



对于多数考生来说,掌握托福评分者的“禁忌界限”所在,就如同获得了一份“规避失误”的手册,有助于更精确地把握回答要点。倘若你的写作分数持续未能达到预期,或许该反思一下,自己是否不小心触碰了这些“失误区域”……快和小曼老师来看看吧01冗长累赘的首尾段很多学生会通过死记硬背或直接套用现成句子来增加字数,试图给留下深刻印象,但实际上,不太看好冗长累赘的开头和结尾段落。比如:The importance of the issue raised by the posed statement, namely creating a new holiday for people, cannot be underestimated, as it concerns the very fabric of society. As it stands, the issue of creating a new holiday raises profound implications for the future. However, although the subject matter in general cannot be dismissed lightheartedly, the perspective of the issue as presented by the statement raises certain qualms regarding practical application.In summary, while I acknowledge the urgency of establishing a new holiday for the public and find the core idea of the proposed suggestion highly persuasive, I cannot shake off my caution against taking such irreversible actions. Personally, I believe a more cautious and gradual approach would yield more beneficial results.02一味堆砌词汇和以上两段类似,除了冗长的首尾段,评分人也不喜欢堆砌大量词语并且没有针对论点展开论述:At the heart of any discussion regarding an issue pertaining to creating a new holiday, it has to be borne in mind that a delicate line has to be trod when dealing with such matters. The human resources involved in such matters cannot be guaranteed regardless of all the good intentions that may be lavished. While it is true that creat-ing a new holiday might be a viable and laudable remedy, it is transparently clear thatapplied wrongly such a course of action could be calamitous and compound the prob-lem rather than provide a solution.仅使用大量单词叙述,即使作文写到300甚至400词,没有语法错误,但整个段落空洞,没有实质内容03结构不清晰评分人会非常重视考生的文章结构,如果一篇作文结构严谨,读者就能毫无障碍地从头读到尾。托福写作中要进行分段写作,所以运用有效过渡可以帮助读者跟上作者的思路。但仅仅使用“first”“second”这样的连接词并不能保证作文结构的严谨流畅,还要注意让所有的观点与文章的主题相关,紧扣中心思想。Recently, there is a big debate on the issue that telling the truth or not is the mostimportant consideration in the relationship between people. For my experience, lthink telling a truth is the most important consideration in people"s relationship. lnthe following,I will illustrate my opinion by two reasons.First of all, honest make the trust stronger between friends or colleages. As weknow, if people tell a lie to others he will not be trusted, When he tell a truth, otherswill believe that he tells a lie. For example, a person who is honest to others, canget real help and get trust of others.Secondly, telling a lie always makes things worse not only in work but also infamily life. When somebody do something wrong in his job he should annouce hismistake to his manager. lf he don"t do that others may continue their jobs base onthe mistake. Consequently, the work will be worse and worse.On the contrary, sometimes it is better to tell a lie to others, such as telling a lieto a patient. As we know, the sick become worse when a cancer patient know hisillness. A good way to protect their life is to tell a lie. So that many doctors will nottell the truth to a dying patient.To sum up, people should tell the truth to maintain their relationship with otherpeople, although sometimes people have to tell a lie. People can get trust whenthey are honest to others.尽管文章篇幅较长且列举了许多例子,但各个观点之间缺乏紧密的联系,各自独立发展,导致读者在阅读过程中感到迷茫和困惑。换言之,文章应当保持内在的一致性。在评分标准中,“统一性”、“逐步深入”以及“连贯流畅”是衡量文章结构是否紧密、读者能否轻松跟随作者思维进程的关键要素。想要获得高分,文章结构的条理性和衔接的流畅性至关重要。建议大家多参考一些范文,从中积累一些实用的衔接词汇。04语言运用不和谐语言表达同样是评分的关键一环,要想获得高分,作文中必须展现出语言运用的和谐与流畅性。作文的句子应该结构多样,用词应该贴切得体,符合词性和语境,并保持风格统一。比如要表达“这名年轻女孩高挑苗条”,有的同学可能会写:This young girl is tall and skinny. 初看之下,“skinny”一词似乎颇为时髦,但运用不当,因为它常被用来描绘人极度消瘦、近乎皮包骨的状态,带有贬义色彩。而原句意在传达褒义,因此,更为恰当的词汇应为“slim”或“slender”。评分人还会评估句子结构的复杂程度以及考生所使用词汇的数量和复杂程度。使用非常简单的句子结构和非常基本的词汇,就不可能表达比较复杂的观点。因此如果考生写出的作文语言难懂、句子简单、词汇量有限,那么无论观点多么令人印象深刻,得分也不会高。总体来说在独立写作方面,评分人很看重观点的质量以及陈述观点的有效性。会从考生如何展开观点、组织文章结构以及语言运用来评估考生作文质量,所以大家在写作时可以基于以上几点进行文章展开~

S老师 @曼哈顿英语


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