

作者:野生国际艺术中心 来源:野生国际艺术中心 2023年10月16日

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01 Illustrator Soomyeong elevates the pencil to a whole new level
02 Give these flyers their moment to be an artwork:Oscar Mitchell on Farmfoods
03 Raisa Álava wants her illustrations to overwhelm you with information
04 Leebin Soyeon depicts shame trapped in translucent objects from jellies to balloons
05 Lim Kiihwan’s distinctive approach to illustration has grown with his confidence in the medium
06 Leo Macdonald Oulds’ drawings are a spontaneous expression of an experience
07 Bo Matteini’s fluid, dynamic illustrations are full of joyful vitality
08 Santa France is fluent in the visual language of computer generated imagery
09 Hannah Jacobs on how signing to Strange Beast has catapulted her career
10 Anarchist cats, anthropomorphic horses and Ronald McDonald
11 Wenkai Mao utilises his background in industrial design to build illustrative landscapes
12 Meet Nick Dahlen, the illustrative artist providing a new perspective on the classics
13 Louise Daneels makes playful, ceramic illustrations of everyday objects
14 Illustrator Moon utilises drawing as a means of understanding herself
15 Stella Park’s warm illustrations reflect her outlook on life
16 Genie Espinosa’s illustrations are not quite as innocent as you might think
17 Celia Jacobs on finding her place in the creative industry
18 Ed Cheverton keeps things endlessly escapist
19 Illustrator Chaddy-Ann Newton is obsessed with ducks… like, REALLY obsessed
20 Maaike Canne’s illustrations are inspired by gas stations, malls, hotel lobbies and motels
21 Sun, shade and imaginary houses – as seen through the eyes of illustrator Ana Popescu
22 Illustrator Adrian Forrow brings playful humour into the topic of mental health
23 Go on a quest for cheesy chips with Sarah Hingley’s choose your own adventure zine
24 Sport, depression and Milton Keynes remain steadfast themes in illustrator Tom Guilmard’s work
25 The Design Museum celebrates its 30th birthday by commissioning 30 new logos
26 Arabella Simpson makes an “illustrated spaghetti” of global objects
27 Illustrator Holly St Clair uses the rhythm of a joke in her portfolio of sculptures, textiles and prints
28 Lucy Sherston finds that leaving out parts of a composition is just as important as the bits kept in
29 Illustrator Jordan Awan on fulfilling his childhood dream
30 Ilya Milstein’s illustrations exist in the intersection between language and art
31 It’s the only thing that makes me feel alive
32 Jan Robert Dünnweller’s uses varying styles of illustration to display personality and point of view
33 Zhongwen Hu on how “Illustration is an answer and painting is a question”
34 Illustrator Nina Carter’s characters “warp some of the tropes of what’s existing and normal”
35 With 11 T-shirts, A Change of Kit aims to generate attention for the Women’s World Cup
36 Illustrator Albert Tercero on the development of his practice, defining his aesthetic and balancing projects
37 Philip Lindeman surprises his viewers by hiding jokes within his detailed works
38 Micke Lindebergh’s obsessive practice sees hundreds of flowerpots and fun guys
39 I believe good work should be relatable
40 Antoine Orand transforms “beautiful ideas into melodies” through drawing
41 Nano illustrates the different kinds of loneliness that we all feel from time to time
42 Meet Tess Smith-Roberts, the illustration student who adds a “stupid little smiley” to every character
44 Dylan Jones has made a book of drawings, and it’s weird
45 For Alice Monvaillier, animation is a “pretty magical process”
46 Have an ogle at Sein Koo’s marker pen illustrations of all things food-related
47 Illustrator Janice Chang uses humour and bendy limbs to tell personal stories
48 Patch D Keyes creates work for the most interesting names in the music biz
49 Illustrator Harriet Lyall draws the joy of “day-to-day environments”
50 Miro Denck designs film posters for his local cinema using striking illustrations
51 Illustrator Leonie Bos’s style is both precise and painterly
52 María Ramos illustrates bad bats, sleepy eggs and a boy made out of bubble gum
53 Joana Avillez’s A Sardinha Zinha is an illustrated ode to Portuguese idioms
54 Kruttika Susarla on using illustration to smash stereotypes around sexuality and gender
55 Laurie Avon is an illustrator utilising the power, persuasion and human qualities of print
56 Meet illustrator Hollie Fuller’s characters, with their piggy eyes and protruding ears
57 Illustrator Baptiste Virot describes his work as an “iron punch in a velvet glove”
58 Darren Shaddick illustrates his version of “the ultimate cool person”
59 Mathieu Larone illustrates the “elusive liminal space between the cryptic and the understandable”
60 For Anete Melece “illustration is the easiest way to tell a visual story”
61 Seba Cestaro “adds eyes to everything” in his surreal 2D and 3D illustrations
62 How illustrator Rafal Kwiczor uses movement in his geometric drawings
63 Yvan Guillo AKA Samplerman on his belief that “there is no progress in art”
64 A bitcoin for your thoughts
65 Viktor Hachmang’s new book combines traditional printmaking with the digital
66 Matthew the Horse illustrates the sweetest story of a child desperate to hug a pug
67 Illustrator Larissa Hoff constantly thinks of new ways to communicate information
68 David Jien’s illustrations are spaces to express his “deepest secrets, concerns and desires”
69 Antonio Carrau’s collages lie somewhere between pattern and reality
70 Joan Cornellá’s new exhibition “holds a mirror up to the depraved nature of society”
71 Saehan Parc illustrates women in various colours because she is also a foreign woman
72 Jo Minor’s “soft, squishy, weird, goofy, gooey and vibrant” illustrations
73 Evan Cohen breaks the boundaries of comics grids as an additional narrative
74 Mathias Martinez’s illustrations are eerie and enchanting
75 Where are my glasses Illustrator Ji Hyun Yu encourages you to find her lost specs
76 Woshibai’s hilariously clever comics explore themes of mundanity and reverie
77 Animator and illustrator Anna Katalin Lovrity works with “brave and rough shapes”
78 Jaeha Kim channels different discplines of art through his graphic design practice
79 Óscar Raña’s scientific approach to illustration makes for beautiful geometric drawings
80 Cabeza Patata brings energy and vivacity to its portfolio of 2D and 3D illustrations
81 Anna Parini’s bold editorial work demonstrates the “authorial power” illustration can have
82 SeokMee Noh’s latest paintings express “the beauty and simplicity of snow”
83 Haam Juhae is attracted to watercolours as “complete control is impossible”
84 Stefhany Lozano’s latest series of paintings capture the feelings before a panic attack
85 Illustrators are gaining more work but still not earning enough
86 Illustrator Marie Mohanna finds expression through drawing landscapes
87 Hannah Buckman creates “feelings of self-acceptance and belonging” in her illustrations
88 Illustrator Laylah Amarchih keeps inspired by setting herself a brief each week
89 Kyoko Nakamura combines tradition with the contemporary in her neon illustrations
90 Fatchurofi finds mindfulness influences his illustrations
91 South Korean illustrator Jisu Choi draws her material desires
92 Kelly Beeman’s peculiar paintings are “windows inside of some distant place”
93 Pedro MS’ illustrations are inspired by strange characters, sci-fi and video games
94 Thibaud Hérem on his technically perfect illustrations of buildings
95 Champagne Nicko’s illustrations feature characters in perpetual party mode
96 Pablo Amargo on his simple and humorous illustrations for The New York Times
97 Shiori Fujioka illustrates the unseen tranquility of Tokyo
98 Helen Oh hilariously illustrates the pain of a stomach crunch and intrepid mice
99 Eunkyoung Son on illustrating some of cinema’s most iconic scenes
100 Illustrator Amber Vittoria challenges stereotypes in her elaborately posed drawings
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齐老师 @野生国际艺术教育


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