图片源自:Pexels那么樱花用英文怎么说呢?樱桃和樱花有什么关系呢?与cherry相关的表达有哪些呢?一起来看看吧~1.cherry blossom 樱花cherry意思是樱桃,注意樱花可不是cherry flower,而是用“cherry blossom”表示。例句:The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year.华盛顿的樱花今年开得早。2.cherry pick 精挑细选cherry pick意思是精挑细选,即精选、挑选*好的或*有利的事物或人,通常用于贬义。例句:If I could cherry pick from all the people in the world, I would choose you.如果我可以随心所欲的选择世界上所有人,我会选择你。3.the cherry on the cake 锦上添花the cherry on the cake直译是蛋糕上的樱桃,也就是锦上添花的意思。例句:It will make your essay like the cherry on the cake. 这将会使你的论文锦上添花。4.life is a bowl of cherry 生活美好简单life is a bowl of cherry的意思可不是生活是一碗樱桃,而是指生活美好简单。例句:Living with his parents, he feels life is a bowl of cherry. 和家人住在一起,他觉得生活很美好。5.never make two bites of a cherry 做事不要拖泥带水never make two bites of a cherry这句俗语的意思是做事不要拖泥带水。例句:Please never make two bites of a cherry, you must do it today. 请别墨迹了,你今天必须要做这件事。6.to have another bite at the cherry 得到第二次机会做某事to have another bite at the cherry意思可不是“又咬了一口樱桃”,而是表示得到第二次机会做某事。例句:She failed the exam but she will have another bite at the cherry next year. 她考试没及格,但是明年她还有一次机会重新考。
1.cherry blossom 樱花2.cherry pick 精挑细选3.the cherry on the cake 锦上添花4.life is a bowl of cherry 生活美好简单5.never make two bites of a cherry 做事不要拖泥带水6.to have another bite at the cherry 得到第二次机会做某事海博英语,不做流水线教育只为你量身定制专属学习方案!这个春天,和我们一起,把雅思变成你的优势