


在这个追求自我突破的时代,拒绝疗法(Rejection T...

在这个追求自我突破的时代,拒绝疗法(Rejection Therapy)逐渐成为一种新兴的自我挑战和提升方式。它旨在通过不断挑战自我,主动寻求拒绝的体验,从而克服被拒绝的恐惧以及改善社交焦虑。拒绝疗法让许多人发现了面对恐惧的勇气和自信,最终重新定义了自我价值,但它真的适合所有人吗?


"Get out of your comfort zone."“走出你的舒适区。”"Take no for an answer."“接受‘不’作为答案。”"Do something every day that makes you feel uncomfortable."“每天做一些让自己感到不舒服的事情。”If you"ve spent any time on social media you"ll be used to seeing these motivational memes.如果你花时间浏览社交媒体的话,你就会习惯看到这些带有激励性话语的表情包。And you might have been seeing more recently thanks to the "rejection therapy" trend.而且,由于“拒绝疗法” 趋势的兴起,你在近期可能会看到更多类似的表情包和话语。The most basic version involves pushing yourself to make a silly request or ask a question that"s almost certain to get turned down.“拒绝疗法”*基础的情形是强迫自己提出一个愚蠢的要求或问一个几乎肯定会被拒绝的问题。Do it enough times, the theory goes, and you"ll desensitise yourself to rejection and boost your confidence.理论上讲, 如果这样做足够多次,你就会变得对拒绝不那么敏感, 并且会增强你的自信心。Others take it further, performing wacky, harmless stunts that will attract attention -  and possible judgement from strangers - in public.其他人则更进一步,在公共场合做出一些古怪、无伤大雅的特技来吸引陌生人的注意,甚至可能招致他们的评头论足。While it"s not an officially recognised form of therapy, some people will tell you it"s changed their lives.虽然它不是一种得到官方认可的治疗方式,但有些人会告诉你它改变了他们的生活。But, professionals tell BBC Newsbeat, it"s not for everyone.但专业人士告诉 BBC Newsbeat,它(拒绝疗法)并不适合所有人。One person who swears by rejection therapy is Sophie Jones.索菲·琼斯是一位坚信的排斥疗法的人。The 22-year-old from Warrington says she was inspired to try it because she was always scared to speak up at work or make plans with friends.这位来自沃灵顿的 22 岁女孩说,她之所以想尝试一下,是因为她总是害怕在工作中说话或与朋友制定计划。She says she quickly learned that you might not always get the response you expect.她说她很快就意识到你可能并不总是能得到你所期望的回应。"I"ve realised that people do not like to reject other people," she says.“我意识到人们不喜欢拒绝别人, ” 她说。"It is very rare that I"ve got a straight-up "no" from somebody - I always get an awkward laugh or, like, a "why?""“我很少会从别人那里得到直接的‘不’——他们总是会尴尬地笑笑,或者问‘为什么?’”Sophie actually jumped in at the deep end when she first tried rejection therapy in May this year.今年 5 月, 当索菲第一次尝试拒绝疗法时, 她实际上陷入了困境。She filmed herself dancing in a public park - something that would normally have terrified her.她拍摄了自己在公园里跳舞的视频——通常这件事会让她感到害怕。As her comfort zone quickly expanded she began to care less about what others thought of her.随着她的舒适区迅速扩大,她开始不再关心别人对她的看法。"Within three days I started to feel less judgement from people," she says.“三天之内, 我开始感觉人们的评头论足减少了, ” 她说。"My whole mindset has changed."“我的整个心态都改变了。”Sophie now regularly posts videos on TikTok of her challenging herself in increasingly eye-catching ways.索菲现在定期在 TikTok 上发布她以越来越引人注目的方式挑战自己的视频。That"s included painting herself green and walking around busy areas, and her most popular upload, where she stands in the middle of an aeroplane and loudly tells the other passengers to "have a good flight", got 16 million views.其中包括将自己涂成绿色并在繁忙地区行走,她*受欢迎的视频是她站在飞机中间大声和其他乘客说“祝您旅途愉快”,该视频获得了 1600 万次观看。The awkward silence afterwards would once have mortified her, but not any more.随后的尴尬沉默曾令她感到羞愧,但现在她不会了。"I just really don"t stay up at night thinking about what the people think about me any more, which is obviously really lovely," says Sophie.索菲说:“我真的不再熬夜思考别人对我的看法了,这真的很棒。”Dr Louise Goddard-Crawley is a psychologist specialising in attachment and relationships.路易丝·戈达德·克劳利博士是一位专门研究依附和人际关系的心理学家。She says she"s cautious about rejection therapy.她说她对拒绝疗法持谨慎态度。"I understand the idea of intentionally seeking out rejection to lose the fear of it," she says.她说:“我理解故意寻求拒绝以消除对拒绝的恐惧的想法。”"It can help to build resilience. But it doesn"t necessarily mean it will lessen the sting of the rejection. It could have the opposite effect and make you retreat a little bit more into that comfort zone."“它可以帮助(人们)增强韧性。但这并不一定意味着它会减轻被拒绝的痛苦。它可能会产生相反的效果, 让你更加退回到舒适区。”Clinical psychologist Dr Jake Easto points out that there isn"t any published scientific research to show rejection therapy actually helps people.临床心理学家杰克·伊斯托博士指出,目前还没有任何已发表的科学研究表明拒绝疗法确实对人们有帮助。He"d call it a self-help technique instead.他反而称之为一种自我帮助的技巧。But, he says, the basic theories behind it seem "quite sound" and he can understand the appeal of it.但他说,其背后的基本理论似乎“非常合理” ,他可以理解它的吸引力。"I think "rejection therapy" has been able to package some well-established techniques in a new and fun package," he says.“我认为‘拒绝疗法’能够将一些成熟的技术以一种新颖而有趣的方式结合在一起,” 他说。"As a self-help technique I think it could definitely help people and encourage people to make positive changes."“作为一种自我帮助技术,我认为它肯定可以帮助人们并鼓励人们做出积极的改变。”However, rejection therapy isn"t tailored to individuals in the same way as more established methods with good evidence behind them, he says.然而,他表示,拒绝疗法并不像更成熟且有充分证据支持的疗法那样针对个人情况进行量身定制。Dr Easto says cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), for example, is often used for treating disorders including PTSD, OCD and anxiety in a more targeted way.伊士托博士举例说,认知行为疗法 (CBT) 通常用于以更有针对性的方式治疗包括创伤后应激障碍、强迫症和焦虑症在内的疾病。"The tasks in rejection therapy need to be a bit more generalised, due to being targeted at a mass audience,"he says.他说:“由于拒绝疗法针对的是大众,因此其任务需要更加普遍一些。”Sophie is convinced that rejection therapy has helped her, and says she gets contacted frequently by people who"ve been inspired to try it.索菲确信拒绝疗法对她有帮助,并说经常有人联系她并鼓励她尝试这种疗法。"People saying they"ve not gone out in months and they"ve gone for a little walk around the park because of me fills me with absolute joy, because that was honestly one of the things I was apprehensive about," she says.“人们说他们已经好几个月没出门了,现在因为我,他们去了公园散散步,这让我感到非常高兴, 因为说实话,这是我担心的事情之一,” 她说。"The amount of people that have said they"re inspired by it is very heartwarming and is fulfilling."“很多人都说他们受到了启发,这让人感到非常暖心和满足。”Dr Goddard-Crawley says that anyone with more severe social anxiety should seek deeper, personal therapy to work out where it comes from.戈达德-克劳利博士说,任何患有严重社交焦虑症的人都应该寻求更深层次的个人治疗,以找出焦虑的根源。She"s seen progress in people taking on rejection therapy, but says you also need to understand where the fear of rejection comes from.她看到人们接受拒绝疗法后取得了进步,但她说,你还需要了解对排斥的恐惧来自哪里。She says that if you"re told "no" you should understand it"s about the other person"s circumstances and not your own worth.她说,如果有人对你说“不” ,你应该知道,这与对方的情况有关,而与你自己的价值无关。"If you"re rejected, you"ll survive, you"ll be okay."“如果你被拒绝了,你还是会好好的,你会没事的。”END【声明】内容整理自网络,版权归原作者或平台所有,如有侵权请联系删除。欢迎大家关注我们的新媒体平台: 微信公众号:星度国际翻译微信公众号:星度外语微信公众号:星度环球文化小红书:星度环球留学小红书:星度环球语言微博:星度环球文化微博:星度国际翻译知乎:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度环球文化


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