
美高竞赛报名通知|英国剑桥测评- KET & PET (校园版)2025年5月18日截止报名,全市报名进行中


剑桥KET、PETCambridge KET, PET ...

剑桥KET、PETCambridge KET, PET

      KET、PET均属于剑桥五级通用考试(MSE),这项国际公认的测评,水到渠成地成为很多孩子跻身学校的一项“硬指标”。即使不奔着小升初去,很多家长依然愿意让孩子参加。主要是因为剑桥KP与实际能力不脱节。该系列测评能全面评估考生英语听、说、读、写四项能力的水平。对于*合格者,英国剑桥大学考试委员会将颁发*证书。      KET (Key English Test) and PET (Preliminary English Test) are both part of the Cambridge English Qualifications (MSE), an internationally recognized assessment that has become a key criterion for many children aiming for admission to prestigious schools. Even if not for secondary school admissions, many parents are still willing to have their children take the test. This is mainly because the Cambridge KP aligns with actual capabilities. This series of assessments can comprehensively evaluate the test takers" listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities in English. For those who pass, the University of Cambridge Assessment will issue a certificate.      其次该证书因其权威性、科学性和稳定性,得到了世界各国的广泛认可,可用于入学、就业等各种用途。      Secondly, this certificate is widely recognized worldwide due to its authority, scientific basis, and stability and can be used for various purposes such as admission and employment.

剑桥KP优势与特点Advantages and Features of Cambridge KP

权威性:      由剑桥大学考试委员会(ESOL)研发,是迄今为止全球不多的具有高度国际认可 的 、 专 门 针 对 英 语 为 非 母 语 人 士 开 发 的 英 语 等 级 证 书 , 被 广 泛 应 用 于 英 语 等 级 认证。Authority:       Developed by the University of Cambridge Assessment (ESOL), it is one of the few highly internationally recognized English qualification certificates specifically developed for non-native English speakers, widely used for English proficiency certification.科学性:      欧标(CEFR)体系下的测评强调听、说、读、写所有技能的重要性。尽管KET是MSE中的第一级证书,但它依然能够评估出孩子在英语学习方面的优势和不足,这有助于增强学生在真实环境中使用英语的自信心。Scientific Basis:       The assessment under the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) system emphasizes the importance of all skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Although KET is the first level certificate in the MSE, it can still evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of children in English learning, which helps to build their confidence in using English in real environments.稳定性:      证书在全球范围内都是被认可的,关键终生有效!(雅思目前只有两年有效期)同 时 17 岁 以 下 持 有 KET/PET 证 书 的 中 小 学 生 申 请 到 英 联 邦 国 家 或 北 美 国 家 留学,能更容易地通过。Stability:       The certificate is recognized globally and is valid for life (unlike the IELTS, which is only valid for two years). Additionally, primary and secondary school students under the age of 17 holding KET/PET certificates find it easier to be accepted when applying to study in Commonwealth countries or North America.

为什么要考剑桥KPWhy Take the Cambridge KP

检测孩子英语水平:      目前幼小阶段难以判断孩子在同龄中处于什么水平,也无法有效地检验自身英语的学习成果。      同时,传统教育很容易忽视听、说能力的培养,这将会导致绝大部分孩子欠缺英语的实际应用能力。剑桥KP 测评全面涉及了听、说、读、写四大能力,孩子哪方面强,哪方面弱,通过测评一试便知。对家长而言,可以更好地了解孩子的学习情况,检测学习成果。也为孩子以后的英语学习指明方向。Evaluate Children"s English Level:      Currently, it is difficult to judge the English level of children in the early education stages compared to their peers, and traditional education often neglects the cultivation of listening and speaking skills, resulting in a lack of practical English application ability. The Cambridge KP assessment covers all four major skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, making it clear which areas children are strong or weak in. For parents, it helps to better understand their children"s learning situation and assess learning outcomes, providing direction for future English learning.以考促学,提升英语能力:      剑桥KP提供的测评报告可以帮孩子认识自己英语的强弱势,及时查漏补缺。      同时孩子在准备的过程中,通过记忆单词扩充了词汇量,并在此基础上梳理语法知识点和训练阅读理解能力,真正实现“以考促学”。      备考的过程也是促进实践和高效学习的过程,为孩子未来的学习规划提供依据。Promote Learning Through Assessment:      The assessment report provided by Cambridge KP helps children recognize their strengths and weaknesses in English, allowing them to fill in gaps promptly. While preparing for the test, children expand their vocabulary through word memorization and organize grammar knowledge points and train reading comprehension abilities, truly achieving "learning through assessment."过程严谨、认可度高:      剑桥KP测评规则相对公平,受认可程度高。所有获批的官方测评中心都需要接受严格的定期考察,同时测评材料均由英国官方统一进行阅卷评分。因此,剑桥英语等级证书在全世界范围内通用,广受国内外学校的认可。Rigorous Process and High Recognition:      The Cambridge KP assessment rules are relatively fair and highly recognized. All approved official assessment centers must undergo strict regular inspections, and the assessment materials are uniformly marked and graded by the UK authorities. Therefore, Cambridge English qualification certificates are universally accepted and recognized by prestigious schools at home and abroad.       美高提供顶级国内外资源、精心的个性化、一对一大学升学指导服务,帮助进入全球顶级学校。       LWS provides top domestic and international resources, personalized, one-on-one college counseling services to help you get into the top universities in the world.       作为英国剑桥测评考场,欢迎大家来美高报考,报名截止在2025年5月18日。    As a test center of Cambridge Assessment in the UK, everyone is welcome to apply for the exam at Living Word Shanghai. ?The registration deadline is May 18, 2025.?END

The registrationdeadlineis May 18, 2025.

朱老师 @上海美高双语学校


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