




论据:是为证明论点而准备的证据材料,是论证过程中不可缺少的部分。论据应该真实、可靠、典型、相关、多样,并且与论点相匹配。论据可以包括事实、数据、引用、例子、个人经历等 。



题目:Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like football. While other people think that taking part in individual sports, like tennis, is better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


 One of the advantages of playing team sports is that they can foster a sense of cooperation and camaraderie among the players. Team sports require the participants to work together towards a common goal, which can enhance their communication skills, problem-solving abilities and mutual trust. For example, football players need to coordinate their movements, pass the ball and support each other on the field, which can help them develop a strong bond and a shared identity. Moreover, team sports can also provide more opportunities for social interaction and friendship, as players can share their joys and frustrations, celebrate their victories and learn from their defeats together. 


中心论点:One of the advantages of playing team sports is that they can foster a sense of cooperation and camaraderie among the players. 这句话明确地表达了作者对于团队运动的一个积极看法,与题目的要求相符。

论据一:Team sports require the participants to work together towards a common goal, which can enhance their communication skills, problem-solving abilities and mutual trust. 这句话用一个事实来支持论点,说明团队运动的本质特征和对参与者的影响,具有逻辑性和相关性。

论据二:For example, football players need to coordinate their movements, pass the ball and support each other on the field, which can help them develop a strong bond and a shared identity. 这句话用一个具体的例子来进一步说明论据一的内容,增加了论据的典型性和可信度。

论据三:Moreover, team sports can also provide more opportunities for social interaction and friendship, as players can share their joys and frustrations, celebrate their victories and learn from their defeats together. 这句话用Moreover来引出另一个方面的论据,说明团队运动不仅对参与者的个人能力有益,而且对他们的社交关系也有好处,扩展了论点的范围和深度。

论证关系:这个段落中,作者使用了一些连接词和因果词来阐述清楚论点和论据之间的逻辑关系,比如which, for example, moreover, as等。这些词语可以帮助读者理解作者的思路和观点,也可以使段落更加流畅和连贯。


I think team sports are better than individual sports because they are more fun and exciting. Team sports can make people happy and energetic. They can also help people make friends and learn teamwork. Individual sports are boring and lonely. They only focus on personal skills and achievements. They do not have the same spirit and passion as team sports.


中心论点:I think team sports are better than individual sports because they are more fun and exciting. 这句话表达了作者的个人观点,但没有明确地说明团队运动有什么具体的优势,只用了一些主观的形容词,如fun和exciting,缺乏客观的依据。

论据一:Team sports can make people happy and energetic. 这句话用一个可以的表达来说明团队运动的一个可能的效果,但没有提供任何事实或数据来支持这一说法,也没有解释为什么团队运动可以使人快乐和有活力,缺乏逻辑性和可信度。

论据二:They can also help people make friends and learn teamwork. 这句话用一个也可以的表达来说明团队运动的另一个可能的效果,但同样没有提供任何证据或例子来证明这一说法,也没有阐述为什么团队运动可以帮助人们交朋友和学习团队合作,缺乏典型性和相关性。

论据三:Individual sports are boring and lonely. They only focus on personal skills and achievements. They do not have the same spirit and passion as team sports. 这句话用一个是的表达来否定个人运动的价值,但没有给出任何理由或论据来支持这一观点,只是用了一些主观的评价,如boring和lonely,缺乏客观性和公正性。



朗老师 @南京朗阁


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