2024年9月插班 报名申请 VSP本次插班生报名主要针对 2024年9月入读 2-5年级 和 7-8年级 的插班生。The transfer student assessment is for students who are willing to join VSP in Grade 2-5 and Grade 7-8 in September 2024.申请方式How to apply请家长 扫描下方二维码 递交在线申请,递交成功后,招生办将与您主动联系沟通后续事宜。Please scan the following QR code to complete the online application. Our admission office will contact parents to communicate the details of applications.
(插班报名二维码)招生办联系方式Contact Us咨询热线 / Tel:021-34633623 / 021-50897913 / 18019173623招办邮箱 / E-mail Address:adm-vsp@dtd-edu.cn