



由本月连着考了三场教育类大作文(3.4 & 3.18 & 3.25),我们不难发现雅思考官们对于此类话题那是无比的热爱。既然教育类话题这么重要,我们烤鸭们应该怎么准备呢?我的建议是三步走:积累观点素材、记忆话题词伙、练习篇章写作。

教育类的题目看似繁多,我们抽丝剥茧后发现其实都离不开三方面:教育功能(目的),教育内容和教育方式。我们拿到题目之后拓展思路也是离不开这三个角度,比如最近的一场考试问‘Students today have access to a wide source of information, so teachers are not important in the modern education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?’,我们如果支持教师的作用无可取代,就可以从教育的道德功能、智力功能、心理情感功能等方面来回应(A teacher is more than a disseminator of knowledge; instead, he/she can: 1. act as a role model for students; 2. help students to develop effective learning habits and promote their intellectual development; 3. help students build self-confidence and self-esteem, improving their social and emotional skills),也可以从教学内容和方法上说:A good teacher can provide a supportive learning environment by selecting appropriate educational resources and employing effective teaching methods. 学过十大原则,上过近期考前课的宝宝是不是感觉到一点熟悉的配方,熟悉的味道呢~~



The widespread use of the Internet has greatly facilitated the information searching process, making various fields of knowledge easily accessible to students. The traditional position of a teacher, as a result, is increasingly doubted, with many believing that students are able to learn on their own without instruction from teachers. (介绍话题背景)I personally cannot share this point of view. (表明立场)


However, I would argue that a teacher still plays an indispensable role in modern education to help students achieve their full potential. In other words, a student can obtain a more desired learning outcome with supportive tuition and guided practice provided by a good teacher. Because teachers are generally well-trained in how to adopt effective teaching methods to meet their students’ needs, from selecting proper educational materials, scaffolding learning strategically to generating students’ learning motivation through encouragement, their active involvement in education can definitely contribute to students’ potential development and ensure high attainment. 


In conclusion, while the development of modern technology has posed a great challenge to the traditional status of teachers, I am convinced that they benefit students intellectually, emotionally and socially, and are therefore as important to a student’s growth as they were in the past. 

写作需要积累,Practice makes perfect! 掌握合适的方法加上勤奋和努力,相信你一定能屠鸭成功! 

林老师 @环球教育


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