Topic: Ice creamQuestion 1: Do you like ice cream? Yeah, I do. I love ice cream. Actually, I think my favourite ice cream that I ever had was when I went to Canada and I had a mix of chocolate ice cream with fresh raspberries. Yeah, that was the most incredible experience. Almost the best food I"ve ever tasted. And I try not to have ice cream too often, but when I do have it, I really enjoy it.Question 2: Did you eat ice cream when you were a child?Yeah, I did eat ice cream for the first few years of my life. My parents didn"t want me to have sugar, so they tried to avoid giving me things like ice cream and different sweets and chocolate and things. But after a while, I think they got lazy. So I started to have ice cream and other sweet things, and I probably didn"t eat it too often, maybe like once a month. But, yeah, even back then I"ve really enjoyed it.Question 3: Are there shops selling ice cream near where you live?Yeah, there is definitely, like the corner shop, small supermarkets that sell, they don"t sell kind of fresh ice cream where you get it with a scoop and they have 20 different flavours. But you can go to the freezer and there"s the kind of the mass-produced ice cream which, you know, is okay. But I definitely would like to have kind of a more artisanal ice cream parlour somewhere within walking distance. Although if I did have that, that would be a huge temptation. So maybe it"s for the best that I don"t have that option.Question 4: Can you make ice cream yourself?No, I can"t make it myself. But I would like to learn because some of the best ice cream I"ve ever had in my life was homemade by a friend of mine and I don"t live near that friend anymore, so I don"t have access to that ice cream. But I would like to learn how to make my own because, yeah, I think it would be absolutely amazing to be able to make your own ice cream in your own house whenever you want it.编辑:Moon李▼IDE英创教育