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2025年DSE英文口语考试仅剩4天即将结束,近几天的口语考试真题也陆续出炉。为了帮助大家更有针对性地备考,今天给大家整理了 3月12日-3月14日 这三天的真题考试内容,无论你是即将参加考试,还是正在为未来做准备,希望这些内容都能为你提供有价值的参考~



Topic:Anime Movies 动画电影 Part A Group Interaction Whether anime movie is suitable for the movie festival?动画电影是否适合电影节?Other types of movies that are popular among students. 在学生中受欢迎的其他类型的电影。Other activities that can be held in the movie festival.可以在电影节上举办的其他活动。 Part B Individual Response Do you think anime movie is suitable for adults?你认为动画电影适合成年人观看吗?Which do you prefer more, anime movies or real-life movies?你更喜欢哪种电影,动画电影还是真人电影?Should every anime movie have a happy ending?每部动画电影都应该有快乐的结局吗?Do you think anime movies have artistic value?你认为动画电影具有艺术价值吗?Topic:Personality Test 个性测试 Part A Group Interaction Benefits of using personality test to choose a career.  使用人格测试来选择职业的好处。Problems when using personality test to choose a career. 使用人格测试来选择职业时的问题。 Other ways to find the right career.找到合适职业的其他方法。 Part B Individual Response Is personality test popular among teenagers in Hong Kong?人格测试在香港的青少年中受欢迎吗?Which type of personality in a friend do you get along with the most?你*容易与什么类型的人格的朋友相处?Is it important to know about your own personality?知道自己的个性重要吗?Should employers hire people based on personality test?雇主应该根据人格测试来雇用员工吗?Topic:Scouting 童子军活动 Part A Group Interaction Benefits about scouting to secondary school students.  童军活动对中学生的好处。What activities we can hold?我们可以举办哪些活动? How to attract more students to join?如何吸引更多学生加入? Part B Individual Response Would you prefer camping with friends or family?你更喜欢和朋友还是家人一起露营?Would you like to sleep in a tent?你喜欢睡在帐篷里吗?Do you think scouting is popular in Hong Kong?你认为童军在香港受欢迎吗?What is the most important lesson in scouting?童军活动中最重要的课题是什么?Do you think scouting can make the world a better place?你认为童军活动能让世界变得更美好吗?3月13日(第三天)


Topic:Animal Tourism 动物旅游 Part A Group Interaction What types of tourism activities involve animal shows? 哪些类型的旅游活动涉及动物表演?Do these types of activities do harm to animals?这些活动会对动物造成伤害吗? The benefits that tourism activities bring to animals and local communities.旅游活动给动物和当地社区带来的好处。 Part B Individual Response Do you think animals used in shows live a good life?你认为表演用的动物过着幸福的生活吗?Do you agree of total banning of animal tourism?你同意全面禁止动物旅游吗?How would you encourage the public to reduce the threat to animals?你会如何鼓励大众减少对动物的威胁?How do you think the government can do to increase the awareness on protecting the animals?你认为政府可以怎样提高公众对保护动物的意识?Topic:Pop Music Trends 流行曲的趋势 Part A Group Interaction Whether music groups are popular in Hong Kong?音乐团体在香港受欢迎吗?Whether individual performers or music groups have better performance?个人表演者还是音乐团体的表现更好?How social media affects pop music?社交媒体如何影响流行音乐? Part B Individual Response Do you think teenagers should learn a music instrument?你认为青少年应该学习一种乐器吗?Do you think boys and girls like the same type of music?你认为男生和女生喜欢同一种类型的音乐吗?Do you think music groups will disappear in the future?你认为音乐团体在未来会消失吗?Do young people and old people listen to the same type of music?年轻人和年长的人会听同一种类型的音乐吗?Topic:Self-care Month 照顾自己月 Part A Group Interaction Whether Hong Kong students are aware of self-care?香港学生是否意识到自我照顾的重要性?What are the activities to be held to encourage students" value on self-care during the self-care month?在自我照顾月期间,将举办哪些活动来鼓励学生重视自我照顾?What are the ways to encourage students to participate in the self-care activities?如何鼓励学生参与自我照顾活动? Part B Individual Response Do you think Hong Kong students have enough time to do exercises?你认为香港的学生有足够的时间做运动吗?Does your school teach you or organises activities about self-care?你的学校有教授你关于自我照顾的知识或举办相关活动吗?How can parents support their children"s well-being?家长可以如何支持孩子的身心健康?Who should be responsible for students" health: school or parents?谁应该对学生的健康负责:学校还是家长?3月12日(第二天)


Topic:Trip to shenzhen 去深圳旅游 Part A Group Interaction What makes Shenzhen more popular than other places?什么使深圳比其他地方更受欢迎?Why Hong Kong people prefer travelling to Shenzhen?为什么香港人偏好去深圳旅游?How could Hong Kong businesses keep people in the city during holidays?香港的企业如何在假期期间吸引人们留在城市? Part B Individual Response Do you think buying daily necessities in Shenzhen is convenient?你觉得在深圳购买日用品方便吗?Do you think it is convenient for people to go to Shenzhen day return?你觉得人们当天来回深圳方便吗?Do you think the trend of Hong Kong people travelling to Shenzhen will continue?你认为香港人前往深圳旅游的趋势会持续下去吗?How do you think the travel habits of Hong Kong people will change in the future?你认为香港人的旅游习惯在未来会有什么改变?Topic:Car Driving in Hong Kong 在香港驾驶 Part A Group Interaction Benefits and challenges of being a driver in Hong Kong.在香港当司机的好处与挑战。Whether Hong Kong is a car-friendly city?香港是否是一个适合开车的城市?Why fewer teenagers learn driving in Hong Kong?为什么越来越少青少年在香港学开车? Part B Individual Response Should people under the age of 18 be allowed to drive in Hong Kong?香港应该允许18 岁以下的人开车吗?Should the government encourage more people to have car ownership in Hong Kong?政府应该鼓励更多人拥有私家车吗?How do you think the travel habits of Hong Kong people will change in the future?你认为香港人的出行习惯在末来会有什么改变?Do you think that being a driver is a sign of adulthood?你认为成为一名司机是成年的象征吗?Topic:Phobias of Hong Kong Teenagers 香港青少年害怕的东西 Part A Group Interaction Common fears that Hong Kong teenagers are facing.香港青少年面临的常见恐惧。Reasons causing the fears.造成这些恐惧的原因。How the teenagers can overcome the fears?青少年如何克服这些恐惧? Part B Individual Response How will you help your friend to overcome the fear of public speaking?你会如何帮助你的朋友克服公开演讲的恐惧?How do fears of people affect their confidence?恐惧是如何影响人们的自信心的?Do you think fear disappear as you get older?你认为恐惧会随着年龄增长而消失吗?How do you think phobias will affect the self-esteem of teenagers?你认为恐惧症会如何影响青少年的自尊心?香港紫荆学院(深圳)福华学校DSE香港紫荆学院(深圳)福华学校DSE,专注香港DSE课程发展。教研团队来自香港中文大学、香港教育大学、新加坡国立大学等世界学校,深耕香港DSE实践教研10年,累计培养8届毕业生,连续5年本科录取*高,轻松入读香港的大学,国内的重点大学,以及海外QS排名前200 的大学!目前,学校已开设中文、英文、数学、公民与社会发展4门必修科目,和世界历史、化学、经济、物理、生物、M2(4选2),视觉艺术、音乐等8门选修科目,结合校区特色教育优势,保障学生在DSE考试取得优异的*。









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