今天又是一场雅思纸笔考,现在还能没有被取消正常考试的同学也太幸运了叭!关键是不少同学都反馈,今天的雅思考试难度正常,小作文是常规的折线图,大作文也是比较贴近大家生活的话题,不至于无话可说~ 下面就先跟小助手来看看今天这场考试都考了些什么吧~ 听力 Part 1 孩子假期安排 题型:填空 1-10 填空 Day Activities Location Fee and time Monday Watching movies Magremart St. 1. 7.50 pounds per person 2. middle seat of the theater Tuesday Bike ride 3. playground 4. take your own water Wednesday 5. friends party 6. garden 7. do not forget to take a jacket Thursday Gym ideas Holman St. 8. should not wear glasses Friday Puppet show 9. library 10. a cake Part 2 煤炭博物馆 11-15 填空 11. the museum was closed down in the year of 1988 12. mine museum includes the social and the technological aspect 13. tourists are recommended to take a tour underground for 1 hour by the ex-miner reception restroom/noice board area next to the staff office 16-17 多选 B. clothes E. drinks 18-20 地图题 18. lecture theater 19. bookstore 20. lift entrance Part3 场景 : 工作方面的期刊等 待回忆 Part 4 动物冬眠 题型:填空 (顺序有争议) 31. preparation for natural resources light 33. the shell can limit the evaporation 34. less starvation compared to other animals in winter 35. there is a stressful reaction heart would firstly heat up 37. there will be more competition 38. they can bury themselves in mud reduction in numbers 40. come back to the nearest nest 阅读 Passage 1 主题: 美洲原住民不同时期获取食物的方式 Passage 2 主题: 电影拍摄 Passage 3 主题: 学习中和公司中“平庸”的讨论 写作 Task 1 小作文 : 臭氧层的变化 ( 线图, 四个不同年份的某天,某城市臭氧层的变化 ) Task 2 大作文:讨论观点 留学申请莫慌! 雅思考试助力多国联申, 帮你轻松斩获offers!
近期牛学学员*展示 想快速攻克瓶颈,高效的同学,赶快行动起来吧