近日,“中国麻辣烫在日本爆火”的词条突然登上了热搜。以“七宝麻辣烫”、“杨国福麻辣烫”为首的诸多麻辣烫专门店在日本成为了炙手可热的网红美食。据报道,如今在日本,麻辣烫店里的客人90%都是日本人。Malatang, a fiery dish from China, has become a beloved delicacy in Japan. Reports indicate that ninety percent of the customers in these establishments are Japanese.
图源:生草字幕组中式麻辣烫(Malatang/spicy hotpot)在日本爆火,和大家健康意识的提高也有关系。热量较低的粉丝和可以自选的菜品,受到众多消费者追捧。
来店消费的顾客大约80%是女性,在社交平台上也能看到有人发帖说“是被健身教练推荐来的”。Eighty percent of the customers dining in are women, drawn in by the low calorie content of the malatang. There are also mentions on social media of some being recommended to try it by their fitness trainers.
排长队的麻辣烫店中,“七宝麻辣汤”有自己的独门配方。用30多种药膳调味品和药膳豆酱“七宝酱”,熬煮出既香辣又浓郁的汤底是“七宝麻辣汤”的特色,这在日本食客看来“感觉挺养生的”。Qibao Malatang has become a popular choice among many customers in Japan due to its flavorful and rich broth made from over 30 medicinal herbs, along with the option to select your own ingredients for an extra fee.
图源:生草字幕组其实早在前几年,杨国福麻辣烫就已经开到了日本,但因为最近被一个电视节目拍摄并播出,一下子人气暴涨。去排队吃杨国福,已经成为日本年轻人中的时髦活动,甚至有人坐着轮椅都要去排队……The Yang Guofu Malatang, which started a few years ago, has quickly gained popularity in Japan after being recommended on a variety show. Waiting in line to eat at Yang Guofu has become a fashionable activity among young people in Japan.
日本杨国福排队的人群 图源:小红书@Q小莉平均一碗麻辣烫2000日元,折合人民币约95元。这让在日本的留学生们纷纷感慨:“以前的麻辣烫我爱答不理,现在的杨国福我高攀不起。”麻辣烫在韩国也是“顶流” 这并不是麻辣烫第一次在国外爆火。早在2022年,麻辣烫就在韩国成为了“顶流”。有数据显示,麻辣烫广受韩国年轻人欢迎,尤其初高中女生对于麻辣烫的喜爱度已经反超韩国的传统小吃炒年糕。Malatang has also become immensely popular among Koreans in recent years, especially among those in their 20s and 30s, as well as female diners.
图源:央视财经因为不同于辣炒年糕、火鸡辣年糕等高碳水辣食,麻辣烫有肉有菜,营养更均衡。Compared to spicy foods that were trending previously, such as stir-fried rice cake or fiery chicken, which are heavy in carbohydrates, malatang has a healthier balance, including fresh vegetables and meat.《韩国时报》就曾经发表过一篇关于中国麻辣烫风靡韩国的文章。
中国的麻辣小吃挑动韩国民众味蕾。 看文章的配图,街头小吃麻辣烫喜提配菜,成为精致盘中餐。
文章表示,中国的麻辣烫现在成为了韩国最新的火爆小吃(the latest culinary hit)。其中,作者这样形容麻辣烫的独特风味:Just like popular street foods yupki-tteokboki or extra hot stir-fried rice cake and fiery chicken, malatang, which originated in the Southwest Chinese province of Sichuan, is especially hot because of the main ingredient, mala. 麻辣烫源于中国四川省,和韩国流行街头小吃火鸡辣年糕一样,麻辣烫因为其麻辣原料而有着独具特色的口感。The dish is well-known for its unique spiciness that makes the tongue numb just as its Chinese characters indicate—"ma" means numb and "la" means spicy.麻辣烫因其独特的辣味而知名,这种辣味让你舌尖发麻,菜名“麻”“辣”二字就是指这种刺激的口感。
The mala sauce, which contains Sichuan pepper, gives the attractively spicy flavor that keeps people coming back for more. 麻辣酱的配料包括花椒,这使得麻辣烫的辣味独具一格,让食客流连忘返。另外吸引韩国食客的还有去店里吃麻辣烫,拿小筐筐挑选自己爱吃的食材这种体验:Upon entering a malatang restaurant, diners are asked to choose fresh ingredients to add to their hotpot, such as vegetables, seafood balls, tofu, and mushrooms, along with their preferred meat — usually lamb or beef.在麻辣烫店里,食客可以选择自己喜欢的新鲜食材,比如蔬菜、海鲜丸子、豆腐、蘑菇还有他们*喜欢的菜,一般都是牛羊肉。Chosen ingredients are cooked in two ways: as a soup, malatang, or fried, mala xiangguo. Customers can also choose the level of spiciness.选好食物后,一般有两种烹调的方式:带汤的麻辣烫和炒制的麻辣香锅,顾客还可以自己选择辣度。
近年来,随着中华文化走出去的脚步不断加快,中国美食也渐渐征服了全世界的味蕾。所以你吃麻辣烫*喜欢的食材是什么呢?快来和我们分享吧!编辑:黎霈融来源:参考消息 生草字幕组END【声明】内容转载自网络,版权归原作者或平台所有,如有侵权请联系删除。欢迎大家关注我们的新媒体平台: 微信公众号:星度国际翻译微信公众号:星度外语微信公众号:星度环球文化小红书:星度环球留学小红书:星度环球语言微博:星度环球文化微博:星度国际翻译知乎:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度环球文化