Topic 2: A Person Who Likes to ReadQuestion: Describe a person who likes to read a lot.Answer: So the person I"d like to describe who enjoys reading is my wife, Elizabeth. So she is someone who is very intelligent, but she never really enjoyed reading as a hobby until she graduated from university. So before that, she had to read in school, and she had to read all of her textbooks, and it was a bit of a chore, so she didn"t really do it for fun.But then a few years after graduation, I bought her a novel by an Irish author called Sally Rooney, who"s the author of a very famous book, "Normal People." And so I bought that book for Elizabeth, and she really enjoyed it, and it kind of set something off in her, which was a love of reading novels. And so now she"s read probably 20 novels in the last year and has really, really enjoyed this as a new hobby.And the novels that she likes to read, I would say, are novels set in countries like Ireland or in England or in Spain, and they involve people in their twenties, in their thirties, so around the same age, and usually those characters are going through some kind of change in their life. Maybe it"s starting a new relationship, ending an old relationship, starting a new job, learning a new skill, but there"s some kind of change always happening in those books.And in terms of why she enjoys reading, I think it"s a really nice escape from her quite stressful job. It"s a really nice way to relax and escape into a very enjoyable and interesting story. So, yeah, that"s the person I know who likes to read a lot.Question: Is reading for fun or for work?Answer: Well, I think it"s for both, really. I certainly read for both fun and for work. For me personally, I read self-improvement books, things about, for example, about management, about running companies, about doing better work so that I can improve myself, I can learn new skills, I can become better at the skills that I already have. So that"s the work part.But I also love reading novels, and my favourite novel is probably "Lord of the Rings," which I very much read for fun. And I think a lot of people are the same. They would say that they can read one type of book for fun, and then they might read another type of book or indeed magazine articles for improving themselves and being better at their job.Question: What reading topics are popular in your country?Answer: I think that really depends on who you ask. So the most obvious ones are things like fantasy. So "Harry Potter," of course, is probably the most famous story of the last 30 years. But of course, we also have romance novels and novels that are based in history, historical fantasy novels. So really, there are a lot of different types of novels and also non-fiction books that are popular in the UK. So it"s really hard to pick out which one would be the most popular.Question: Do you think people of all ages need to read?Answer: I think if we say people need to read, perhaps that"s too strong, but I would say people of all ages should read. I think it"s a good idea for people of all ages to read because it doesn"t matter how old or how young you are, you can find either enjoyment from a good book, the sort of book that you enjoy, or you can learn something, and you can keep your brain active. And I think that"s particularly true for people in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, because that"s the point at which cognitive decline can start to set in. And if you are reading or if you"re doing something else to keep your mind fresh and active and getting new ideas in, then that"s a great way of avoiding the effects of cognitive decline and trying to prevent terrible diseases like dementia and Alzheimer"s. So, yes, I think it"s definitely a really good idea. I think it"s advisable for people of all ages to read.编辑:Moon▼IDE英创教育