
Good Time Management.



大家好,欢迎收听本周电台。暑假的第二周已经过去,如果你已经制定了英语学习计划,现在正是施行并调整的时机;如果你仍然沉浸在追剧或游戏的欢乐中,或许你该考虑制定计划,否则下学期初学霸们的进步会使你懊恼自己的懈怠。而优秀的计划都有一个共同的特点,也是今天的主题:Good Time Management.

Time management is the process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities.时间管理,指的是计划与控制要在某个事情上花多少时间的过程。Good time management allows an individual to complete more in a shorter period of time, lowers the amount of stress, and leads to career success. Scientists are often passionate about their research, and frequently work long hours. However, it is not necessary to become a workaholic. If you attempt to accomplish too many tasks simultaneously, the most likely outcome is that you will be overwhelmed in the forlorn hope of ‘catching up’.良好的时间管理让人事半功倍,帮人舒缓压力,走上职业成功之路。科学家们经常热衷于他们的研究,而且经常工作很长时间。然而,要成为一个优秀的科学家,其实没有必要成为一个工作狂。如果你试图同时完成过多的任务,*有可能的结果是,明明完成不了,但为了“赶上进度”,你自己就先垮掉。

Here are some suggestions on what we can do:01# Finish what you"ve started 按部就班

This is the core idea: Where possible, working a single task to completion is more efficient. When you sit down to work, you spend a few minutes just getting "settled in" before you"re productive. If you jump from task to half-finished task all the time, that"s a lot of minutes lost to "rolling up your sleeves."核心观点是:尽量把手边任务完成。当你坐下着手某个任务时,常常需要一段时间让自己进入高效状态。如果总是每个小任务中途又开始另一项任务,那么花费在‘卷起袖子入定’的时间成本会损失惨重。02# Think small. 小处着手

You can"t always spend several hours working straight through on a single big job. Don"t think in those terms. Use a simple to-do list, and take each item to completion without interruption, unless something"s literally on fire. An example for the job-seeker: It"s not “I"ll look for jobs this afternoon," it"s checking emails for replies to previous applications, scanning preferred job sites, writing cover letters, and tweaking your resume for each solid lead, etc。很难做到在一项任务上连续集中几个小时。不妨换一个思路,把需要达成的项目拆分成细节的任务清单,并在没有紧急事件干扰的情况下把每一项任务按时完成。拿找工作举个例子,不要想着:我今天下午要找到满意的职位,而应当检查当前的申请是否有邮件回覆;扫描并排查职位offer,修改求职信和简历等等。03# Quit stalling. 绝不拖延

Once you"re organizing by simple components, it"s easier to dive right into the small tasks. It takes a lot of warm up and deep breaths before you jump off a high-dive and we"re less hesitant about walking down a flight of steps。一旦组织整理好任务清单和具体事项,就能更容易投入到精准的任务目标中。总所周知,在潜水时需要做大量的热身工作,但进入潜水之后,我们就不会再踌躇不前了。Try this: Make Your Own Learning Plans

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