
初心向阳 共赴未来 | 2023年开学典礼 见证全新起航

作者:梅尔顿国际学校 来源:梅尔顿国际学校

新的起点,承载新的梦想 新的征程,开启新的未来雨气排残暑,风...

新的起点,承载新的梦想 新的征程,开启新的未来
雨气排残暑,风声送早秋。 一场秋雨之后,蝉鸣悄然停歇,刚过立秋之时,迎来了重逢之日。 又是一年开学季,新老同学齐聚梅尔顿,带着对未来的憧憬,正式启航新征程。 “新”生美好 开启双向奔赴
教师和学生组成的欢迎队伍为今天回归校园的伙伴们送上鲜花和祝福。 全新的环境,全新的征程,也许会感到陌生,但是这里有一群可爱的同路人。迎新启航,今天过后,我们将成为通往梦想之路上的*佳拍档。 教室的灯光、操场的喧闹、老师的叮嘱、同窗的友谊……校园的点点滴滴汇聚起来,就是我们成长路上*好的画卷。 欢迎回家 2023.08.28
左右滑动查看更多 乘风破浪 步履不停


青岛 Take this opportunity, this new beginning, to make the most out of this school year. Achieving in Milton & Achieving for Future. All in all, Please immerse yourself in your studies! Get involved in your school! For the elder students, you have a great opportunity and obligation to help create and grow a culture that achieves well academically. More importantly, you could set the example for the younger students, respects each other, and cares about each other.

青岛梅尔顿学校外方学术主任 Mr. Dan * Be Trustworthy— In a survey of noting the qualities of a good leader in business—this was the number one trait that employees value. * Responsible— Responsible students DO what they SAY. They get there work done, listen to teachers and arrive in a timely manner. * Kindness and Politeness— Most people want to be treated with kindness and politeness therefore we should treat others that way. * Caring for Others- You would think that being selfish would make us happy but people who care for others are consistently rated the most happy in life. * Participate—volunteer, work together Even if you did not usually do this in the past why not make this the year where you experience all you can! * Self Motivate There is a sense of satisfaction when we complete something not just because your teacher or parent told you to do it. * Appreciate Nature Beauty and Art. Keep your environment clean and peaceful—whether it is your room, the campus or your neighborhood. 定格美好 期许未来
从今天开始,我们将重新回归课堂,灼灼青春,向阳启航。 两周前,Rosie Z和新生同学们一起参加了梅尔顿卓越营,从陌生到熟悉,她已经开始融入梅尔顿,
新生代表: RosieZ 如 RosieZ
我们相信在梅尔顿,每一次努力都会有收获,每一段拼搏都会与梦想更近一步。 定格于开学典礼的美好,是璀璨未来的全新开始。
Cindy @青岛梅尔顿学校


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