提到校园生活,大家都对期末周印象深刻。特别是期末那段早起图书馆占座,熬夜备考的时光。毕竟大家总是免不了有些考前焦虑(testing- anxiety)。雅思口语话题和大家的日常生活息息相关
During the final’s week, it’s absolutely packed and you have to ask people to hold you a spot. I don’t think I have ever seen a single person at XXX university who has never pulled an all- nighter.
“期末”我们可以说finals,final's week, “图书馆满满当当都是人”(be packed), “提前占座”(ask sb to hold you a spot)这里spot指的就是座位。“熬夜/开夜车”的英文是pull an all-nighter = stay up late,pull an all-nighter在年轻人中常常指考前熬通宵,或者上班党拼命通宵加班。
“临时抱佛脚,恶补”可以用cram through/ for sth,比如I'm just cramming through this article.
期末同学们除了看书复习外,还会把老师的PPT讲义(lecture slides)打印下来复习,比如I'm just going through these lecture slides to study for the exam I have tomorrow.同时,为了提高复习效率 (increase productivity), 我们可以提前做好复习日程表(schedule = timetable), 列出考前重点 (priority), 把大目标分解成小任务(divide into small tasks),列出to-do list,每完成一项任务打勾 (tick sth off = check sth off)。当然你也可以不做任何时间管理(time management),因为你更习惯自由复习,比如I’m a spontaneous person and I would like to embrace the uncertainty of life.
我们当然希望复习的时候可以全神贯注在复习内容上,但开小差也是避免不了的(be distracted = wander),比如I was just distracted the entire time. It’s a mess. / You’re trying to concentrate, but your mind is wandering or you’re easily distracted.