
【3.08】LWS 3月开放日预约开启!


尊敬的家长们Dear Parents 美高双语是一所中西...

尊敬的家长们Dear Parents

      美高双语是一所中西融合,充满活力的学校。       Living Word Bilingual School is a vibrant institution that integrates Eastern and Western educational philosophies.       上海美高自2014年创办以来,引进优质的教育资源和强大的师资力量,以科学的态度、人文的精神、智慧的方法培养具有国际观的各行各业。        Since its establishment in 2014, Living Word Shanghai has introduced high-quality educational resources and a strong faculty, nurturing leaders with an international perspective across various fields through scientific attitudes, humanistic spirit, and wise methods.      2025年3月08日上午9点,美高双语举办开放日及插班活动,有意向申请插班的学生家长们,欢迎扫描上方二维码填写相关报名信息,根据活动时间安排,在相应时段到校参加活动。        9:00 a.m. on March 8th, 2025.LIVING WORD SHANGHAI will hold an Open Day and a transfer student enrollment activity. Parents of students who are interested in applying for transfer are welcome to scan the QR code above to fill in the relevant registration information. According to the activity schedule, please come to the school to participate in the activity during the corresponding time period. Admission Requirements招生对象符合上海市招生条件的学生Students who meet the admission criteria for Shanghai2025 秋季学期将入学以下年级小学:2-5年级初中:7-9年级(其中G4,G5,G6,G7有少量名额,请尽快登记)The following grades will enroll in the spring semester of 2025.Primary School: Grades 2 - 5.Junior High School: Grades 7 - 9.There are a few available spots in G4, G5, G6 and G7. Please register as soon as possible.?Process Arrangement流程安排09:00--10:30美高教育集团介绍10:30--11:30课程介绍以及在校生家长分享会以及幼升小小升初政策讲解11:30--12:00校园参观09:00--12:00插班生考试09: 00--10: 30 Living Word Education Group Introduction10: 30 - 11: 30 Course Introduction11: 30 - 12: 00 Campus Tour09: 00--12: 00 Student ExaminationSchool Address学校地址上海市闵行区纪友路688号688 Jiyou Road, Minhang District, ShanghaiEnvironment校园环境      美高双语是一所中西融合,充满活力与青春的学校。美高引进优质的教育资源和师资力量,以科学的态度、人文的精神、智慧的方法践行着教书育人的使命与担当!        Living Word Bilingual School is a vibrant and youthful institution that integrates Eastern and Western educational resources and faculty. With a scientific attitude, humanistic spirit, and wise methods, Living Word is committed to the mission of education and nurturing.      每一位美高学子们跟随着美高的脚步,携手奋进,实现自己的梦想,收获全新的成长!        Every student at Living Word follows the school"s footsteps, working together to achieve their dreams and experience new growth.       在美高:丰富多元的课程、精彩纷呈的校园活动、优质的教学质量、小而精的校舍,让学生有一段快乐的校园时光。        At Living Word, diverse and rich courses, exciting campus activities, high-quality teaching, and small yet refined facilities provide students with a joyful campus experience.

      上海闵行区民办美高双语学校位于闵行区华漕镇,坐落于上海虹桥国际学校群区内,是一所经闵行区教育局审批通过的九年一贯制民办学校。        Living Word Shanghai Bilingual School is located in Huacao Town, Minhang District, within the Shanghai Hongqiao International School District. It is a nine-year private school approved by the Minhang District Education Bureau.

      我们的课程严格遵循上海市中小学二期课改课程大纲,同时融入国际化教学理念。        Our curriculum strictly follows the Shanghai primary and secondary education reform outline while integrating international teaching concepts.      美高的孩子以学贯中西,具有身份认同感,同时拥有国际化高度的视野为培养目标,无论孩子的未来求学路将如何选择,在任何方向上都将充满竞争力。        Living Word aims to cultivate students who are well-versed in both Eastern and Western cultures, with a sense of identity and an international perspective. Regardless of their future academic paths, they will be highly competitive.

Meet the President校长面对面      上海美高双语学校有卓越的管理团队以及师资力量,校董方正先生毕业于耶鲁大学,同时也是耶鲁大学全球董事会董事,他将耶鲁大学的办学模式结合中国学生的实际情况进行完美的中西融合,旨在培养今后有国际观的优秀。??      Living Word Shanghai Bilingual School boasts an excellent management team and faculty. President Edward Fang, a Yale University graduate and a member of the Yale University Global Board, combines Yale"s educational model with the practical needs of Chinese students to create a perfect fusion of Eastern and Western education. He aims to cultivate future leaders with an international outlook.??      方正先生希望塑造一个拥有苏格拉底式思想方式的新型校园,希望学生们富有同理心,去接纳、学习海纳百川的文化,去思考“为什么?”,去追问“你如何知道”?        Edward Fang envisions a new campus with a Socratic approach, encouraging students to be empathetic, to embrace diverse cultures, to question "Why?" and to ask "How do you know?"      在他的带领下,这里的老师会在课堂上营造一种平易近人的讨论氛围,会引导、鼓励学生挑战新的观点,提出新的问题,倾听他们的意见。        Under his leadership, teachers create a friendly discussion atmosphere in the classroom, guiding and encouraging students to challenge new viewpoints, pose new questions, and listen to their opinions.2024年4月10日,上海纽约大学图书馆正式命名为“Fang and Tang Library”On April 10, 2024 the Shanghai New York University Library was officially named the "Fang and Tang Library."Curriculum课程设置

      美高双语开设“双轨制”课程,尤其是在小学初中阶段,学校严格贯彻上海二期课改方针,在落实本土的教程标准、坚持基础教育的同时,融入国外先进的教育理念,探索中西合璧的融合教育模式。        Living Word Bilingual School offers a "dual-track" curriculum, especially in elementary and middle school stages. The school strictly implements the Shanghai second phase curriculum reform policy while integrating advanced international education concepts, exploring a fusion of Eastern and Western education models.课程目的:双轨制教学、全人教育课程设置:上海二期课改课程、融合课程活动搭配:学生自主运营的Club管理机制、学生会积分银行自治机制Curriculum Objectives: Dual-track teaching, holistic educationCurriculum Setup: Shanghai second phase curriculum, integrated coursesActivity Integration: Student-run club management system, student council points bank autonomy system

      学校课程融入中西文化,以双语教学见长,旨在帮助孩子从小培养优良的品行、良好的学习习惯、生活习惯和综合素质能力,为他们成为未来具有国际视野的全球各行各业的领导人才打下扎实的基础。??        The school"s curriculum integrates Eastern and Western cultures, excelling in bilingual education. It aims to cultivate good character, study habits, life skills, and comprehensive abilities from an early age, laying a solid foundation for students to become future global leaders with an international perspective.??

      作为一所国际化双语学校,美高在各个教学上非常有特色。除了中英文的双语浸润教学,美高小初部还开设了拓展性活动课程、STEAM机器人、钢琴、小提琴、创意美术、第二外语等课程,使学生在健康体质、人文情怀、理科素养、艺术情操、创新思维、领导能力等方面获得更大的社会竞争力。         As an international bilingual school, Living Word has distinctive teaching features in various subjects. In addition to bilingual immersion teaching in Chinese and English, the elementary and middle school sections offer extended activities such as STEAM robotics, piano, violin, creative arts, and second languages. These courses enhance students" physical health, humanistic qualities, scientific literacy, artistic taste, innovative thinking, and leadership abilities, increasing their social competitiveness.Our Team师资团队     美高学校拥有卓越的学术团队,极高的师生比,让孩子们充分受到关注。       Living Word"s excellent academic team and high student-to-teacher ratio ensure that every child receives ample attention.

      老师们来自于全球10多个国家和地区,其中不乏毕业于哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、纽约大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、英国伦敦的大学学院、伦敦大学、曼彻斯特大学、谢菲尔德大学、英国伯明翰大学、卡迪夫大学、新加坡国立大学、澳洲悉尼大学、韩国外国语大学、韩国朝鲜大学、北京大学、复旦大学、上海外国语大学、武汉大学、北京师范大学、华东师范大学、中国科学院博士后等知名学府的资深授课老师,培养学生进入全美前50学校。        The faculty comes from over 10 countries and regions worldwide, including graduates from prestigious universities such as Harvard, Yale, NYU, UPenn, UCL, University of London, University of Manchester, University of Sheffield, University of Birmingham, Cardiff University, National University of Singapore, University of Sydney, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Chosun University, Beijing University, Fudan University, Shanghai International Studies University, Wuhan University, Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, and Chinese Academy of Sciences.

      学术*、学生竞赛、良好的学习氛围是美高双语屹立于魔都,备受各界好评的重要原因之一。多年来,美高学生在全球、亚太区、华中地区、上海等不同级别竞赛中获得冠军、亚军殊荣。        Academic achievements, student competitions, and a good learning atmosphere are among the reasons Living Word Bilingual School stands out in Shanghai, earning high praise from all sectors. Over the years, Living Word students have won championships and runner-up titles in various levels of competitions globally, in the Asia-Pacific region, Central China, and Shanghai.

           截止2024年3月30日,上海美高收到剑桥大学、康奈尔、宾夕法尼亚大学青睐。历数越来越难的美本申请,美高学生一次又一次超越自己,交出越来越好的offer。        As of March 30, 2024, Living Word Shanghai has received offers from prestigious universities such as Cambridge, Cornell, and UPenn for the first time. Despite increasingly challenging US college applications, Living Word students consistently exceed expectations, achieving excellent offers.     我校办学10年来,培养8届完整高中毕业生,经过7年完整培养的美高学生,如今已成为本届美申“主力军”,NYU、Northwestern、UNC、UCLA、UCBerkeley……均能看到他们的身影,他们跳出传统赛道的限制和,从容规划、理性择校,最终梦圆学校。        In its 10 years of operation, Living Word has produced eight cohorts of high school graduates. Students who have undergone seven years of complete training at Living Word are now the main force in this year"s US college applications. They can be seen at NYU, Northwestern, UNC, UCLA, UC Berkeley, and other top universities. They have broken out of traditional paths and competition, planning rationally and choosing schools wisely, ultimately fulfilling their dreams of attending prestigious institutions.

How To Register如何预约

扫描上方二维码进行预约Please scan the QR code above.Important Reminders温馨提示1. 请学生携带好活动相关文具。2. 建议绿色出行。1. Please bring relevant stationery for the activities.2. We recommend green travel.END

朱老师 @上海美高双语学校


反诈防爆进校园,共护美高 “安全圈” 国旗下讲话丨历风雨,成大树,拒做温室之花 从 “心” 启航,守护成长 | 美高心理健康教育专题研讨活动 叮,美味时刻到!LWS Weekly Menu | 美高双语学校菜单(3.3~3.07) 美高竞赛报名通知|英国剑桥测评- KET & PET (校园版)2025年5月18日截止报名,全市报名进行中