近年来,中国科技界涌现出一批新兴科技冠军,它们被形象地称为“六小龙”。这些公司包括深度求索(DeepSeek)、《黑神话:悟空》的开发者游戏科学(Game Science)、机器人企业宇树科技(Unitree)和深度机器人(DeepRobotics)、Neuralink的挑战者BrainCo,以及空间智能公司多核科技(ManyCore)。尽管它们的规模尚无法与阿里巴巴和腾讯等老牌巨头比肩,但“六小龙”以其独特的创新能力和市场潜力,在过去的一个月里为中国科技行业注入了新的活力,成为了备受瞩目的新星。
图源 | pixabayMove over Alibaba and Tencent, China has a new set of tech champions. Often referred to as the "six little dragons", they"re DeepSeek, the Black Myth developer Game Science, robotics firms Unitree and DeepRobotics, Neuralink challenger BrainCo, and spatial intelligence firm ManyCore. And while they may still pale in size relative to their more established peers, they"ve breathed new life into China"s tech sector over the past month.阿里巴巴和腾讯的时代或许正在过去,中国科技界迎来了新的一批科技冠军。他们被称为“六小龙”:深度求索(DeepSeek)、《黑神话:悟空》开发商游戏科学(Game Science)、机器人公司宇树科技(Unitree)和深度机器人(DeepRobotics)、Neuralink的挑战者BrainCo,以及空间智能公司多核科技(ManyCore)。尽管它们的规模可能还无法与老牌科技巨头相提并论,但在过去一个月里,它们为中国科技行业注入了新的活力。The best-known of the dragons is DeepSeek, which launched its large language model, DeepSeek-R1, on Jan. 20. Praised for its cost effect performance, the model has already gained global traction. Within a week, major cloud providers — including Microsoft, Nvidia, Alibaba, Huawei, Tencent, and Baidu — all integrated DeepSeek"s LLM into their platforms, offering "zero-code" deployment and slashing prices to attract users.“六小龙”中*知名的是DeepSeek。1月20日,它发布了其大语言模型DeepSeek-R1。该模型以其高性价比的表现受到赞誉,并迅速在全球范围内获得关注。短短一周内,包括微软、英伟达、阿里巴巴、华为、腾讯和百度在内的主要云服务提供商都将深度求索的大语言模型集成到其平台中,提供“零代码”部署并大幅降价以吸引用户。Then there"s Game Science, the studio behind Black Myth:Wukong, whose origin story reads like an update to Silicon Valley"s infamous "traitorous eight". When Tencent restructured its gaming division in June 2014, seven employees, including now-Game Science CEO Feng Ji, left to form their own upstart. A decade later, they produced China"s first true AAA game — a Steam hit with over 25 million copies sold to date.其次是游戏科学,这家公司因开发《黑神话:悟空》而闻名,其创业故事让人联想到硅谷著名的“叛逆八人组”。2014年6月,腾讯重组游戏部门时,包括现任游戏科学CEO冯骥在内的七名员工离职并创办了自己的公司。十年后,他们推出了中国首款真正的3A游戏——《黑神话:悟空》,这款游戏在Steam平台上大获成功,至今已售出超过2500万份。The other four dragons are less well-known outside of China. There"s Unitree, started by 26-year-old engineer Wang Xingxing in 2016, which furnished the dancing robots for this year"s Spring Festival Gala. A year later came DeepRobotics, targeting a different market segment: Instead of consumer-friendly robots, it"s integrating AI and courting major buyers like Singapore"s Eastern Green Power utility.另外四家公司在国际上知名度较低。宇树科技由26岁的工程师王兴兴于2016年创立,为今年的春晚提供了跳舞机器人。一年后,深度机器人成立,瞄准了不同的市场领域:它专注于将人工智能集成到机器人中,并吸引了新加坡东方绿电等大客户。Then there is BrainCo, which focuses on neural interfaces. Alone among the dragons, BrainCo was founded in the United States in 2015 by Han Bicheng, who at the time was pursuing his Ph.D. at Harvard University"s Center for Brain Science. In 2018, Han opened an office in Hangzhou, and BrainCo has since become one of the world"s best-funded neurotech companies, producing more than 100,000 high-precision brain-computer devices.BrainCo则专注于神经接口技术。与其他“小龙”不同,BrainCo由韩璧丞于2015年在美国创立,当时他正在哈佛大学脑科学中心攻读博士学位。2018年,韩璧丞在杭州开设了办事处,BrainCo此后成为全球资金最充足的神经科技公司之一,生产了超过10万台高精度脑机设备。The least known of the dragons is Manycore Technology. Founded in 2011, the company offers spatial intelligence solutions based on AI technology, with a focus on spatial design and visualization. That may seem niche relative to the other dragons, but on Feb.14, Manycore became the first of the six to file for an initial public offering.知名度*低的是多核科技。该公司成立于2011年,提供基于人工智能技术的空间智能解决方案,专注于空间设计和可视化。尽管与其他“小龙”相比显得小众,但2月14日,多核科技成为“六小龙”中提交公开募股(IPO)申请的公司。All that said, the specific businesses of the six dragons are less important than what they represent: the kind of high-tech industrial clustering China has spent the past decade chasing.尽管这六家公司的具体业务各不相同,但它们代表的意义更为重要:它们是中国过去十年追求的高科技产业集群的缩影。That this cluster would take shape in Hangzhou is no accident. Startups, especially in tech, tend to be located in the most economically developed, talent-rich, and densely populated regions of a country. Hangzhou is located in the Yangtze River Delta, not far from Shanghai. It boasts one of China"s top universities, Zhejiang University, and it"s surrounded by a region known for its entrepreneurial spirit, as well as strong norms around things like contracts. It"s also a hub for Chinese tech, home to firms like Alibaba that attract talent from across China.这一产业集群在杭州形成并非偶然。初创企业,尤其是科技公司,往往位于经济*发达、人才*密集、人口*稠密的地区。杭州位于长江三角洲,距离上海不远。这里拥有中国大学之一——浙江大学,周边地区以创业精神和强烈的契约规范闻名。杭州也是中国科技的中心之一,阿里巴巴等公司吸引了来自全国各地的人才。Equally important is the city"s business environment. Hangzhou — and the surrounding province of Zhejiang more broadly — are known in China for their business-friendly policies and officials, an approach summed up by the catchphrase "non-interference when unnecessary, fast response when needed". Hangzhou has also set up a number of funds to attract and incubate new tech firms. For example, its Yichuang Town neighborhood, where Game Science is based, offers full rent subsidies or exemptions for promising digital content enterprises, including gaming companies, which helped Feng Ji"s firm survive its first few years.同样重要的是杭州的商业环境。杭州以及更广泛的浙江省以其亲商政策和官员而闻名,这种态度可以用一句口号概括:“无事不扰,有求必应”。杭州还设立了多项基金来吸引和孵化新科技公司。例如,游戏科学所在的艺创小镇为有潜力的数字内容企业提供全额租金补贴或减免,包括游戏公司,这帮助冯骥的公司度过了最初的几年。While subsidies are common nationwide, the rise of Hangzhou"s six little dragons has sparked a nationwide conversation on how cities can better attract and support their own business clusters.尽管补贴在全国范围内很常见,但杭州“六小龙”的崛起引发了全国范围内关于城市如何更好地吸引和支持自身产业集群的讨论。For example, Xinhua Daily, a state-backed newspaper in the neighboring and economically prosperous province of Jiangsu, recently ran a number of articles asking why DeepSeek and its peers emerged in Zhejiang, rather than its province. And local media in the eastern city of Jinan — the capital of Shandong province — recently published an article titled "What Can Jinan Learn from Hangzhou"s "Six Little Dragons?""例如,邻近经济发达的江苏省的官方报纸《新华日报》最近发表了一系列文章,探讨为什么深度求索及其同行出现在浙江而不是江苏。东部城市济南——山东省的省会——的当地媒体最近也发表了一篇题为《济南能从杭州“六小龙”中学到什么?》的文章。Officials have also taken note. On Feb.5, the Secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee mentioned three technology companies in his New Year"s speech: Huawei, DeepSeek, and Unitree.官员们也注意到了这一点。2月5日,广东在新年讲话中提到了三家科技公司:华为、深度求索和宇树科技。More provinces are likely to follow. In China, inter-provincial competition isn"t just encouraged — it"s institutionalized. Bolstered by a GDP-based evaluation and promotion system for local officials, this competition has always been one of the key driving forces behind China"s rapid economic expansion. If it sticks, and this newfound awareness of the need to improve local business environments leads to real policy changes, we could be looking at the birth of a new economic growth engine.更多省份可能会效仿。在中国,省际竞争不仅被鼓励,而且已经制度化。在以GDP为基础的地方官员评估和晋升体系的推动下,这种竞争一直是中国经济快速扩张的关键驱动力之一。如果这种趋势持续下去,并且这种对改善地方商业环境的新认识能够带来真正的政策变化,我们可能会见证一个新的经济增长引擎的诞生。综合来源:每日英语听力丨双语精读等
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