



电影《哪吒之魔童降世》中,魔丸与灵珠最终都成为了英雄,这也为我们揭示了教育的真谛:每个孩子都是独特的个体,都蕴含着无限可能。教育理念冲突、青春期叛逆,家长们常常陷入焦虑:如何才能和孩子和谐相处?如何培养孩子的自觉性?带着这些问题,泛洋文华学校直播间邀请到我国著名的心理学专家轩妤,为家长带来不一样的视角解读。In the movie《The Descent of Nezha the Magic Child》, both Mokumaru and Lingzhu end up becoming heroes, which reveals to us the true meaning of education: every child is a unique individual and contains unlimited possibilities.Conflicting educational philosophies and adolescent rebellion, parents often fall into anxiety: how can they live in harmony with their children? How to cultivate children"s self-awareness? With these questions, TRANSCULTURE ACADEMY invited Xuan Yu, a famous psychology expert in China, to bring a different perspective to parents.


从最初的对抗、疏离,到最后的理解与和解,哪吒母子的互动,深刻揭示了亲子关系中的核心矛盾:爱的表达与接收信息之间的错位。建立和谐的亲子关系,需要家长首先完成自我认知的转变。专家提示:家长们也需要放下对孩子的固有期待,真正理解并接纳孩子的独特性。这种接纳不是放任,而是建立在深入了解基础上的智慧引导。From initial confrontation and alienation to final understanding and reconciliation, the interaction between Nezha"s mother and son profoundly reveals the core contradiction in parent-child relationships: the mismatch between the expression and reception of love. To build a harmonious parent-child relationship, parents need to first change their self-perception. Tips: Parents also need to let go of their inherent expectations of their children and truly understand and accept their children"s uniqueness. This acceptance is not indulgence, but rather wise guidance based on a deeper understanding.


培养孩子的自觉性,关键在于激发内在动机。哪吒从叛逆到担当的转变,正是内在觉醒的过程。家长们通过设定合理的目标、给予适度的自主权、建立正向的反馈,帮助孩子找到自我驱动的力量。专家提示:在国际教育的环境下,这种自觉性不仅体现在学业上,更体现在跨文化适应、独立生活能力等方面。The key to fostering self-awareness in children is to stimulate intrinsic motivation. Nezha"s transformation from rebellious to responsible is precisely the process of inner awakening. Parents can help their children find the power of self-motivation by setting reasonable goals, giving them a moderate degree of autonomy, and establishing a positive feedback mechanism.Tips: In an international education environment, this self-awareness is not only reflected in academics, but also in cross-cultural adaptation and the ability to live independently.




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