络3相关词汇??Mythology:神话??Rebirth:重生??Animated feature:动画长片??Red Armillary Sash混天绫??Golden Ring乾坤圈??Character design:角色设计??Cultural heritage:文化遗产??Box-office hit:票房大卖??Visualeffects:视觉效果??Narrative:叙事海博英语,不做流水线教育只为你量身定制专属学习方案!这个春天,和我们一起,把雅思变成你的优势