


“1六级听力答案1.A) In a restaurant....

“1六级听力答案1.A) In a restaurant.2.D) She is a partial vegetarian.3.B) Changing one"s eating habit4.A) They enjoy perfect health.5.D) The man had an attitude problem.6.C) They use manipulative language to mask their irrational choices.7.B) lt is more of a sin than a virtue.8.D) Preserving their power and prestige9.B) They accomplish feats many of us cannot.10.C) They try to be positive role models to children.11.A) Separating an athlete"s professional life from their personal life.12.A) They always cost more than expected.13.B) It was cancelled.14.C) Keep to her budget.15.D) She rejected it flatly.16.D) It can influence people"s personalities.17.C) They tend to produce positive feelings.18.A) The link between temperature and personality is fairly weak.19.B) Chronic loneliness does harm to senior citizens in particular.20.D) Loneliness is probably reversible.21.C) Meaningful social contact.22.A) She had a successful career in finance.23.B) Start a blog.24.D) Create something unique to enter the industry.25.C) Avoiding too much advertising early on.“2六级阅读答案选词填空:Unthinkable as it may be, humanity, every last person...答案速查:26-30 KGLHB 31-35 JAIND26.K) scenario27.G) extinction28.L) severely29.H) obscure30.B) arise31.J) posed32.A) advocate33.1) particular34.N) species35.D) encounter段落匹配:San Francisco Has Become One Huge Metaphor for Economic Inequality in America.答案速查36-40DGCEH 41-45KFMBJ36.D) Policies pushed by Mayor Ed Lee provided tax breaks for tech companies to set up shop along the city s long-neglected Mid-Market area.37.G) When home prices soar above the reach of most households, the gap between the rich and the poor dramatically increases.38.C) According to arecent study, San Francisco ranks firstin California for economic difference.39.E) In spite ofall that,the strength of the recent job growth, combined with policies that have traditionally limited housing development in the city and throughout the peninsula, did not help ease the affordability crisis.40.H) This means that how a person judges their security in comparison to their neighbor"s has more of an impact on their happiness than their objective standard of living.41.K) Real estate alone will not solve the problem, of course. Transportation, too, needs to be updated and infrastructure extended to link distant regions to Silicon Valley and the city.42.F) Considering that the average household income in the city currently stands at around $80,000,it is not an exaggeration to say that the dream of home ownership is now beyond the grasp of the vast majority of today"s people who rent.43.M) It doesn"t have to be this way.But solutions need to be implemented now, before angry crowds grow from a nuisance to serious concern....We need to use existing technology to shorten travel times and break the land limits.44.B) ...to drastic market distortionsin the San Francisco Bay Area have created boiling resentmentin the region towards the tech industry. A vocalminority is even calling on officials to punish those who are benefitting from the economic and housing boom.45.J) The housing crisis is caused by two primary factors: the growing desirability of the Bay Area as a place to live due to its excellent economy, and our limited housing stock.仔细阅读:Passage 1The suggestion that people should aim for dietary diversity by trying to eat a variety of foods has been a basic public health recommendation for decades in the United States everywhere.46.A) People should diversify what they eat.47.C) People seeking dietary diversity tend to eat more.48.A) There is little consensus on the definition of dietary diversity.49.B) Diversified food intake may not contribute to health.50.C)They don"t feel they have had enough until they overeat.Passage 2The ability to make inferences from same and different...51.A) Being capable of same-different discrimination.52.D) Our conception of birds’ intelligence was wrong.53.B) They could tell whether the objects were the same.54.C) The animals used received no training.55.D) Remarkable progress is being made.“3六级翻译题目第*套徐霞客是中国明代的著名地理学家,他花费了三十多年的时间游遍了大半个中国。他主要靠徒步跋涉,寻访了许多荒远偏僻的地区。他把自己的见闻和考察结果详编记录下来,为后人留下了珍贵的考察资料。他通过对许多河流的实地调查,纠正了文献中关于水源的错误。他还详细地描述了地形、气候等因素对植物的影响,生动地描绘了各地的名胜古迹和风土人情。他的考察记录由后人整理成了《徐霞客游记》,在国内外产生了广泛的影响。第二套张骞(Zhang Qian)是中国第*个伟大的探险家。他不畏艰险克服重重困难,两次出使西域,开通了中国同西亚和欧洲的通商关系,将中国的丝和丝织品运往西亚和欧洲,开拓了历史上著名的“丝绸之路”。同时,他又将西域的风土人情、地理文化以及特有物种等介绍到中原,极大地开阔了人们的视野。正如历史学家所指出的那样,如果没有张骞出使西域,就不可能有丝绸之路的开辟,也就不会有汉朝同西域或欧洲的文化交流。第三套郑和是中国历史上*杰出的航海家,在航海、外交、军事等诸多领域都表现出非凡的智慧和卓越的才能。他曾七次率领庞大的船队远航,访问了西太平洋和印度洋的许多国家和地区,加深了中国同东南亚、东非的相互了解。郑和下西洋对中外的经济和文化交流起到了十分积极的推进作用,也为维护区域和平做出了巨大贡献。为了永远铭记郑和及其丰功伟绩,7月1日,即郑和率船队远航启程的日子,被定为中国的航海节。“4六级作文题目第*套容貌焦虑第二套做出选择第三套数字鸿沟技巧-真题课都在四六级会员里!现在只需要99元点击下方卡片,立刻购买~????

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艾老师 @学为贵教育


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