// Goodbyeto_Sheldon近几周的电台内容受...
// Goodbye to _Sheldon 近几周的电台内容受到Cici老师的吐槽——话题过于沉重!巴黎圣母院失火(第九期)、景区拥挤(十一期)、甚至在出师表(第十期)里也提到东汉帝国倾覆。根据Cici老师的指示,必须增加氛围轻松的话题。今天的文章以幽默的笔触‘纪念’迎来终结的热门美剧《The Big Bang Theory》。 P.S. 不涉及剧透且已经完结。
Grab some Chinese food, invite your friends over and snag "your spot" on the couch because we"re just a few days away from the series finale of The Big Bang Theory!From CBS" "The Big Bang Theory" drew 12.6 million live viewers last week, while HBO"s "Game of Thrones" had 12.5 million.The long-running CBS comedy is officially coming to a close this Thursday, May 16 with a special two-episode event and it"s shaping up to be a finale that fans will never forget.But if you"re already quietly singing "Soft Kitty" to yourself because you"re sad to see it go, well then, we"ve got something that will make you happier than Sheldon at Legoland...ET has gathered up some exclusive secrets you need to know before turning into Big Bang"s last goodbye!准备一些中国菜,请朋友过来,在沙发上占个“自己的位置”,因为距离《生活大爆炸》的剧终没两天了。据尼尔森公司称,上周,哥伦比亚广播公司的《生活大爆炸》吸引了1260万名观众观看,而《权力的游戏》观众为1250万名。哥伦比亚广播公司推出的这部生活情景喜剧已经播放了多年,将于本周四(5月16日)正式落幕,当天将播出最后两集特别版作为大结局,永远留在粉丝记忆中。但如果你对剧终感到伤怀,已经开始默默哼唱插曲《软软的凯蒂》,那么,我们准备的这篇文章可能会让你比乐高乐园的谢耳朵还要快乐。在收看大结局之前,《今夜娱乐》收集了七个剧情揭秘,粉丝必备,一起来看看吧。
● Why End It Now? 为什么此时剧终?After 12 seasons -- often as TV’s number-one comedy -- and with multimillion-dollar salaries, you might be wondering why the cast of The Big Bang Theory would want to say goodbye to this geektastic show.《生活大爆炸》通常是电视台*受欢迎的喜剧,剧中的演员也赚得了数百万美元的薪水。在播放了12季之后,你也许会纳闷他们为什么想和这部充满极客风格的剧集说再见。Turns out, it was Emmy Award-winning actor Jim Parsons who decided that the time was right to close the doors on Sheldon and Leonard’s apartments. “I had just turned 46 and I don’t know. It just seemed like the right time in life to go, OK, what’s next?” Parsons explained.其实是因为,曾获得艾美奖的演员吉姆·帕森斯(“谢耳朵”扮演者)决定是时候关上“谢耳朵”和莱纳德的公寓大门了。今年4月份,吉姆·帕森斯在接受采访时说:“我已经46岁了,我也搞不清楚,似乎是时候让生活继续往下走了,是吧,下一步要做什么呢?”
● Each Character Gets Time to Shine: 每个角色都有机会出场With such a big cast, the executive producers wanted to make sure that every member of our geek-chic group had an ending that fans would be pleased with. “We really have always felt that it was an ensemble show, so we wanted to make sure that everyone kind of had their moment to shine in the finale,” Holland revealed.《生活大爆炸》有如此强大的演员阵容,执行制作人想要确保这个极客风格团队的每位成员都有个让粉丝们满意的结局。史蒂夫·霍兰德解释说:“我们真的总是觉得,这是一场全体演出,所以我们想确保每个人都能在大结局中闪亮登场。”
●The Two-Part Episode Has Tons of Easter Eggs:最后两集有很多彩蛋The one-hour finale is jam-packed with inside jokes, on-set secrets and never-before-seen moments that only true Big Bang fans will notice -- including a sparkly return and an emotional math problem.一小时的大结局充满了圈内玩笑、片场秘密、以及只有真正的《生活大爆炸》粉丝才能看出的从未见过的瞬间,包括一个耀眼的人物回归和一个情绪化的数学问题。
● Pair work: Discussion on A TV show that you’ve been following