近日,“*洋气的中医研究生”无名在社交媒体走红。A Ger...
近日,“*洋气的中医研究生”无名在社交媒体走红。A German young man named Joel Mikael Walker (Chinese name: Wu Ming) went viral on social media after using traditional Chinese medical techniques to revive a girl who collapsed while hiking.在河南登封录制节目时,90后德国小伙无名偶然遇到一女生爬山途中休克晕倒,通过查看,他发现女孩心跳有短时间骤停。
考虑到女孩如果是暂时性的心血管痉挛,心肺复苏的效果没那么好,加之石头地比较硬,心肺复苏容易把肋骨按断。于是,无名立即对女孩进行中医急救。Walker quickly turned to traditional Chinese emergency methods for the girl, as CPR might not have been as effective and there was a risk of rib fractures on the hard ground.cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)/?kɑ?rd?o??p?lm??neri r??s?s??te??(?)n/ 心肺复苏术
Walker phoned his teacher Song Zhaopu and, under his remote guidance, sprayed cold water on her face and patted her cubital fossa. After over 20 pats, the girl"s pulse started to return, and she could speak a few words.cubital fossa /?kju?b?tl ?f?s?/ 肘窝回想起当时的决定,无名称也有些后怕。“作为医生,我没有采用心肺复苏的方式施救,一旦失败是要承担法律责任的。但以女孩当时的情况,心肺复苏很可能会压断她的肋骨,我觉得中医的急救方法更适合她,因此就做了这个大胆的决定。”看似大胆的决定,其实是日常累积的经验。宋兆普介绍,“中医认为心经问题,气瘀在肘窝。我们做彩超时也会发现,拍打肘窝,心脏会抽搐一下。拍打肘窝能够疏通经络、行气活血,凉水喷脸也是古人救人的办法,通过刺激皮肤,让人清醒。”Traditional Chinese medicine holds that tapping the cubital fossa can clear meridians and improve the flow of qi and blood. Spraying cold water on the face was an ancient method to revive someone by stimulating the skin.视频来源:抖音@无名在河南面对这次走红以及网友的夸赞,无名谦虚表示:并不是我厉害,而是古人的智慧很厉害,我只是将师父教我的东西学以致用。我师父说,病人其实是我们的恩人,因为医生这个职业就是需要不断积累经验,并通过实践来检验经验的正确性。Faced with newfound fame and praise online, Walker humbly said: "It"s not me, it"s the profound wisdom of the ancients. I just apply what my mentor taught me. He believed patients are doctors" benefactors; being a doctor means constantly gaining and testing experience through practice."据报道,无名原名约尔·沃克,取中文名字时,他看到自己的无名指,就取了“无名”这个名字。2015年他来到中国,就读于河南中医药大学汉语言班。一年后,无名如愿进入中医学专业学习。本科毕业后,他又成为针灸专业的硕士研究生。今年刚刚研究生毕业的无名,在一家医院实习。Joel Mikael Walker hails from Dresden in eastern Germany. He came to China in 2015 and began his journey into the TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) world. Following a year of intensive Chinese language study, he enrolled in the Henan University of Chinese Medicine.来中国前,无名就对少林功夫等中国文化很感兴趣,之所以选择学习中医,是因为他在德国生活时遇到一些困惑,“发达的西医依然无法根治有些疾病,我想寻找没有副作用的其他疗法”。
河南是“医圣”张仲景故里,中医文化浓厚。无名2015年来到这个中国中部省份,学习1年中文后,开启了习医之路。“中医是中国传统文化中保存*好的。”无名希望通过学习中医,更深刻地理解中国文化,以解答他的困惑。As he thought some diseases can"t be treated thoroughly with Western medicine, he decided to dig into TCM. Walker came to Central China"s Henan province in 2015, where a profound TCM culture can be enjoyed because Henan province is the hometown of Zhang Zhongjing, the medical sage of ancient China. After one-year of learning the Chinese language, he started to learn Chinese medicine. "TCM is one of the best-preserved aspects of Chinese culture", said Walker. He hopes to solve problems and understand Chinese culture intimately by learning TCM.
入门之初,无名经常效仿中国传统典故里的“神农尝百草”,通过品尝一些中药,去了解其药性和疗效。In the early stages, Walker always tasted some Chinese herbal medicine by himself, just like Shen Nong, a character in Chinese legend, who tasted most of the herbal medicine himself to know their properties and therapeutic effects.他还分享了这样一件趣事:起初他对中医了解不深,自觉气虚,就配了一些中药丸想改善身体状况,“吃了一个星期,补得我不停流鼻血”。此事使无名理解了中医理念——通过改变生活方式和饮食来调理身体,可能并不需要药物。
关于未来,无名表示自己会坚持对中医的选择,他想做一名中医药文化的传播者,让更多外国人了解中医药文化,并运用所学到的中医药知识帮助更多患者。编辑:弓玥琪来源:中国日报 中国青年报 大象新闻 央视新闻等END【声明】内容整理自网络,版权归原作者或平台所有,由星度小编进行综合整理,如有侵权请联系删除。欢迎大家关注我们的新媒体平台: 微信公众号:星度国际翻译微信公众号:星度外语微信公众号:星度环球文化小红书:星度环球留学小红书:星度环球语言微博:星度环球文化微博:星度国际翻译知乎:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度环球文化