???How do you read?你是如何阅读的?Some people only read dialogue, while others might skip long sections of text or only read the first and last sentence in a paragraph.有些人只读对话,有些人可能会跳过长段文字,或者只读段落的第*句和最后一句。Others say they read each word, and revisit the same section two or three times to make sure that they don"t miss anything.还有些人说他们会逐字阅读,并反复阅读同一部分两到三次,以确保不会遗漏任何内容。The digital age has had a profound impact on how we read.数字时代对我们阅读方式产生了深远影响。Surveys show that Americans are reading fewer books per year than they did 30 years ago.调查显示,美国人每年阅读的书籍数量比30年前减少了。And although the rise of social media communities like #BookTok has likely increased book sales over the last few years, the average American spends about 26 minutes reading per day but three hours on the internet or watching TV.尽管像#BookTok这样的社交媒体社区的兴起可能在过去几年增加了图书销量,但美国人平均每天花在阅读上的时间约为26分钟,而花在互联网或看电视上的时间则为三小时。Experts say that the sheer amount of information available at our fingertips has changed how we take in information.专家表示,我们指尖可及的庞大信息量改变了我们吸收信息的方式。Online, Americans receive the data equivalent of 174 newspapers per day and spend an average of 55 seconds reading an article.在线上,美国人每天接收到的数据量相当于174份报纸,平均花55秒阅读一篇文章。Nowadays, studies suggest that we spend more time skimming and scanning, rather than close reading.如今,研究表明我们更多时间花在略读和扫读上,而不是精读。Some experts bemoan the loss of our ability to slow down and read deeply, while others say we can get it back with a little practice.一些专家哀叹我们失去了放慢速度、深入阅读的能力,而另一些人则表示,通过一些练习我们可以重新获得这种能力。So is there a "right" way to read?那么,是否存在一种“正确”的阅读方式?Here"s what some experts have to say about it.以下是几位专家的看法。The skinny on skimming浅谈略读According to experts, skimming—where you skip over words and sections to grasp the main idea of a text—is a common reading strategy.专家表示,略读——即跳过部分文字以抓住文本的主要思想——是一种常见的阅读策略。That"s totally fine, says Daniel Willingham, a psychologist at the University of Virginia—as long as skimming or scanning doesn"t get in the way of understanding.弗吉尼亚大学的心理学家丹尼尔·威林汉姆表示,只要略读或扫读不妨碍理解,这完全没问题。When thinking about how best to read a text, reading experts say that you should first consider what you want to get out of it.阅读专家表示,在考虑如何*好地阅读一篇文章时,首先应该考虑你想从中获得什么。If your goal is to read for pleasure or finish in a short amount of time, skimming is a great way to get the general idea of what a text is saying, says Joanna Christodoulou, a professor in the department of communication sciences and disorders at the MGH Institute of Health Professions.如果你的目标是享受阅读乐趣或在短时间内完成阅读,略读是获取文本大意的好方法,MGH健康职业学院传播科学与障碍系教授乔安娜·克里斯托杜洛表示。Skimming is sufficient for most beach reads, for example, don"t require us to recall details of a scene or tackle many complex or unknown words.例如,大多数海滩读物不需要我们回忆场景的细节或处理许多复杂或陌生的词汇。The goal doesn"t always have to be explicit.克里斯托杜洛说,目标不一定要明确。Skimming can get you "headline" comprehension of something, so trying to catch up on news might drive you to skim, scan, and jump around to different articles, Christodoulou says.略读可以让你对某件事有“标题式”的理解,因此试图赶上新闻可能会促使你略读、扫读并跳转到不同的文章。A person"s familiarity with the type of text they"re reading might influence the strategy they use to read, Christodoulou says.克里斯托杜洛说,一个人对所阅读文本类型的熟悉程度可能会影响他们使用的阅读策略。Someone that reads a lot of mystery novels, for example, may get used to the structure and feelings that are elicited by the text and thus be able to skip or skim sections and still get what"s going on.例如,经常阅读推理小说的人可能会习惯文本引出的结构和情感,从而能够跳过或略读部分内容,但仍然能理解情节。Similarly, if you"re reading a lot of books on a specific subject, like art history, you might get more familiar with the terminology.同样,如果你阅读了大量关于特定主题的书籍,比如艺术史,你可能会更熟悉术语。That might improve how efficiently you can read them and how much you can retain, Christodolou says.克里斯托杜洛说,这可能会提高你阅读它们的效率以及你能记住多少内容。Studies suggest that the one way to improve reading speed while retaining comprehension is to increase your vocabulary.研究表明,提高阅读速度同时保持理解力的一种方法是增加词汇量。What is "close reading"?什么是“精读”?Experts often contrast skimming with "close" reading, when a reader connects new information to prior knowledge, asks questions, and develops a deeper understanding of the text (although the exact definition is contentious).专家通常将略读与“精读”进行对比,精读时读者将新信息与已有知识联系起来,提出问题,并对文本有更深入的理解(尽管确切的定义存在争议)。Some studies have shown that a close reading session causes more widespread brain activity than skimming.一些研究表明,精读会比略读引发更广泛的大脑活动。For example, a grad student might read a text closely so that they can remember the information after the materials are no longer in front of them, Christodoulou explains.例如,克里斯托杜洛解释说,研究生可能会精读一篇文章,以便在材料不在面前时记住信息。Some experts argue that the distinction between close reading and skimming or scanning might not be that useful, however.然而,一些专家认为,精读与略读或扫读之间的区别可能并不那么有用。Van de Ven argues that during "close" reading, readers modulate their attention, using both skimming and close reading to get an understanding of a text.范德文认为,在“精读”过程中,读者会调节注意力,同时使用略读和精读来理解文本。Studies show that strong and avid readers will often skim parts of a novel or skip ahead.研究表明,强阅读者和热爱阅读的人通常会略读小说的部分内容或跳读。Willingham says that getting a deep understanding also doesn"t mean reading each word in order as the term "close reading" might suggest.威林汉姆说,深入理解也不意味着像“精读”一词可能暗示的那样逐字阅读。In fact, it might be totally nonlinear and involve rereading words or some sections of the text.事实上,它可能是完全非线性的,涉及重读单词或文本的某些部分。Close reading is thought to require more focused attention and is typically more time-intensive—and it can be hard to maintain that focus.精读被认为需要更集中的注意力,通常也更耗时——而且很难保持这种注意力。"Attention is something that is always in limited supply," says Inge van de Ven, an associate professor of culture studies at Tilburg University.蒂尔堡大学文化研究副教授英格·范德文说:“注意力总是有限的。”For reads that require more sustained attention, it can help to minimize distractions and get yourself in the right headspace, Christodoulou says.克里斯托杜洛说,对于需要更持续注意力的阅读,它可以帮助你减少干扰,并让自己进入正确的思维状态。Studies show that our phones—text messages, in particular—can be a major source of distraction.研究表明,我们的手机——尤其是短信——可能是一个主要的干扰源。Has our reading skill declined?我们的阅读能力下降了吗?In recent years, some research has suggested that reading on screens leads to more skim reading, since most digital media, from social media comments to online articles, tend to be relatively short pieces of text.近年来,一些研究表明,在屏幕上阅读会导致更多的略读,因为大多数数字媒体,从社交媒体评论到在线文章,往往是相对较短的文本。Some experts argue that this has disrupted our ability to engage more deeply with long texts and, as a result, close reading is on the decline.一些专家认为,这破坏了我们更深入地参与长篇文本的能力,因此精读正在减少。Higher education researchers have speculated that this has had a detrimental effect on the cognitive skills of readers, particularly young readers, and negatively impacted our attention spans.高等教育研究人员推测,这对读者的认知能力,尤其是年轻读者,产生了不利影响,并对我们的注意力持续时间产生了负面影响。However, this is hotly debated, with some arguing we don"t know enough to determine the impact of readers" growing tendency to skim.然而,这一点存在激烈争议,一些人认为我们掌握的信息还不足以确定读者日益增长的略读倾向的影响。"There"s a lot of discussion that social media has sort of destroyed our ability to pay attention," Willingham says. "None of us know, because this is a very difficult research problem. There is no control we can do."威林汉姆说:“有很多讨论认为社交媒体在某种程度上破坏了我们的注意力。我们谁也不知道,因为这是一个非常困难的研究问题。我们无法进行控制。”Willingham theorizes that our changing reading habits are likely not because our attention is degraded—that, he says, would have profound effects on other areas of cognition, like memory.威林汉姆推测,我们阅读习惯的改变可能不是因为我们的注意力下降了——他说,这会对记忆等其他认知领域产生深远影响。But because the internet provides an opportunity for endless entertainment, our willingness to focus on a text might be decreasing, he says.但他表示,因为互联网提供了无尽的娱乐机会,我们对文本的专注意愿可能会下降。There"s also a sense that we need to consume information quickly, because there"s so much of it, he adds.他补充说,还有一种感觉是我们需要快速消费信息,因为信息太多了。He is optimistic, however, that most people can learn these close reading skills with practice.不过,他乐观地认为,大多数人可以通过练习学会这些精读技能。"The mind wants to sample different things and see what"s going on in your environment. And in some ways, sustaining attention on the same thing for very long periods of time is not necessarily a natural state," Willingham says.“大脑想要采样不同的事物,看看你周围发生了什么。在某种程度上,长时间专注于同一件事并不一定是一种自然状态,”威林汉姆说。Don"t be surprised if you"re reading a dense literary tome and get distracted, he adds. "Everyone"s bad at sustaining attention."他补充说,如果你在阅读一本厚重难懂的文学巨著时分心了,不要感到惊讶。“每个人都不擅长持续注意力。”But like any other practice, it gets easier the more you do it, he says.但他说,就像任何其他练习一样,做得越多就越容易。Overall each person"s reading journey is unique, experts emphasize.专家强调,总的来说,每个人的阅读旅程都是独特的。Their motivation and skills may all be different, so it"s no wonder people employ a number of reading strategies, Christodolou explains.他们的动机和技能可能都不同,所以难怪人们会采用多种阅读策略,克里斯托杜洛解释说。It might not be helpful to pit skimming and close reading against each other, but rather to understand that both are important to learn and consume content, especially in the digital age.将略读和精读对立起来可能并没有帮助,而是要理解两者对于学习和消费内容来说都很重要,尤其是在数字时代。来源:每日英语听力等
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