大家好,欢迎收听本周VEEKids电台。今天文章的主题关于荷兰旅游业的过度开发与管理。在全世界范围,景区过度开发的现象屡见不鲜:商铺林立的“江南古镇”;人头攒动的“人间仙境”; 更不用提环境保护(environmentalism)、动物保护(animal rights)等新闻几乎每周引发热议。我们不禁要问:“旅游业发展带来经济效益的同时,破坏了地区建设,这一代价是否过高?有何方法可以把破坏降到*低?亦或两者间的平衡是否有可能达到?”Too crowded
Dutch tourism office will try to limit the number of foreign visitors as the land of tulips and windmills complains of overcrowding. Arguing that "more is not always better", the Netherlands will stop promoting tourism and switch its strategy to "destination management".Overcrowding in tourist hotspots, especially Amsterdam, could reduce the quality of life for local residents and turn them against foreign visitors, officials have warned.荷兰以郁金香和风车闻名于世。由于过度拥挤,该国旅游部门将尝试限制外国游客人数。荷兰旅游部门表示,“更多并不意味着更好”,该国将不再推广旅游,转而开始“旅游管理”。旅游部门官员提醒说,荷兰众多热门景区,特别是阿姆斯特丹,游客爆满,这会导致当地居民生活质量下降,使他们反对外国游客的到来。
‘Calling for "quality tourists" who "add value and don"t cause a nuisance", the tourist board has urged a policy of "develop and discourage" to stop attracting undesirable groups. Among the measures under consideration is a tourist tax similar to that in some destinations of Spain and Italy. Local authorities are also urged to consider closing certain attractions which are popular with undesirable tourists.’荷兰旅游部门希望吸引“能为本国增值且不惹麻烦的高质量游客”,并敦促推出“发展和阻止并行”的政策,防止一些不受欢迎的游客到来。商议中的措施包括类似于西班牙和意大利一些旅游目的地推出的游客税。旅游部门还敦促当地政府考虑关闭一些旅游景点,一些不受欢迎的游客经常前往这些地方。
"Too often, the interests of the local population have been considered of lesser importance in developing tourism.""In order for Holland to be developed in a future-proof way, we must opt for activities that contribute to the shared interests of these groups."Particularly in cities and iconic locations, excessive pressure may impact livability, whereas other places in Holland still benefit insufficiently from the opportunities and economic impulse that tourism may provide.’荷兰旅游委员会说:“很多时候,人们认为发展旅游业比当地人的利益更重要。”“为了让荷兰长久发展,我们必须让旅游政策符合游客和当地居民的共同利益。”“特别是在城市和标志性景区,过度的压力可能会影响宜居性,而荷兰其他地区还没有充分享受到游客带来的红利,以及旅游业对经济的推动。”
"We want to draw different visitors to different places in Holland, where possible at different times," tourist officials have said. "By distributing future visitors more evenly across Holland, more regions and locals will benefit from the value of visits."旅游部门官员说:“我们希望吸引不同的游客在不同的时间前往荷兰不同的地方游览。”“通过在将来引导游客更均衡地前往荷兰各地,更多的地区和当地人会从游客带来的价值中获益。”
Discuss with your friends: ‘How can we make a balance between tourism and local development?’