


1四级听力第*套News 1A woman was cha...

1四级听力第*套News 1A woman was charged with allegedly violating a Rhode Island city law against feeding wild animals. The 55-year-old woman"s neighbors blamed her for making the areas rat problem worse.Newly installed cameras captured several rats active in the middle of the day. Neighbors say that it"s even worse during the night. The woman and her parents who owned the home told reporters that she"s being charged for feeding birds, who would have known just loving animals gets you that much trouble, she said. It is prohibited to feed any wild animals, including birds in Rhode Island City. Nevertheless, while the woman"s intention was to feed birds, it is clear that rats were also benefiting. Anthony Mortti, director of the City Administration said he saw more than 20 rats near the woman"s home. He said it will take months to get the problem under control.Q1. What do we learn from the report about the 55-year-old woman?Q2. What did the director of the city administration say at the end of the news report?News 2To prepare for eventually sending astronauts to Mars. NASA began taking applications Friday for four people to live a year in Mars, June Alpha. That"s a 1,700 direction, two square foot Martian habitat inside of building in Houston. The paid volunteers will work in an environment similar to Mars. They will have limited communications with family, restricted food and resources. NASA is planning three experiments with the first one starting in the four Next year, food will all be ready to eat space food. Some plants will be grown, but not potatoes like in the movie in The Martian.We want to understand how humans perform in them, said lead scientists, grace Douglass. We"re looking at Mar"s realistic situations. The application process open Friday, and they"re not seeking just anybody. The requirements are strict, including a master"s degree in a science, engineering, or math field or pilot experience. Only a American citizens or permanent US residents are acceptable.Applicants must be between 30 and 55 and in good physical health. Attitude is key, Said former Canadian astronaut Chris Hatfield. He said that participants need to be super competent, resourceful, and not rely on other people to feel comfortable.Q3. What does NASA require the paid volunteers to do?Q4. What will the participants in the project eat?News 3Japanese mayor apologized Thursday for biting the Olympic gold medal of a softball player.Nagoya Mayor Tekashi Kawamura had praised athlete Mio GoTo during a public media event.He asked her to put the metal around his neck, Kawamura then bit into it.Biting a medal in front of journalists and photographers has become a common pose for Olympic medalists.However, it is only for the winners themselves, not others.I"m really sorry that I hurt the treasure of the gold medalist ca Kawamura told reporters Thursday.The mayor said the medal was undamaged, though he offered to pay for the cost of a new one.Go To, however, has accepted the International Olympic Committee"s offer of a replacement.According to Japanese media reports, the scene broadcast on television prompted thousands of complaints to Citv Hall.Some Olympians said they treat their medals as treasures, and that it was disrespectful and unacceptable for Kawamura to bite one.I would cry if that happened to me. Said another athlete.Now he said, GoTo. I handle my own gold medal so gently that I would not scratch it.Q5. What does the news report say about the Japanese Mayor Tekashi Kawamura?Q6. What did Mayor Tekashi Kawamura offer to do?Q7. What did some Olympians say they would do with their medals?Convo IM: What"s that orange thing on your computer screen? It"s something I bought yesterday.M: It"s a plastic sheet that blocks blue light. I have one that I use to cover my phone screen too.M: What do you mean by blue light?W: Blue light includes natural light, but it also includes light that isn"t natural. For example, from computers, phones, televisions, and other electronic devices.M: So blue light is harmful and that"s why you want to block it?W: It isn"t that simple. Blue light isn"t necessarily bad for us. In fact, we need blue light during the day to be healthy, but too much blue light, especially from electronic devices, can harm our health by weakening our vision and making it harder for us to fall asleep and poor sleep can cause all sorts of health problems.M: I"m not so sure that sleep is nearly as important as people always say it is. I haven"t slept enough in months because I have too much work to do and I feel fine, and it"s the same for most of my friends. Poor sleep might be a problem for older people, but surely young people can handle late nights.W: Well, the research Ive read shows that sleep is probably even more important than we thought, and that not having enough sleep can contribute to serious health problems like obesity and heart disease. And all the artificial blue light from electronic devices means we have to try harder to sleep well.M: Maybe you"re right. I"m on my computer very late most nights, and that"s probably why I don"t sleep enough.Q8. What did the woman do to her computer?Q9. What does the woman say about blue light?Q10. Why does the man say he hasn"t slept enough for months?Q11. What has the woman leamed from the research she has read?Convo 2W: As a kid, did you know what job you wanted to do when you grew up?M: No, I didn"t and I got sick every time adult ask me what I wanted to to be when I grew up.W: It"s the same with me. And I"m tired of people asking that question of my 10 year old daughter My daughter"s stock answers are basketball player, pop singer, mechanical engineer.Adults love that last one as it"s the perfect mix of the sensible and the ambitious. When she was much younger, my daughter used to say she wanted to be queen of the clouds, which I loved.That"s the kind of goal setting I like to see in children springing from their boundless imaginations.M: Yes, we growmups can be tedious and limiting in our need for reality. And we teach a very gloomy image of adulthood that whatever our children"s future holds, it must be seen within the context of a job.W: How utterly overwhelming and dull.M: When people ask my son what he wants to be when he grows up, I have to swallow the urge to say, Hey, back off my kids" dreams.W: We can"t dismiss the idea that teenagers have to plan to do something after they finish school, and parents are entitled to hope. It"s more than simply spending 10 hours a day playing computer games,M: But asking, what do you want to be? Isn"t going to lead a child to fulfilled life rather at least the false expectations and a high chance of disappointment.W: Exactly. We should be helping our kids understand who they are. Even if that means letting go of who we think they should be.Q12. What question were both speakers fed up with when they were kids?Q13. What occupation do adults see as both sensible and ambitious according to the woman?Q14. What kind of goal setting does the woman like to see in children?Q15. What does the woman suggest slits swild do?Passage 1Greater internet access correlates directly with improved healthcare education and economic development. People living in rural areas, however, lag behind in online use, which limits their access to government services, banking, and job opportunities. Nowhere is this challenge clearer than in Africa. Most Africans live in rural areas that are tough to wire for internet access. Now some phone companies are trying to introduce internet ready phones into African markets. Certain companies have started selling simple smartphones for only $20. Previously, the lowest price had been around $40. Well out of reach for many people. These devices are powered by software from the Giant Electronics company, KaiOS technologies limited. Most companies are trying to make phones ever more powerful and capable, but KaiOS went the other way. It made every effort to keep the essential capabilities of smartphones, but strip out costs and preserve battery life for people who likely have inadequate access to electricity. The KaiOS devices offer an alternative to the more expensive models that remain out of reach of many Africans and contribute to the digital divide. The body of KaiOS phones is as basic as it gets. Instead of a touchscreen, they"re controlled with an old school keypad. They"re designed for 3G networks because 4G coverage doesn"t reach two thirds of Africa"s customers. In total. KaiOS phones are made from about $15 worth of parts while Apple"s top of the line iPhone has $390 worth of stuff.Q16. What are a number of phone companies trying to do in Africa?Q17. How do KaiOS smartphones differ from smartphones of most other companies?Q18. What are KaiOS smartphones arquipped with?Passage 2For years, using recycled plastic to make plastic products was cheap. By contrast, fossil fuel plastic was more expensive. Thus the sustainable option was an economic option too. But now it is cheaper for major manufacturers to use new plastic. According to one recent business report, recycled plastic now costs an extra $72 a ton compared with newly made plastic.This may be because of consumer demands. They are pushing for more recycled plastics in new products. Meanwhile, new plastic is becoming cheaper. This is because of a boom in petroleum chemical production from the us, the price increase of recycled plastic. Could cost sustainable manufacturers an extra 250 million dollars a year.Smaller manufacturers may also be forced to use new plastic to reduce costs. Makers of clear plastic bottles may also opt for new fossil fuel-based plastic to save money. Plastic packaging makers are being pressured to use more recycled plastic. This is done in hopes of reducing the enormous amount of plastic pollution in the oceans.The UK government plans to tax companies which don"t use at least 30% recycled plastic in their products. Additionally, the government is planning to increase the quantity of recycled plastic in the market. This could mean incentives for new recycling plants. Additionally, recycling facilities may be improved at a local council level and recycled plastic could be imported.This would help increase the amount of recycled plastic in circulation.Q19. What is said about using recycled plastic to make plastic products in the past?Q20. What has led to a more competitive price for new plastic?Q21. What does the UK government wlan to do ahout plastic?Passage 3At the DaoYou, A business in Manhattan. Naps are for sale.A 45-minute session in a darkened enclosure with peace and quiet costs $25.To be clear, this institution is no hotel.This is a nap joint. It sells the idea of the nap as much as the nap itself. Is a nap worth $25? The answer is obviously yes.Here at this point in the argument,it"s traditional for me to bring up all the studies that show the benefits of napping, but do you really need experts to tell you that? Just look at the world around you at 2:30 in the aftemoon.Ive been working from home for more than 10 years now. And the quality and quantity of work I can do emerges directly from my ability to concentrate.I don"t understand how people have creative careers without napping.Every day at about 1:00 PM, everyone faces the same choice. Sleep until 2:00 PM and then work until five or daydream and drift around social media and attend pointless meetings until 7:00 PM.The friends I have who still work in offices inform me that bosses insist that they take the second option and that napping is associated with laziness.I genuinely find it odd for if you nap properly, it"s like waking up from a full night"s sleep and you can double your day"s worth of concentration.Q22. What do we learn about the YouDao, a business in Manhattan?Q23. Why does the speaker ask us to look at the world around us at 2:30 in the afternoon?Q24. What do we learn about the quantity and quality of the speaker"s work?Q25. What does the speaker say he (ols car?听力答案第*套1.D) She was accused of violating a city law.2.A) It will take time to solve the rat problem.3.B) Work in an environment resembling Mars.4.A) Ready-made food.5.C) He bit a softball player"s Olympic gold medal.6.D) Pay for the cost of a new one.7.C) Treat them as treasures.8.A) She covered its screen with a plastic sheet.9.B) It includes unnatural light.10.D) He has been burdened with excessive work.11.B) Sleep may be more important than people assumed.12. A) What they wanted to be when grown up.13.C) A mechanical engineer.14.C) Imaginative.15.B) Help their kids understand themselves.16.D) Promote Internet-ready phones17.A) They cater to Africans" needs18.B) An old-school keypad.19.C) It was cheaper than using fossil fuel plastic.20.D) A rapid increase in U.S. petroleum chemical production.21.D) Take measures to promote the use of recycled plastic.22.B) It rents a place for nap-takers.23.C) To understand the obvious importance of napping24.B) They depend on his ability to concentrate.25.A) Some bosses associate napping with laziness.听力答案第二套1.A) A man was bitten by a snake.2.D) Who owned the snake.3.A) Taking her trash out in fancy dresses.4.B) To amuse people.5.C) Have a meal even if they have no money.6.C) It originated from a donation to her staff.7.B) More people have been giving than taking:8.A) He is a psychologist.9. D) Why friends break off contact all of a sudden.10.C) They scream to get their parents back.11.A) They may regard any difference as the end of arelationship.12.C) Their quality.13.A) Jeans are a typicat American garment.14.B) They are natural.15.D) They are worth the price.16.A) He desires more in life.17.D) It is relatively predictable.18.D) They are too simple.19.B) It can help connect people.20.B) Make them more open to learning.21.C) Convey fundamental values.22.B) Immigrants have been contributing to the U.S.23.D) More of them are successful business people.24.C) Their level of debt is lower than that of native-born Americans.25.A) Keep their traditional values and old habits.2四级阅读答案第*套阅读01选词填空文章开头You probably haven"t taken the time to think of allthe work that went into creating the shirt on yourback.I mean, how hard it could .答案速查26-30LBENF   31-35 OCIKM26.L sew27.B abundant28.E exact29.N statistics30.F increasingly31.O textile32.C awareness33.I nearly34.K reducing35.M shrink02段落匹配文章标题The spoken web答案速查36-40 FKHDJ    41-45 MCGEJ题干、答案和定位处36.According to Francis Dittoh, their speech-basedweather information service was meant to beinexpensive and easy to use.【F】定位:The service was designed to be cheapand easy to run, says Mr Dittoh.37.Using voice instead of typing enables doctors tospend more time taking care of patients.【K】定位:Doctors completing online formsabout their patients by speech, for example,cadictate 150 words a minute, three times faster thantyping on a keyboard. This enables them to spendless time on administration and more time withpatients.38.It is extremely difficult to convert voice into text because of different pronunciations.【H】定位:Even turning your voice into text-autornatic speech recognition-is one of the hardest problems to solve, as these are so manyways to pronounce things as there are people onthe planet.39.African farmers unable to read often don"thave access to important information conveyedonline.【D】定位:That is the situation facing illiterate(不识字的) African farmers. They are often deniedcrucial information the web offers many others.40.Some phone users worry advertisers will takeadvantage of voice assistants to send ads directlyto them.【J】定位:They worry assistants will one day beused to deliver advertising directly to us.41. The spoken web is helpful when one"s handsare occupied.【M】定位:Using voice also makes sense when you" re doing other things with your hands.42.Some people believe online interaction wouldsoon depend mainly on voice.【C】定位:Some think voice could soon take over from typing and clicking as the main way to interact online.43. Setting up a spoken web is by no means an easy task.【G】定位:But building the spoken we-web-to-veice and voice-to-web—isn"t straightforward.44.Weather information is extremely important tofarmers.【E】定位:Yet knowing when it" s going to rain is vital for farmers wanting to sow seeds irrigatecrops or take their animals out to the fields to feedon grass.45.Some people are concerned about privacybecause their phones are constantly collecting their personal information.【J】定位:Our phones are always near us and they are collecting data about us all the time.This has already raised privacy concerns.03仔细阅读Passage 1文章开头The United States is facing a housing crisis:Affordable housing is inadequate, while luxury homes abound (充裕), and homelessness remainsa persistent problem.答案速查46-50 BAADC46. What are big houses promoted to be in the United States?.B) A reward for industriousness.47. What is one of the consequences of living big?A) Many Americans" quality of life has becomelower.48. What questions arise from living big?A) Questions related to moral principles.49.What kind of social system does the author think is unacceptable?D) One in which the affluent enjoy a more comfortable life at the expense of the poor.50.What does the author advocate for people to live well?C) More public spaces created for everyone to enjoy.Passage 2文章开头Most of us in the entrepreneurial community..答案速查51-55 BABCD51.What does the author think of mostentrepreneurs?B)They are more ambitious than ordinary people.52.What does the author imply by saying"this isn"t always the case”(Line 1,Para.3)?A)Ambitious people may not have a greater chance of success.53.What does the author say is of extreme importance for one to become a successful entrepreneur?B)Being able to adapt to new situations.54. How do the most ambitious entrepreneursregard failure in their endeavor?C) It means the end of their career.55. What does the author advise us to do concerning ambition?D) Prioritize health and happiness over material success.第二套阅读01选词填空文章开头Morocco is reiponding to increasing energy demands.答案速查26-30 HOINC    31-35 LDMAG26.H located27.O scheduled28.I mostly29.N rising30.C crucial31.L pioneer32.D depend33.M potential34.A affordable35.G just02段落匹配文章标题New Formula One Chlaf Hopes ta Grab Americans" Attendion答案速查30-40GLDAM    41-45 JFCHK题干、答案和定位处36.Chase Carey believes greater use should bemade of digital technology to make Formula Onemore accessible to its fans.【答案】G【定位】Increased digital access for fans, a morebehnind-the-scenes experience for broadcast viewers and innovation in areas like virtual reality-what is it like to sped around a track inside aPerrari?-are among the possibilities."The sport hasclearly been underscrved," Carey e doesn"t doanything digitally,There"s no marketing.It doesn"ttell any stories. The goal in this is to make the fansconnect to the live experience as much as possible,and the tools you have to do that,we"re not usingat all."37.Chase Carey was deeply impressed by theceremony preceding last year"s Monaco race.【答案】L【定位】第二句:He recalled attending FormulaOne"s Monaco race last year and being overwhelmed by the ceremony leading up to theevent,the way the race charmed the city for daysahead of the start.38.One of Chase Carey"s goals is to make FormulaOne more appealing to Americans.【答案】D【定位】第*句:Among the goals, Carey said in aninterview on Tuesday, is one that just about everyglobal sport seems interested in chasing:increasing interest in the United States.39.A former motorbike parts dealer led FormulaOne for the past forty years.【答案】A【定位】第*句:For the past four decades,theleader of Formula One car racing, one of thebiggest annual sporting series in the world, wasBernie Ecclestone, a former motorcycle partsdealer who built it into an international presenceessentially on his own.40.Chase Carey thought the audience of Formula One could be made to share his feeling about therace.【答案】M【定位】第二、三句:He was fascinated."Youcan"t help but be awed," he said,"and I thinkthat feeling can be translated to the viewer:41.Chase Carey used to serve as a top advisor for amajor broadcasting company.【答案】J【定位】第二句:At Fox Broadcasting Company, he was a top advisor for years, known for his skill inhelping to lead the launch of the company intosports, as well as the start of Fox News Channel.42.Chase Carey intends to make connection seasier between the audience and the Formula Oneracers.【答案】【F】【定位】第二句后半部分:…and second,alter the way fans experience the within the sport,both inperson and remotely,so that connections between the audience and people within the series areeasier to make.43. The new leader of Formula One admitted he was not super interested in car racing.【答案】C【定位】第二句:...Chase Carey-a former executive with Fox Broadcasting Company and Direc TV who by his own admission is not a fierce racing fan..44.People"s opinions differ as to whether Formula One can be promoted in the U.S.【答案】H【定位】第*、二句:The larger question,though, is a familiar one: Is there room for Formula One inthe ever-crowded sports landscape of the United States? Opinions vary,particularly becauseviewing habits among consumers continue toevolve.45.Compared with other racing series, Formula One focuses more on speed and involves more danger.【答案】K【定位】末二句:It"s about speed, danger and risk.And Formula One has that more than any other racing series."03仔细阅读Passage 1  文章开头Saigotmarhats have long been suffering as one of the thinnest margined buainesses in existence and one of the least-looked-forward-to places to work or visit.答案速查46-50 BBDCA46.What problem have supermarkets been facing?B) They have been losing customers and profits47.What does the passage say about the idea ofaself-service grocery?B) It originated in the United States.48.What did supermarkets do by adopting the Fordist factory approach?D) They revolutionized the distribution of goods.49.What is the typical supermarket layout intended to do?C)Induce customers to make more unplanned purchases.50.What have people long feared about supermarkets?A) They use tricky strategies to promote theirbusinessPassage 2  文章开头The traditional school year,with three months of vacation every summer.答案速查51-55 ADDAC51.A) Students needed to help with farm work.52.D) It will strengthen their relationship with teachers.53.D) It contributes to students" healthy growth.54.A) It does little good to most students.55.C) Outdated.第三套阅读01选词填空文章开头Whether you" re just having a down day or a down period.答案速查26-30 GNDFH  31-35 KECIM26.G) daily27.N) symptoms28.D) classified29.F) come30.H) definitely31.K) inactive32.E) clearing33.C) bond34.I) distractions35.M) reaping02段落匹配文章标题A Club Where Lions Dance and Traditions Take Root答案速查36-40 FCJEB    41-45LGDIL题干、答案和定位处36. The lion dancers perform from door to door tobring New Year wishes to business people36.F【定位】 Today, the dancers travel across Chinatown going from business to business tobring good luck for the coming year.37. The New York dance club also serves as a placefor entertainment where young sters can enjoy themselves safely.37.C【定位】But the club also acts as a recreationcenter and safe haven (庇护所)for teenagers, with video games readily available.38.Lion dancers need to have a little imagination to perform well38.J【定位】“But what makes you a competent lion dancer is that there"s a sense of imagination involved.39.There are a number of different versions about the origin of the lion dance39.E【定位】 It is believed that the lion dance began in the third century. Stories vary about how lion dancing came to be, but most of them include a monster named Nian who would terrorize avillage.40.Some 50% of the members of a New York lion dance club are teenagers.40.B【定位】 Teenagers comprise about half of the group, many of whom began lion dancing at the age of 14.41.One club member says he feels proud of his cultural tradition41.L【定位】"I value my culture and tradition,being Chinese or Asian-American. I have a lot ofpride in that, he said.42. Two dancers coordinate their movements, one manipulating the lion"s head and the other its body.42.G【定位】As one person controls the head,a second follows under a train of fabric representing the body.43. One lion dancer compares their New York dance club to a family.43.D【定位】”We"re a big family,” he said,shaking hands with other members as they walked through the doors you know everyone.44. Lion dance should be handed down to future generations as part of Chinese culture44.I【定位】Mr. Chan, who has been involved with the club for nearly 50 years, said that passing the dance from one generation to the next was vital.45. One lion dancer learned how to perform from his elders45.L【定位】Mr.Le comes by the dance as a legacy(传承)."T was born into it," Mr. Le said, noting thathis uncle and father were club members.03仔细阅读Passage 1Team-building exercises have become popular formanagers trying to increase….答案46-50 ABDAD46.A) They consider such exercises annoying.47. B) They rearanged the staff and office spaces.48.D) They were regarded as an intrusion intoemployees" private lives.49.A) By allowing participants freedom to express themselves.50. D) They have to be applied cautiously to be effective.Passage 2There are close to 58,000 homeless people in Los Angeles county.答案51-55 ACACD51 A) To combat the county" s homelessness.52 C) They are responsible for their own condition.53 A) They find it increasingly difficult to afford aplace to live.54 C) The increase in new housing falls short of the demand of the growing homeless population.55 D) They no longer find shocking.3四级翻译答案第*套改革开放40多年以来,中国政府对高等教育越来越重视,高等教育已经进入稳步发展阶段。高校学生总数已接近4700万人,位居世界第*。随着我国经济的快速发展,人民生活冰平不断提高,越来越多的人渴望接受高等教育。我国高校的数量和专业持续增加:招人数逐年上升,教学质量也在不断改进,为更多年轻人创造了接受高等教育的机会。第二套中国政府一直大力推行义务教育,以使每个儿童都享有受教育的机会。自1986年义务教育法生效以来,经不懈努力实现了在全国推行义务教育,从2008年秋季学期开始,义务教育阶段学生无需缴纳学费。随着一系列教育改革举措的实施,中国义务教育的质量也有显著提高。第三套中国越来越重视终身教育,发展继续教育是构建终身教育体系的有效途径。高校作为人才的培养基地拥有先进的教学理念和优越的教学资源,理应成为继续教育的办学主体。因此近年来许多高校适应社会需求,加强了与用人单位沟通,努力探索一条符合中国国情的继续教育发展新路以促使继续教育在国家发展战路中发挥更大作用。4四级作文题目1.网课2.人际关系3.社区服务技巧-真题课都在四六级会员里!现在只需要99元点击下方卡片,立刻购买~????

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