

作者:培育教育 来源:培育教育

1 ◆ 自我介绍 ◆ Can you give us a b...

1 ◆ 自我介绍 ◆ Can you give us a brief introduction of yourself (面试官) 给我们做个简单的自我介绍吧? I have come at your invitation for an interview. 我是应约来面试的。 我叫史蒂夫,来自纽约。 I was born on 我出生于1989年8月1日。

2 ◆ 学校专业◆ My major is English. 我主修英语专业。 I graduated from Columbia with a degree in law. 我毕业于哥伦比亚大学法律系。

 3 ◆ 面试官提问◆ Can you talk about your weaknesses and strengths 你能谈谈你的优缺点吗? Can you tell us the biggest advantage of yourself 你能告诉我们你最大的优点 是什么吗? What's your biggest weakness 你最大的缺点 是什么? 

4 ◆ 自我评价◆ I have the ability to stay focused in stressful situations. 我不怕困难 I can learn and grow in my field. 我学习能力强,又成长快 I can be counted on when the going gets tough. 共度难关,我是值得信赖的

5 ◆ 优缺点回复◆ My strength is my flexibility to handle change . 我的优点就是能够灵活应对突发事件。 One of my biggest strengths is my communication skills. 我最大的优点 就是沟通技巧。 Sometimes I'm reserved and enjoy staying and thinking all by myself. I think this may be my weakness. 有时候我沉默寡言,喜欢独处和思考。 我觉得这可能是我的缺点。
6 ◆ 工作经验◆ I finished school two years ago and immediately joined Midea Group. 两年前我毕业了就立即加入了美的集团。 I have 10 years' experience in all aspects of education and training. 我在教育培训领域有10年的工作经验。 I have worked in Apple Incorporated for two years. 我在苹果公司工作了两年。

7 ◆ 薪资要求◆ Can you tell me what that salary band 你能告诉我工资的范围吗? Money isn't the only thing that is important to me. 薪水对我来说并不是重要的事。 I leave thatto you but I hope that I can earn at least 2000 dollars per month. 关于薪金,留待您来决定, 但我希望我每月能得到至少2000美元。

李老师 @培育教育

自考大专本科提升 电脑设计 英语口语培训

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