
全科预测 | 考前,考试心不慌

作者:njxueweigui 来源:njxueweigui

小考鸭们!本周 雅思预测来了考试预测题出自学为贵雅思名师团...

小考鸭们!本周 雅思预测来了考试预测题出自学为贵雅思名师团根据雅思官方的历年真题和出题规律,总结出的近期的考试重点题目内容听、说、阅、写 ,全科预测是考前焦虑/缺乏复习重点人群的必选!
为什么考前都在找李仙童预测?我们都知道,雅思考试有重复性,听力、写作、阅读 3 个科目的旧题再考率在 25%以上,口语考试更是有 90%以上都是题库原题。因此,了解雅思考试规律,总结雅思考试真题特点,就能够提前准备可能再考的题目。而李仙童预测就具备这几个特点:经验强:李仙童教龄 10 年+,对考试规律非常有把握预测准:“考到原题”是学生考后对它的评价范围小:每周一发布 15-20 题小范围预测贵贵 温馨提示 不要背答案!不要背答案!不要背答案!此篇为预测出自历年真题,考试不会出一模一样的具体题目,切勿背答案浪费时间和精力! 预测仅供参考!提升自我实力才是最重要的!听力预测LIXIANTONG YUCE  
Part-1   1. 两个男生租房对话   2. 未来购物   3. 保姆   4. 果林摘果工作   5. 车库物品售卖......Part-2   1. 邮局工作推荐   2. 关于船的历史的介绍   3. 图书馆扩建主题   4. 足球娱乐部演讲   5. 小学开放日活动......Part-3   1. 经营方式分析   2. 业务重构   3. 女孩要求换课程   4. 风电场   5. 公司专利应用......Part-4   1. 英国纺织工业历史   2. 印度西番莲果   3. 预防犯罪机制   4. 古代油画的复原   5. 雨伞的发展立式......具体题目可在『学为贵APP』-『李仙童预测』-『听力题库』中查看完整版私信贵贵领取哦~
Part1:重点考题LanguageArtPen&pencilLibraryInternet & social mediaJewelryMusicStaying up lateNumber......Part 2:人物类Describe a person who you enjoy working/studying withDescribe a person who encouraged you to achieve your goalDescribe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music......地点建筑类Describe a place you would like to go to relaxDescribe a noisy place you have been toDescribe a place that is good for people to live in......媒体娱乐类Describe a useful device in your home that you cannot live withoutDescribe a photo that makes you feel happy......物品类Describe a piece of clothing you wear most oftenDescribe a photo that makes you feel happy......事件经历类Describe someone you know who made a good decisionDescribe an experience of being late for an important eventDescribe a long-term goal you would like to achieve.....特殊类Describe a sport that you have watched and would like to tryDescribe a rule that is important in your school or at workDescribe a historical period you are interested in ......扫码领取新题库,还可以加入口语群,和老师一起,讨论新题,寻找思路!
阅读预测LIXIANTONG YUCE  【单词填写题】P5 The Lost Continent【句子理解判断题】P14 Yawn【段落中心思想题】P33 TV Addiction【信息匹配题】P36 Liar Detector【选择题】P48 Violin Making【图表题】P54 Perfume......写作预测LIXIANTONG YUCE  教育类Some people think that in order to continue improving the quality of high school education, students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers. Others, however, believe that this would result in the loss of respect and dignity for teachers. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Some people think that it is government’s responsibility to transport children to school, while others think parents should get their children to school. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.......社会发展类Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large companies and factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?......政府投资类More government investment should be on the teaching of science than any other subjects in order to keep a country's development and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?......科技类Scientists believe computers will become more intelligent than human beings.Some people think the development will be negative. To what extent do you agree or disagree?..... 环境类Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion......咱们预测虽然准也不要死记硬背哦
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