


历风雨,成大树拒做温室之花2025.2.26LIVING ...

历风雨,成大树拒做温室之花2025.2.26LIVING WORD SHANGHAI亲爱的同学们,Dear students,“     在人生的旅途中,我们每个人都是一颗正在成长的种子,渴望着阳光、雨露,也必将面对风雨的洗礼。今天作为你们的校长,我想真挚的对你们说:要做那经历风雨的大树,而非温室中娇弱的花朵。     温室里的花朵,虽然色彩斑斓,娇艳欲滴,但它们从未经历过自然界的严酷考验。一旦离开了那人为营造的舒适环境,面对外界的风吹雨打,往往难以承受,迅速凋零。而我们,作为新时代的青年学子,应当志存高远,勇于挑战,敢于面对生活中的一切困难与挫折。      经历风雨的大树,它们从幼苗时期就开始与大自然抗争,每一次风雨的侵袭都是对它们生命力的锤炼。正是这些磨难,让它们学会了坚韧与不屈,最终成长为参天大树,为人们提供庇护,成为自然界中一道亮丽的风景线。同样,我们只有在不断挑战自我、战胜困难的过程中,才能磨砺出坚强的意志,培养出解决问题的能力,从而在未来的道路上走得更加稳健、长远。     同学们,让我们拒绝成为温室中的花朵,勇敢地走出舒适区,去迎接生活中的每一次挑战。记住,每一次跌倒都是重新站起的开始,每一次失败都是通往成功的必经之路。只有经历了风雨的洗礼,我们才能更加茁壮地成长,成为社会的栋梁之才。     要成为一棵参天大树,不仅需要时间的积淀,更需要一系列内在与外在条件的共同作用。第*:需要坚实的根基:大树的根基是其稳定生长的基础。这象征着我们在人生道路上需要打下坚实的知识基础、品德基础和技能基础。只有根基牢固,才能在风雨中屹立不倒,持续向上生长。第二:需要充足的阳光:阳光是大树进行光合作用、制造能量的关键。对于个人而言,这意味着我们需要保持积极的心态,乐观面对生活,不断吸收新知识、新技能,让自己充满正能量。第三:需要适量的水分:水分滋养着大树的根系,促进其生长。在个人成长的道路上,适量的“水分”可以理解为良好的人际关系、健康的心理状态以及适时的休息与放松。这些都能为我们提供滋养,帮助我们更好地成长。第四:需要肥沃的土壤:肥沃的土壤为大树提供了丰富的养分。同样,我们的成长也需要一个有利于个人发展的环境。这可能包括良好的家庭教育、优质的教育资源、积极向上的团队氛围等。第五:需要不懈的努力:大树的成长离不开时间的积累和不懈的努力。无论是扎根土壤、伸展枝叶还是抵御风雨,都需要大树持续不断地付出努力。同样,我们在追求个人成长的过程中,也需要坚持不懈地努力,不断挑战自我,超越自我。第六:需要适应变化:大自然的环境总是在不断变化之中,大树需要能够适应这些变化,如干旱、洪水、病虫害等。同样,我们在面对生活中的各种变化时,也需要保持灵活和适应性,学会调整自己的心态和策略,以应对各种挑战。      愿你们都能成为那经历风雨的大树,用坚韧不拔的精神书写属于自己的精彩人生!     加油,未来的大树们!”—— 蔡万刚 Victor Cai上海美高双语学校总校长LIVING WORD SHANGHAI引用泰戈尔的诗歌《用生命影响生命》寄语师生:“On the journey of life, each of us is a growing seed, yearning for sunshine, rain, and dew, and will inevitably face the baptism of wind and rain. As your principal today, I would like to sincerely say to you: be the big tree that has experienced wind and rain, not the delicate flowers in the greenhouse.Greenhouse flowers, though colorful and vibrant, have never experienced the harsh tests of nature. Once they leave the artificially created comfortable environment and face the winds and rains of the outside world, they often cannot withstand it and wither quickly. However, as young scholars of the new era, we should aspire to high ideals, be brave in facing challenges, and dare to confront all difficulties and setbacks in life.Great trees that have endured storms have struggled against nature since they were seedlings. Every storm that hits them is a test of their vitality. It is these trials that have taught them resilience and unyielding spirit, ultimately growing into towering trees that provide shelter for people and become a beautiful sight in nature. Similarly, only by continuously challenging ourselves and overcoming difficulties can we hone our strong will and cultivate problem-solving abilities, thereby walking more steadily and farther on the path ahead.Students, let us refuse to be greenhouse flowers, bravely step out of our comfort zones, and embrace every challenge in life. Remember, every fall is the beginning of standing up again, and every failure is a necessary path to success. Only by enduring the baptism of storms can we grow more robustly and become pillars of society.To become a towering tree requires not only the accumulation of time but also the combined action of a series of internal and external conditions.Solid Foundations: The foundations of a great tree are the basis for its stable growth. This symbolizes that on the path of life, we need to lay a solid foundation of knowledge, morality, and skills. Only with strong foundations can we stand firm in storms and continue to grow upwards.Adequate Sunshine: Sunshine is crucial for trees to perform photosynthesis and produce energy. For individuals, this means we need to maintain a positive mindset, face life optimistically, constantly absorb new knowledge and skills, and fill ourselves with positive energy.Appropriate Moisture: Moisture nourishes the roots of trees and promotes their growth. On the path of personal growth, appropriate "moisture" can be understood as good interpersonal relationships, a healthy mental state, and timely rest and relaxation. These all provide nourishment for us and help us grow better.Fertile Soil: Fertile soil provides trees with abundant nutrients. Similarly, our growth also requires an environment conducive to personal development. This may include good family education, quality educational resources, and a positive team atmosphere.Unrelenting Effort: The growth of a great tree cannot be separated from the accumulation of time and unrelenting effort. Whether it"s rooting in the soil, stretching branches and leaves, or resisting storms, trees need to continuously put in effort. Similarly, in pursuing personal growth, we also need to persistently strive, constantly challenge ourselves, and surpass ourselves.Adaptability to Change: The environment of nature is constantly changing, and trees need to adapt to these changes, such as droughts, floods, pests, and diseases. Similarly, when facing various changes in life, we also need to remain flexible and adaptable, learn to adjust our mindset and strategies to cope with various challenges.May you all become the big trees that have experienced storms and hardships, and write your own wonderful lives with unwavering spirit!Come on, big trees of the future!”—— 蔡万刚 Victor Cai上海美高双语学校总校长

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朱老师 @上海美高双语学校


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