

作者:cet-guixue 来源:cet-guixue

“1四级听力答案1.A) A proposed polic...

“1四级听力答案1. A) A proposed policy allowing Africans to travelin Africa without a visa.2. C) lt will reduce the cost of trade between African countries.3. D) Pumping carbon dioxide underground to form stone.4. C) High consumptionof water5. B) It has been on the decline6. D) They favor diets lower in calories7. B) They spend less time eating breakfast.8. A) After the rush hour.9. C) One window seat.10. B) At the far end of the platform.11. D) Give the ticket to the train guard.12. C) Nearly all ofthem closed down decades ago.13. A) lt shows foreign movies exclusively.14. B) They don't speak foreign languages.15. D) They have an English translation on the screen.16. B) She incorporates smartphones into her teaching.17. C) To help children grow up to be professionals.18. A) Use books and pens only.19. D) By helping her brother wash windows.20. A) She dordered a large number of dolls.21. B) They took all of them to the children’hospital.22. A) The time one starts school.23. B) To find causes for differences in the participant's performance.24. D) High-school students.25. C) Risk-taking.“2四级阅读答案选词填空:lt's a fantasy that goes back centuries: a message in a bottle...答案速查:26. 0)alike28. L)delight29. C)suspect30. l)intense31. A)wore32. M)colorful33. H)mess34. B)wildlife35. N)bore信息匹配:36. H)If you care about outside opinions on your name, you should know that a large portion of today's society is annoyed by the hyphenated name.37. D) Most of the time, though, the most popular compromise is to hyphenate your last name and the last name of your groom.38. I) Whether your future husband insisting on your adopting his last name is a red flag to you or not, it is still something that you should take into consideration.39. A) While being married is great and wonderful, the act of getting married can be quite stressful.40. J) One spouse wants a complete name change. The other spouse wants no name change. Hyphenating the two namesis a way for each person to,at least a little bit,“win”the argument.41. B) The act of keeping her own last name was considered taboo and people's eyebrows would raise right of their faces...42. E) lt allows you to stay connected to accomplishments that you achieved before you got married.43. G) At the the time, your name is associated with the identity you've built up and hyphenation allows you to respect that while also respecting tradition and your husband’s family' s identity.44. L) At the end ofthe day, whether you each keep your names, ... what matters is that you love each other and are going to be joining your lives together.45. F) While tradition is one thing, there isn't any logical reason to completely change your name.仔细阅读:Passage 1It' s good to be smart...46. A) They can make silly mistakes in straightforward situations.47. B) Too much faith in their ability to think.48. D) They may get offended.49. A) They may suffer in their professional and private life.50. C) They are under increasing pressure.Passage 2Of the endless troubles that come with being...51. D)To help them to meet new employment standards.52. A) lt provides refugees with a wide range of courses free of charge.53. D) Refugees find it more difficult to get a job.54. C) Lack of language skills.55. B) They benefited most ofthe learners“3四级翻译题目第*套近年来,越来越多的年轻人喜爱各种形式的自助旅游。许多自助旅游者选择徒步或骑自行车出游。他们自己设计路线,自带帐篷、厨具以及其他必备的生活用品。在旅途中,自助旅游者经常能够发现一些新的美丽景点,但有时也会遇见意想不到的困难或突发事件。游客在旅行中拥抱自然、欣赏美景,同时也增强了自己克服困难的勇气和野外生存的能力。第二套近年来,越来越多的城市居民为农村的由园风光所吸引,利用节假日到乡村旅游,他们住在农民家中,品尝具有当地风味的农家饭菜,有些游客还参与采摘瓜果等活动,亲身感受收获的喜悦。乡村旅游能够有效地帮助游客舒缓压力,放松心情,增进身心健康。实际上,这种旅游形式不仅能使城市游客受益,同时也能增加农民的收入,促进农村经济发展。第三套随着生活水平的提高,更多人开始加入到自驾游的行列之中。自驾游者既可驾驶自家车也可借车或租车出游。司机可能是车主或结伴出游者。自驾游与传统的组团旅游不同,它能够更好地满足旅游者的个性化需求,使他们更好地享受旅游的过程。自驾游尤其受到年轻出游者的欢迎。年轻人追求独立自由的生活,而自驾游恰好满足了他们的这一需求。“4四级写作题目第*套介绍最近读的书第二套关于讲座的一个新闻报道第三套职业规划技巧-真题课都在四六级会员里!现在只需要99元点击下方卡片,立刻购买~👇👇
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